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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You're going to have to post the diagnostics while the slow transfers are in progress
  2. Remove that line altogether from the docker.cfg file It's winding up overriding the system (and it's not present on my system at all) Probably @limetech / @bonienl should update the OS to ignore that
  3. The key question is how are those folders being created (Windows 102 & logs)
  4. In the 6.8.3 announcement thread, theres a link you can paste into install plugin to update (And, that link posted for the Nvidia plugin is not the actual link for the plugin itself which is why it didn't work)
  5. You have a mapping to /mnt/user/Music on one of your docker containers
  6. You should post your diagnostics. I've got no problems creating a folder image
  7. You updated the .plg 4 hours ago https://github.com/itimpi/parity.check.tuning/commit/ac1d03429882bea3c1b525c66e660b7e0d346cf2#diff-c32197e9e63a20335d181669b6bcec6d
  8. Do you see the drives in the BIOS (either mb or HBA?) Post your diagnostics (tools - diagnostics)
  9. Changed Status to Closed
  10. This is related to the unassigned devices plugin and should be posted there as its not a defect with the OS
  11. Closest you could get on events would be at Array Stop, and First Array Start with whatever you want to accomplish.
  12. Jul 8 16:01:33 Tower root: error: /update.php: missing csrf_token I would reboot. That error (why it's not working) shouldn't ever happen. If that doesn't fix it, what happens in safemode?
  13. Quick google found that a BIOS update could potentially solve that cache eviction mce
  14. partial~ usually means that the file hasn't finished copying to it's final destination.
  15. It means that the system wasn't able to confirm (or deny) if an update is available. Network issues?
  16. Today's update will copy any script to RAM and run it from there which will fix your issue of having the script on the flash drive.
  17. Besides deleting it and renaming it accordingly? No
  18. Click the thumbs down and then acknowledge.
  19. Random Apps: Sure, no problem. Makes Sense. Next release Other places: I used to allow a setting for installed apps not to be shown, but removed it as IMO it made more sense to always display them, it simplified everything, and I don't need to worry about very complicated programming in what happens if you install something from the New Apps section, when you return back to CA (after dockerMan installs it), does it show or doesn't it, and how to put in the coding to decide whether it's allowed to show in violation of the setting or not. Random apps won't suffer from that because I can simply only disallow it when it gathers the random app once per day and not worry about whether its installed or not for the rest of the time.
  20. If you use the "folder" method as described in the OP, then yes Before this release, the docker.img was always BTRFS, regardless if the drive it sat on was BTRFS, XFS, or ReiserFS. To make the image xfs, you change the filename in Settings - Docker to be docker.xfs.img instead of docker.img My post detailing some items in the folder option gives one huge advantage-> If you've constantly struggled with the docker.img filling up. Performance wise, you won't see any significant difference between the options now available (But, the folder method will be faster, if only synthetically because of below) The main reason for these changes however is to lessen the excess writes to the cache drive. The new way of mounting the image should give lesser amount of writes. The absolute least amount of writes however will come via the folder method. But, the GUI doesn't natively support it yet without the change itemized in the OP.
  21. Just upgrade to 6.8.3 Doesn't appear that 6.5.3 still exists on the download server.
  22. You might want to confirm that in /syslinux/syslinux.cfg on the flash drive that the timeout is set to something like 50 (5 seconds)
  23. MacInABox is 6.7.0+ only What's the difference that you're seeing?
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