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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It's file integrity that's utilizing the available memory. It required more memory than was currently available and since it wasn't available, the OS killed off makemkvcon which was low on the priority list.
  2. 6.9.0-RC1 TBA Soon(TM) will allow different icons for multiple containers from the identical repository
  3. That's your fault Diagnostics are anonymized by default, and there is nothing personally identifiable within them (WAN IP addresses, passwords, share names, email addresses, etc)
  4. Have you formatted disk1 yet? It's probably showing as "Unmountable" VM's / Docker - You've got 2GB of memory. You can probably run a couple containers, but VMs are definitely out of the question.
  5. Phoque. Yeah, it is removed from the UI. (I keep forgetting that it is, and even worse I keep forgetting that I'm the one who removed it ) Edit the file /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-whateverNameOfTheContainer.xml on the flash drive and remove that line altogether.
  6. Open a new thread and post your diagnostics. Doesnt appear to be relevant to this thread If you cant hit diagnostics from the UI enter in diagnostics at a command prompt
  7. Every video for unraid references CA to install anything. Just follow the posted link
  8. The disk failed in your situation so any journal etc isnt applicable. Personally I only run a single cache drive and use it simply for docker appdata and disks for VMs and back it up periodically to the array
  9. You get everything for unraid by installing CA
  10. It is definitely not the OS itself doing this, and is either a docker container or a plugin.
  11. It's by design from the OS. It assumes that any ports etc that aren't defined in your template are new to the update and adds them in. Is it a particular issue for you, or just an annoyance. If it's an issue for the container itself adding them back in, then you can post in the applicable support thread for the app to have them modify the template accordingly to avoid this behaviour (there is a way for them to not have this happen) If it's an annoyance / problem just for you, then stop the docker service (Settings), switch to advanced view and enable template authoring mode. Restart the service and edit the app, switch to advanced view and remove the entry TemplateURL
  12. AFAIK, the odd macvlan trace is more informative than being indicative of a problem per se, and it's related to VM's and docker containers on their own IPs. Could be wrong though.
  13. They're both correct. Dash board shows that you've got a total of 8GB installed. Stats shows the memory available after the hardware reserves are taken off. IE: It sounds like in the BIOS you've got the onboard video set to take 2GB. This really should be set to the absolute lowest that the BIOS supports
  14. You need to open a new thread and attach your diagnostics. OTOH it's your docker image which is read only
  15. You would need to post yer diagnostics to put things into context
  16. Theres no need to change the port it listens to inside the app, nor to ever change the container port on the template. All you need to do is change the host port to whatever you want. All this assumes the network mode is bridge. If you've set the template to be on it's own IP address or are running in host then the port will always be whatever the app itself dictates and all port mappings are ignored as they make no sense in that circumstance
  17. Known issue on the dashboard. The docker tab will have the correct information. May 20 04:42:50 Vault root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Unable to communicate with GitHub.com Seems like network issues
  18. You want to change how long the boot menu stays up before it carries on? Would love to know why you want it to wait 5 minutes before it boots. You would change the timeout entry on /syslinux/syslinux.cfg on the flash drive for the length of time to wait. On Main / Boot Device / Syslinux Config you can edit the file for this in Advanced View, and in Basic view you can change which is the default it boots from
  19. 0 3 * * 0 [[ $(date +%e) -le 7 ]] && You may however get a line logged in the syslog every Sunday when it doesn't run. Nothing can be done about that if it happens
  20. No. It affects various cpu's, and is nothing to worry about. I was just too lazy to bother to type again, and simply posted to a previous post that also had a simultaneous ryzen issue.
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/92398-machine-check-events detected/?tab=comments#comment-855703
  22. There is no documentation, because it's a hack on the system. The dashboard does not natively support extra tiles, and playing around with what disklocation did is your best bet.
  23. Try running the system in safe mode to see if that makes any difference
  24. Set up the syslog server (https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-781601) to mirror to the flash. Then wait and afterwards post the resulting syslog, along with a set of diagnostics
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