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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Set up all the drives present as data drives and start the array. One will come up as unmointable stop the array and unassiģn that one. Restart the array and you'll have access to all your shares and can copy the backup. Shutdown and restore the backup onto the flash
  2. If docker and/or VMs are enabled, but not actually utilized, the drives will still spin down. But in your case, if you're not using them, then don't even enable them. It does improve write speed. But, for many users (myself included), I only use the cache drive for applications (ie: VMs / docker apps), and all writes for media go straight to the array. For me, the write speed is good enough, and most of the writes are all automated (new downloads etc), so I don't even notice if it's slower than if I wrote directly to the cache drive. Yes. Just enter in the appropriate info in Notification settings
  3. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/2-Ports-A-USB2-0-Female-Internal-Header-Adapter-9Pin-Motherboard-to-Double-Layer/133362513842?hash=item1f0d0677b2:g:WVoAAOSwnI9cf5Cn Solves all the problems with long sticks
  4. Beyond recreating the docker.img, not quite sure what to do there. Maybe advanced view on the docker page and delete them from there if they show up? unRaid's underlying system *thinks* that they're still there.
  5. How did you install them originally?
  6. Sounds like you've got a typo or other syntax error in the .conf file.
  7. Squid


    not real easy. Icons are part of the xml. If you're using a docker run command to create the container, there's no reason why you can't simply Add Container and enter in everything you want. But, you can add in an appropriately named icon to /var/lib/docker/unraid/images and it may pick it up
  8. Which means that you've never made any changes within Settings - Display Settings. @binhex Might want to add this to your FAQ or something.
  9. GPU Stats plugin? Intel GPU-Tools?
  10. Works for me. Obvious question is Num-Lock on? Different browser for some reason (ie: extension interfering)
  11. First off, /mnt/cache doesn't exist remotely and you'd have to do it via an smb share
  12. See if removing the docker folder plugin fixes you up (after a reboot). If it does, post in it's support thread.
  13. Have you looked to see if it's enabled in the bios?
  14. Post in the support thread for the plugin you've got installed "docker folders"
  15. Drive lifetime is probably longer if they never spin down.
  16. It works as a .png in 6.9 cp /boot/background.png /usr/share/slim/themes/default/background.png Add to within your go file You cannot change the Login screen however for the webUI. This is for the login screen / background when using the GUI boot mode
  17. Once you're talking about a spindown time of 24 hours, why not just set those drives to never spin down?
  18. Ze diagnostics are after you've rebooted. But what happened though from your description is that your flash drive either had problems or dropped offline. I would reseat it in the port (you will have to shutdown to do this), and then monitor the situation. It has nothing to do with installing preclear
  19. Post the diagnostics right after you try and do this again
  20. plugins-old-versions isn't used anymore and can be safely deleted. plugins-removed technically the contents can be deleted, but the Apps tab uses it to see what you've had installed previously and offers that up under it's Previous Apps Section. Keeping the .plgs in the removed folder has nothing to do with UD being uninstalled. If it's uninstalled, it's gone. Only .plg files within /config/plugins are actually installed.
  21. Your allocation method is "High Water". Files will go to Disk 1 until it has 4TB free then disk 2 until it has 4TB, and so on.
  22. Just check that its enabled in settings docker advances view with the service stopped
  23. Reformat and set it up again. Try and salvage what you can out of /config on it. If it looks like a messed up file name, then reasonable guess is the file is trashed. YMMV
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