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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Can't find it or the conversation. Maybe it was via a PM here years ago. IDK
  2. The mce issued is harmless and happens on certain combinations of hardware during initialization time and can be safely ignored. Also, in the BIOS look for "Power Supply Idle Control" (or similar) and set it to "typical current idle" (or similar).
  3. This means that the template stored on the flash drive is corrupted. Easiest solution is to make a note of all the paths, ports etc from the docker tab for emby and sabnzbd (use advanced view, and make sure to show everything), and then reinstall them (but not from the previous apps section) and make all the necessary adjustments. Or, if you have a backup of the flash drive, then restore /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user from the backup
  4. You should post this as a feature request. As I recall, a few years ago I did submit a PR to the webGUI to do this, but it was declined because the issue didn't affect the user's system ?!??!
  5. For starters, post the diagnostics.zip file here. While it's not going to show the problem, it may give a clue as to what may or may not be happening.
  6. Whats the output of ls -ail "/mnt/user/Temp Stuff/mike/Cookies"
  7. I need the context. root/root as owner doesn't mean anything if the permissions still allow guest access (which is what unRaid's implementation means).
  8. Or (assuming Windows), enable Ransomware Protection. It will stop a program from rapidly changing multiple files, even to non-mapped network shares.
  9. You still have to apply the changes
  10. Pinning a container to to an isolated core AND non isolated cores would either mean that the container would only execute on either the non isolated OR the isolated. Not both.
  11. Known issue on the dashboard. Fixed on next release of the OS.
  12. You should post your diagnostics. (Tools - Diagnostics, post entire zip file)
  13. You can ideally store it on the array (/mnt/user/scripts/myscript), or you can manually edit /config/plugins/ca.backup2/BackupOptions.json and change "preStartScript": "", to instead be "preStartScript": "/bin/bash /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/CA-Backup_Stop/script",
  14. Docker folders plugin
  15. Isolating a core (Settings - CPU Pinning) means that unRaid AND docker containers will not use those cores at all. Docker pinning means that a container(s) will only use those cores which are allocated to it. BUT, those cores cannot also be isolated. VM pinning - a VM will only use the cores allocated to it. Generally used with isolation.
  16. Probably not the problem, but May 26 17:34:54 unraid root: plugin: installing: /boot/config/plugins/ca.resource.monitor.plg should not be installed on your system
  17. You're being bombed by un 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine was not called for 1 device(s). Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: This can occur when a driver such as: Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: nouveau, rivafb, nvidiafb or rivatv Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: was loaded and obtained ownership of the NVIDIA device(s). Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: Try unloading the conflicting kernel module (and/or Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: reconfigure your kernel without the conflicting Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: driver(s)), then try loading the NVIDIA kernel module Jun 4 04:40:04 Tower kernel: NVRM: again. Best to ask about this in the support thread for the Unraid-nVidia plugin
  18. As an aside, here's why there's two appdata shares By and large, the majority of apps within the Apps tab have a path mapping of /config (you can see it via Show More Settings / Advanced View when editing the app). Any path mapping of /config is automatically set to whatever the OS has set within Settings - Docker - Default Appdata Path. But, a small subset of applications do not have a /config settings for various reasons. One of these is piHole which has 2 path mappings (/etc/pihole and /etc/dnsmasq.d) Because neither of these is /config, the OS takes the host path as-is (which is on piHole set to /mnt/cache/appdata/...) This results in your situation of having the 2 separate folders. Note that even though the template directly references /mnt/cache, in the event that your system does not have a cache drive (or in the event of when 6.9 is released, the cache-pool the template references), then CA automatically adjusts the templates to match the user's system If there is no cache drive present in the system, CA will adjust the template to automatically directly reference an installed drive (eg /mnt/disk1 instead of /mnt/cache) If running 6.9 and a directly referenced cache pool does not exist, then CA will adjust the template to reference a cache-pool that is installed, with a fall back to an installed drive) These under the hood changes prevent the circumstance that pops up intermittently where the appdata for one of these few apps winds up being created in RAM instead of on a drive.
  19. As you've no doubt noticed, 20 minutes after you posted the next run of the feed re-added linuxserver's apps. What happens is that due to the complexity of the internet as a whole (rather surprising it even works at all to begin with), LSIO's repository failed to download after 5 attempts over the course of 15 minutes, so the feed just said "whatever, I don't care" and carried on it's merry way. This was a design choice. But, since it's rather annoying to me when this does happen seeing the posts by people worried about it, I've changed the coding so that in this circumstance, the feed will not update itself with the missing repository.
  20. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/71764-support-binhex-krusader/page/19/?tab=comments#comment-801982
  21. Yes Common reason would be that either you changed the Tag on the repository (eg: To roll-back an image), or the dockerHub author changed the FROM line in the dockerfile to reference a different base image.
  22. Separate source folders is outside of the realm of this plugin. You would need to issue the appropriate tar command via user scripts to accomplish this.
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