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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Now, that being said, there is an issue where if for some reason somebody (guess who) decides to up and change a support thread for no real reason other than to just annoy people, then everyone who has already had the app installed will still be pointed at the old thread.
  2. Whatever. Have you even looked at the URL in your template? <Support>https://forums.unraid.net/topic/41631-support-linuxserverio-openvpn-as/</Support>
  3. Then post your diagnostics Sent from my NSA monitored device
  4. Best I can come up with right now is that an adblocker or something is blocking it. White list your server in the adblocker.
  5. Can't justify to the wife why I would need to expense out of my own pocket the costs involved in getting a cloud server from cloudfare, AWS, etc.
  6. You should create a new thread and post your diagnostics
  7. Today's update to CA Auto Update will automatically apply the fix for this issue on affected systems (Whether or not the plugin is even enabled). You will though have to check for updates manually once to clear out the old update available status. If you are running @ljm42's patch script, you can safely remove it, as the Auto Update will not install the patch once 6.8+ is released.
  8. This is what you enter in. 4 AM on Mondays
  9. Tom answered this question in the Q&A only certain SSDs are possible to use. And it's all dependent upon what they return for a sector contents after either a trim or background garbage collection. Since not all SSDs handle this the way that any RAID system needs it to then you just cant say you support SSDs. The ones which handle it correctly though will operate no problems. If they dont handle it correctly then on any RAID system you will wind up corrupting the parity system Sent from my NSA monitored device
  10. Ok while I usually shy away from having plugins modify system files, tonight I'll issue an update to this plugin that will fix the update always available issue to lessen all of the same questions being posted in various threads here Sent from my NSA monitored device
  11. Nope why report an update is available when an update is always available until 6.8 is released Sent from my NSA monitored device
  12. Alternatively, disable pihole if youre running it and see if that makes a difference Sent via telekinesis
  13. Assuming youre using chrome, I'd need the devloper console and all of the user messages that are there expanded. And also the diagnostics Sent via telekinesis
  14. What theme in display settings are you using Sent via telekinesis
  15. Use nano or the config file edigor plugin Sent via telekinesis
  16. No "reputable" printing company would print it anyways without permission since it violates copyright. Sent from my NSA monitored device
  17. But if you compare those stickers with the pics posted of the giveaway ones, you'd never want to use the zazzle ones Sent from my NSA monitored device
  18. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish personally I don't see the point in pinning docker to any given cores, and would rather prioritize one over the other so that any given container can use what it wants unless the priority container wants them Sent from my NSA monitored device
  19. Same cores as unRaid. And if you pin a docker app to more than 1 of the isolated cores, then they will only use 1 core
  20. Squid

    A proper login page

    Personally I wouldn't ever trust any IOT device to be on the same network as everything. Security isnt the highest priority for the manufacturers as they try and gain market share. Sent from my NSA monitored device
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