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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Set static DNS addresses in Network Settings to something other than piHole ( /
  2. Post your diagnostics. Hard to say what's going on without seeing them. BUT, the odds are decent that you've set a minimum free space for appdata of say ~5-7GIG, the appdata is set to be cache-only, which means that it is indeed full according to your settings.
  3. Looking at it objectively The name HAS to be different. No way around it. If you're running in bridge mode, then the PORTS have to be different. Only one app can listen on a given port at a time If you're running in host mode, then you have to reconfigure the configuration within the app to reference a different port on one of the instances. (See next point) If the appdata for both instances point to the same config folder, then any config changes on one of the instances takes effect on both of them (ie: negates point above) If you run each app on it's own IP address, then technically yes you could completely share everything (except the name). BUT, then you would run into a caveat where each app *may* expect to have exclusive access to the appdata, and any changes one makes to it (saving metadata etc) may have unexpected consequences on the other instance since that instance may not be in a state that it will understand why what it assumes is it's appdata (that it assumes it has exclusive access to) suddenly for no reason just up and changed on it. YMMV
  4. You might want to post your diagnostics first before messing with proxies, just in case there is a configuration problem there.
  5. Nobody lets me be lazy anymore Next release has a delete icon in the top right that will delete the checked off apps.
  6. yes Long running processes cannot be killed via the abort button. (I've tried everything to try and kill the PID of children from the PID of the parent, and nothing works because of how everything works under the hood)
  7. There are no containers installed. Go to Apps / Previous Apps and check off what you want. My guess is that at some point you deleted the docker image (Settings - Docker) and never re-installed.
  8. The obvious to try is to disable pihole or set unRaid to not go through it (there's zero reason to have it go through piHole anyways)
  9. Certain combinations of hardware (CPU / motherboard) on occasion will issue an MCE during initialization, (probably either due to a microcode upgrade, or they're acting like rebellious teenagers and will just do whatever they want when they want). It can be safely ignored.
  10. Try editing the XML to instead of br / virbr0 to instead reference e1000 as the model https://forums.unraid.net/topic/59344-can-unraid-connect-to-network-using-a-virtual-bridge/
  11. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566095 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564341
  12. All your symptoms imply that, and the VM not starting also implies that. If / when you try and start the VM manually does it start or return a pop up error
  13. Did your IOMMU grouping change and/or the ID's you're stubbing change when the new controller is installed?
  14. Ethernet: Have you checked / replaced the cable or switched ports on the switch yet? Crashing: Post your diagnostics Other: Quick glance it also appears that you've got a loose / poor connection to one or more drives from the SAS controller
  15. TBH, it's always slightly annoyed me too. But, under the current GUI it would be confusing and/or error-prone for the user because you would have two buttons -> one that would reinstall everything checked off, and one that would delete the templates. Since as a general rule no body ever reads any confirmation dialog on any program in the world, I see a situation where someone clicks the incorrect button and has now lost all of their templates. I would rather show a list of a hundred templates than ever allow CA to impede a user to reinstall something they actually want (even through their own mistake) The safest way for you to do this is to delete what you don't want one at a time (as CA currently does), or for you to manually delete whatever you don't want out of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user. Perhaps I'll add on a multi-delete feature to one of the other plugins.
  16. The developer of the container (linuxserver) dropped all support for it and deleted the container altogether and advises everyone to switch to FreshRSS
  17. Settings / docker. Changing it only takes effect on any new installations
  18. Did you Basically zero chance the container will work, because you're not even doing the sample docker run (adjusted accordingly) command listed on the docker's page docker run -d --name=tinymediamanager \ -v /share/Container/tinymediamanager/config:/config \ -v /share/Container/tinymediamanager/media:/media \ -e GROUP_ID=0 -e USER_ID=0 -e TZ=Europe/Madrid \ -p 5800:5800 \ -p 5900:5900 \ romancin/tinymediamanager:latest
  19. But can you uninstall CA and then reinstall it fine?
  20. If you close the app from within it's UI, then it's off, and you would have to restart the container via Docker / Dashboard. If you no longer want to use it, then just stop the container.
  21. May 28 13:49:33 Alpha kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged May 28 13:49:33 Alpha kernel: [Hardware Error]: Corrected error, no action required. May 28 13:49:33 Alpha kernel: [Hardware Error]: CPU:1 (15:2:0) MC2_STATUS[Over|CE|MiscV|-|AddrV|-|-|CECC]: 0xdc25402000040136 May 28 13:49:33 Alpha kernel: [Hardware Error]: Error Addr: 0x00000002dd798938 May 28 13:49:33 Alpha kernel: [Hardware Error]: MC2 Error: Fill ECC error on data fills. May 28 13:49:33 Alpha kernel: [Hardware Error]: cache level: L2, tx: DATA, mem-tx: DRD Quick googling suggests that it might be power related https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/238454/hardware-error-in-syslog-after-gaming
  22. Easy solution is to set maria to start up before kodi (drag and drop on the docker page to set order. You can also set delays via advanced view)
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