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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Is this a trial key that you're using? Paid keys do attempt to contact the key server. I'd post your diagnostics.
  2. FYI, If you're using this plugin and are on 6.9.0-beta22, your plugins will not have been updating on a schedule. You will need to manually update (Plugins Tab), or hit the link from the banner when in the Auto Update Settings to update this plugin to version 2020.06.27+ for this to work on 6.9.0-beta22+ Also should re-iterate that when this plugin is set to Update All Plugins, it will also update any languages which you have installed.
  3. Make sure that the drive is formatted as FAT32, and not exFAT
  4. Apps - Previous Apps. Never have to worry about that again.
  5. Container Path : /Downloads Container Path : /data They are not the same. Change one or the other
  6. If template authoring mode is enabled in Settings - Docker (Stop to change), an edit page will always start in Advanced View. If it's disabled, it will always start in Basic View
  7. You bought ECC memory (and the associated CPU / motherboard) for one of two reasons: So that when an error is detected (and subsequently corrected) you would go and replace the bad DIMM before the errors become uncorrectable. So that when an error is detected (and subsequently corrected) it would buy you some time before the errors become uncorrectable and you then have to buy a replacement DIMM They may *seem* rare, but only when an access to the affected memory happens is the MCE going to be issued. But, judging by the quantity of MCE's being issued over those 3 days, this is not a "cosmic-ray" thing, but rather the DIMM is actually bad.
  8. Memtest (depending upon the version) will not catch corrected memory errors, because they are being corrected at the hardware level.
  9. Did the test email succeed? If you're using something like gmail, you also have to allow in your account settings to allow insecure connections (not that it's "insecure", but rather that it's not an email client using it)
  10. Bad ECC memory. May be more information in your BIOS' event log.
  11. Not an answer to your question, but hard coded folders that you want to change can simply be mapped to any given folder in unRaid via the template. Many examples of this in the Apps tab where say the mapping is /home mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/AppName
  12. Odds on its mis-matched path mappings between sonarr / qBittorent https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  13. First thing would be to try in safe mode. If that still fails, revert the go file back to defaults (where its only) #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & And see what then happens.
  14. I'd try deleting /config/ssh from the flash drive. Also, if you've got installed the SSH plugin installed, then uninstall and reboot.
  15. You would have to do this: Install the mover tuning plugin, and have it set to disable mover running on a schedule Install the user scripts plugin, and create a script that will execute on whatever schedule you want the mover to run docker stop nameOfTorrentContainer /usr/local/sbin/mover docker start nameOfTorrentContainer
  16. If anyone is studying existing plugins, they should study the dynamix series of plugins, and not CA (or associated CA plugins). CA etc were programmed prior to the "official" backwards compatibility model and while similar use a different method of maintaining backwards compatibility.
  17. You can upload any language (dummy or real) by uploading a zip file in Tools - Languages (Developer Mode) and then switching to it in Settings - Display Or simply using an existing language already installed and creating your appropriate file in /usr/local/emhttp/language/xx_XX/ (and ensuring to delete all the *.dot files present)
  18. On another browser tab / device, you logged out of Unraid's GUI.
  19. The plugin is included in 6.9 beta22+ and should not be installed in those versions
  20. Open up a defect report so that it stays on the books and doesnt get lost
  21. I think @bonienl is going to detail things after the "design guide" for plugins and multi language is finalized and some procedural process for submitting translations on plugins gets worked out. And no, it doesnt break anything for backwards compatibility, as you can tell since most of my plugins and all of the dynamix ones (and UD) support multi language. (But I went about backwards compatibility slightly differently than the official method)
  22. My bad. Tou have to switch to another language before you can remove
  23. You've never installed it as a language pack then. (Inatalling via CA always pulls the latest zip file (auto generated after PRs are merged) regardless of what the dates version is
  24. You would have to parse the applicable .cfg file within /config/shares on the flash drive Without doing that you could determine if a share is cache only AND no files exist on the array by seeing if the share exists within /mnt/cache and DOES NOT exist within /mnt/user0
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