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Everything posted by Squid

  1. And, if that sample is representative of your system, now you're trying to delete potentially hundreds of thousands of files on a (presumably) parity protected array with it's performance impact unless you enable turbo write mode (reconstruct write)
  2. I would just go with http://<serverip>:3000 and then see if that works
  3. If you were using the appdata backup plugin, then odds on you were also using it to create a backup of the flash drive. To restore the docker apps, you technically only require the appdata back, but ideally you also want the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/ from the flash back and restore that onto the replacement flash.
  4. This is my first Unraid build: And the current build main server while significantly better (i5-8400), aren't anywhere near in the class of a Threadripper. While I'd love to have a threadripper running multiple VMs with passed through video etc, I can't justify it to my pocket book (why spend $1000 to save $10/year on hydro), and simply repurpose old hardware to fulfill other duties in the house (HTPC's, Daily Driver PC, etc) (The secondary server is pretty much in the same class as the posted link) The only thing that I outright insist on spending money on are keyboards, mice, and a top of the line gaming monitor (but I don't game). These are the items which dictate the experience you actually have interacting with your system. The sweet thing about Unraid is that it scales with the hardware you have. And pretty much any budget system can accomplish far more than you would ever expect from it. I own 3 Pro Licences. The cost of them is actually a significant fraction of the cost of the servers (excluding hard drives), but it is a one time cost, and I honestly can't believe I ever got by before I found this OS, even when using free solutions or (god-forbid) Windows as a server.
  5. May to be expected if your plex appdata contains like mine hundreds of thousands of files
  6. If you assign all the drives as data drives, then the parity drive will come up as unmountable. Reassign the drives accordingly. NOTE: If you have more drives come up as unmountable than you had parity disks, then stop immediately and post a set of diagnostics and wait for assistance.
  7. According to your diagnostics, the appdata share is completely on disk #1. But, it *appears* that your docker.img and the vdisks for your VM exists in both the cache drive and on disk#1.
  8. Load back up the plugin and select to install the stock OS build.
  9. While it's possible, it's doubtful. /tmp/plugins does not exist. (Nor /tmp/unassigned.devices) My best guess at the moment is that /tmp is mapped to a docker container (Jellyfin?) (or alternatively a user-script) for scratch space in transcoding and that container has deleted the contents of /tmp willy-nilly, causing the issues. Ultimately a reboot is required to recover.
  10. Yes. Reverting from beta 22 to beta 1 or 6.8.3 you will have to reassign your cache drive. For the errors, I would start a new thread and include your diagnostics with it.
  11. Then with UD uninstalled, set the docker service to not be enabled (Settings - docker) and reboot. If /mnt/disks comes back, you've made the folder via a script or something. If it doesn't come back, then restart the service and odds on the folder will reappear and you can then look at your various templates to see where it's coming from.
  12. You can always format the USB (as FAT32), name it UNRAID and then download the zip file from the download site, extract the files onto the USB and run make_bootable.bat as administrator. Just save the /config folder before you do this so you can copy it back onto the flash
  13. Did you ever happen to reference that path (/mnt/disks/....) within a docker's template?
  14. Did you also try safe mode?
  15. Then from the terminal, diagnostics and post the entire resulting zip file here (will be stored in /logs on the flash drive)
  16. Squid


  17. Changing the DNS addresses would not affect the webUI at all. But, you can edit the file /config/network.cfg on the flash drive and reboot the server.
  18. Why 6.2.0-rc series did require internet access in order to validate the key (this was in case LT wanted to pull a release). Beyond that, 6.2 is beyond ancient, and borderline stone-age. I honestly have no idea if the key server still is the same address or not. No idea what to look for, and no suggestions other than take a backup of the flash and update to 6.8.3
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