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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Then the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user are completely gone or corrupted. Have you redone the flash drive for some reason? Do you have a backup of the flash drive? If not, then you have to expand all the carets on the docker tab, take a ton of screenshots then recreate the docker.img file and then reinstall all your containers and set them up according to your screenshots
  2. If log size is the issue, that won't work. You would need to delete the image to get that to work. See https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564326 @tmoran000 Post a screenshot of the popup that happens when you click Container Size on the Docker Tab
  3. Settings - Network Settings. Set your DNS addresses (currently they are set to "...") to either / or /
  4. Reboot. Other than that, best guess is your flash drive is pooched. There is nothing wrong in the .plg file that would give a parse error.
  5. Personally, I use OpenDNS as while I completely understand exactly why they track your DNS requests (they're not in business to provide a service, but rather in business to make money) I'd prefer not to have my requests tracked. Beyond the fact that unRaid has zero advertisements present and no need for pihole to block any requests, it does introduce another variable into the equation that isn't necessary. And it has already been proven to block / interfere with requests. I'm sure there are logs as to what is being blocked by pi-hole.
  6. It's a problem with the docker image or your cache drive
  7. It has nothing to do with any given docker container being installed.
  8. Should be noted that you can also use any random PNG you want for the icon. Just select Custom
  9. Most times nothing adverse will happen, but we don't know if the server crashed, or just stopped responding. IE: I wouldn't be surprised if parity is NOT completed building.
  10. Million reasons. BIOS not up to date, bad memory, hardware not perfectly compatible with passthrough etc etc But, what do you mean by "very rarely manage to start it". Does it start and exit? Do you get an error starting it? Not that I'm the VM guy here, but more detail will be needed.
  11. Since you can't login to the UI or via SSH or at the local console, then no. unlikely. You should post the diagnostics showing the MCE errors
  12. Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: Hardware event. This is not a software error. Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: MCE 0 Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: CPU 3 BANK 0 TSC 7fce9dfb56 Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: TIME 1587811657 Sat Apr 25 11:47:37 2020 Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: MCG status: Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: MCi status: Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: Corrected error Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: Error enabled Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: MCA: Internal parity error Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: STATUS 9000004000010005 MCGSTATUS 0 Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: MCGCAP c09 APICID 6 SOCKETID 0 Apr 25 11:57:57 Tower root: MICROCODE 21 Quick googling suggests that it's either because of an overclock, or is a known issue with your CPU (ie: ignore) You should also power down and reseat the cabling to your Corsair SSD Apr 25 13:16:58 Tower kernel: ata3.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED Apr 25 13:16:58 Tower kernel: ata3.00: cmd 61/00:90:b0:9e:66/06:00:01:00:00/40 tag 18 ncq dma 786432 out Apr 25 13:16:58 Tower kernel: res 40/00:88:b0:94:66/00:00:01:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error) Apr 25 13:16:58 Tower kernel: ata3.00: status: { DRDY } Apr 25 13:16:58 Tower kernel: ata3: hard resetting link Apr 25 13:16:58 Tower kernel: ata3: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 310)
  13. It tends to be mitigated if you stick exclusively with either binhex or linuxserver (you're running one of each), as the default mappings will match, but there is no problem with mixing and matching from authors. You just have to watch for the differing defaults.
  14. Deluge / Radarr has the container paths don't match. Change Radarr's container path of /downloads -> /mnt/disks/SEED/downloads to be /data -> /mnt/disks/SEED/downloads Deluge is telling Radarr the movie is in /data/movies/.... But Radarr doesn't have a /data hence the message https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  15. Tools - Diagnostics. Post entire zip file here
  16. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  17. Yeah, I have no real good clue as to what happens if both are installed simultaneously. I'd do plugins, remove v1 then reboot and go from there
  18. My work flow I have /usr/local/emhttp/plugins shared over the network. I do all development work on a Windows box with the files opened in Network++ When I want to either publish or test out the plugin on another system, I just issue two commands in my putty session that copies the files back on to the Windows box (which hosts the local GitHub repository), and builds the .txz On the other servers, I simply installpkg the .txz from the Windows box (the repos are shared over the network) When I publish, I just change the version of the .plg file and update the md5 listed in the file and push to GitHub. Works perfect and painless for me. And has the upshot that I can directly program on any of the servers and easily build the txz to test the changes on the other ones.
  19. You need to ask in it's support thread
  20. It's your cache pool causing you issues. It appears to me that one of the members died / dropped offline @johnnie.black
  21. Switch to advanced view (top right). There's probably an orphan there. Delete it and plex again. Then Apps - Previous Apps and reinstall
  22. Easiest way would be to post in the UD support thread and have him change it on the plugin.
  23. To get CA to work with a proxy, place the attached file into /config/plugins/community.applications on the flash drive. Edit to suit If it doesn't work PM me and we'll work out a testing routine proxy.cfg
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