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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You should post the diagnostics in case something is in there.
  2. And apps tab still fine? Sent via telekinesis
  3. Just as a test, reboot and try everything again Sent via telekinesis
  4. Curious as to what happens if you go to the apps tab Sent via telekinesis
  5. I'd go to settings -> schedules -> Mover -> Disable Mover Logging. No reason for it to be enabled. Then reboot (to clear out the logs), wait for your problem to happen and then paste a fresh set of diagnostics
  6. That looks like the docker containers are starting up / restarting, and are normal messages
  7. That prioritizes other apps over this one. So if Plex needs all the CPU power you've got, running this app won't impede it. IMO, not too much real-world use cases for pinning a container.
  8. It does by default unless you turn it off Seriously doubt it.
  9. You misread my post. As it said, if you have problems with /mnt/user/appdata/..., you will also have problems on previous versions of unRaid. This issue which affects some users affects them on all versions of unRaid. Whether due to some change on 6.7 has made the issue worse or not I can't say, but the truth of the matter is that the issue has existed for all of 6.x for some users and not others.
  10. Looks like you downloaded (or copied / pasted the script) into Notepad, and you've lost the correct line endings. Just download the script as is and save it, or alternatively load it into CA Config File Editor and switch the line endings or load it into Notepad++ and under Edit change the EOL to Unix
  11. When upgrading through the GUI, the relevant files are automatically backed up on the flash drive (Previous folder). You can always revert by going to Tools - Update OS and reverting from there.
  12. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80235-disabling-spectremeltdownzombieload-mitigations-plugin-available/?tab=comments#comment-749199
  13. Yeah, I know what causes it, but have absolutely zero clue how the odd user manages to do it, (I can only force unRaid to do it).
  14. Something didn't go right for some reason. If a reboot doesn't fix it, then delete /config/plugins/community.applications.plg and /config/plugins/community.applications/* and then reboot and reinstall
  15. Absolutely And when you win I will lower my customary fee and only insist upon 10% Sent via telekinesis
  16. Yeah, it's getting ridiculous now. So for Spectre / Meltdown. First you have to have the appropriate malware running locally on your server. (Which BTW, they have never found a single instance of). Then, it has to perform its attack, which will absolutely let it gather what ever info happens to be in the CPUs cache at the time. But, what exactly are the odds of the information that is actually of any value being in the cache at the exact same time as it runs? Sure, it can request to look at all of the memory locations in your server, and then determine what all the contents are. But, is it going to be able to actually discern what is a password or not? What is simply code? What is simply part of your movie file cached? I mean, I don't know about you, but I tend to not have in ram the phrase: "blahblahblah is my password for RoyalBank, and my account number is 1234". Sure, it's all possible that it will get a password (if you happen to have one stored on your server, and it is in RAM at the same time). But what exactly are the odds? My feeling is that I'd probably win the lottery two or three times before those attack vectors could discern and analyse anything meaningful from my system. But, the story is different for something like a bank where personal info would constantly be in a cache. Let them take the potentially 30% hit in CPU speed. Myself, I'm going to keep on buying lottery tickets. I'll bet you I come out ahead.
  17. Thank @cybrnook. I never would have thought you could disable the mitigations if it wasn't for him.
  18. My Settings Tab is getting too full IE: I don't know. Just where I initially thought it would go. Initially I was going to stick it next to Syslinux Configuration under Flash Settings, but since I can never easily remember where exactly syslinux settings is in the first place, I figured that was a pointless place to put it.
  19. Disable Security Mitigations Thanks to @cybrnook's research (https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80235-disabling-spectremeltdownzombieload-mitigations/), this plugin will disable the OS mitigations for Spectre, Meltdown, and Zombieload (MDS) to possibly give you better CPU performance. Note that these mitigations are valid security concerns, and depending upon your workload you may want them mitigated. Myself, I'm not running a bank out of my house, and I don't think that the odds are too great that Plex would ever implement a Meltdown hack on my server to try and figure out my passwords (which doesn't exist anywhere on the server in the first place), so I'd just as soon have my CPU power back. That, and spectre et al are all proof of concept hacks. But disabling these mitigations is definitely one of the "Use at your own risk" type of thing. If your lawyer gets hauled before a FISA court, and can't tell you why, and you've wound up being transported off to another country where all sorts of things can be done to you simply because it's not on American soil all without due process, then don't blame me. Find it in the Apps tab by searching for Disable Security Mitigations, and then go to the Settings Tab (User Preferences), Mitigation Settings (6.7.0+ only) Note that the plugin will only disable the mitigations for your default boot mode. All other boot modes are left untouched (ie: Safe Mode will have all mitigations enabled). Also, while the plugin isn't required per se to be installed once the mitigations are disabled, uninstalling the plugin will automatically re-enable all of the mitigations.
  20. Up shot is that maybe at the end of this, someone can tell me why I'm so special (no jokes @CHBMB)
  21. I can tell you that on any of the usual suspects for /mnt/user vs /mnt/cache (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc) I have never had any issues with using /mnt/user (and continue to do this today). While this is an issue, it does not affect everyone for some unknown reason.
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