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Everything posted by Squid

  1. By design so that you can easily reinstall if you have to You can delete the ones you no longer have any need of via command line or Krusader (or alternatively Appdata cleanup plugin -> but double and triple check what it offers to delete)
  2. I'm the last person to know how to use a proxy, but try something like this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/120/?tab=comments#comment-837251 To then have CA work through the proxy, do this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/122/?tab=comments#comment-848436
  3. Have you done the 2 things it's telling you to do in the logs?
  4. A small subset of users have some problems with excessive writes. LT is aware of the issue. AFAIK, I believe the initial thoughts on the root cause of the issue is encrypted drives (could be wrong). Myself on the other hand have a 500GB 970 EVO that in roughly 6 months has accumulated ~76TB in writes. And that is bang on where I expect it to be given my use case. I'm not particularly worried about it.
  5. It still is one "library" Same as the two included paths /library/Movies and /library/TV are one library
  6. Why not simply add another path to the template? /library/TVShow1 mapped to /mnt/user/Media/...../show1, /library/TVShow2 mapped to /mnt/user/Media/..../show2
  7. You're on a "fork" of cache_dirs. Uninstall it then cache dirs from the Apps Tab.
  8. Do you also have unassigned devices + installed?
  9. Yes, but by and large the community of volunteers is who does the support And without diagnostics being posted, no one is going to be able to help. But, your first course of diagnosis is to start shutting down your containers one at a time and then see when that disappears. Personally though, I don't particularly worry about CPU % being utilized. If the CPU has something to do, then it has something to do. And the stats window isn't particularly the best place to guage what the server is actually doing because both it (and the dashboard) do consume CPU cycles. Your load average over the last 15 minutes of the screen shot is 0.68 which is basically nothing on an 8 core system. Now, if your writes to the SSD are increasing exponentially, then that is a different story.
  10. Unfortunately, a cron generator is way outside the scope of the plugin, and a manual entry would still be needed anyways to handle the very weird entries that are possible. But if I remember, next update I'll move the "what is cron" link to someplace more visible.
  11. Sorry, no. If you can't get anywhere with either your network settings or pfSense, then open a new thread in general support and include your diagnostics
  12. Probably because the container hasn't been initialized to run after a simple pull. IE: switching to docker run instead of docker pull doesn't result in an orphan, and starting the container after a pull via docker run also fixes the problem. Because no one has made a template for it. IE: There's far more needed to do get the container actually running then simply doing docker run romancin/tinymediamanager (That, and it probably wouldn't be a big stretch to say that there's a significant percentage of containers on dockerHub that actually do not work) But, you can enable docker hub searches in CA's settings which will allow you to search dockerHub and install (create a template for you to fill out) any random app on dockerHub. You are going to want to peruse https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566095
  13. To add a remote folder, the easiest thing to do is mount the remote folder with the Unassigned Devices Plugin. Then in the template add another path mapping of something like /remoteMedia mapped to /mnt/disks/whateverPathUDgaveYou with an access mode of Read/Write:Slave
  14. You've got network problems / pfSense is blocking unRaid from reaching GitHub and the backup server.
  15. Going forward, the minimum officially supported OS version for Community Applications is 6.8.3. Any issues with CA running on 6.4.0 -> 6.7.3 will not be fixed. Issues with unRaid versions 6.8.0 -> 6.8.2 may or may not be fixed depending upon the complexity. The only issues I possibly foresee with 6.8.0 -> 6.8.2 would be minor display aberrations. The minimum version for CA is still set to 6.4.0 as right now I still believe it will operate fine.
  16. You sure you haven't got the server in your router's DMZ, and that the ports you've forwarded to nginx / plex are correct? (And by nginx that you mean the docker container and NOT the webUI for unRaid)
  17. You need to post your entire diagnostics to put the snip into context
  18. Post your diagnostics (Tools - Diagnostics, post complete zip file to your next post)
  19. You're apparently not alone. But in this situation it's easier to simply make it manually. Format the new flash as FAT32, name it UNRAID and copy all the files from one to the other. Then run make_bootable as administrator.
  20. What do you mean by booted? What I see is that the system looked like it started normally. Then you unassigned the parity drives, reassigned them and restarted the array. The system starts to build the parity information and then you cancelled it.
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