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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I looked at the last set of diagnostics you posted, and your BIOS is over 4 years old, and the latest ver was released a couple of months ago.
  2. @runraid To eliminate the possibility, have you tied updating your BIOS? the firmware on the SSD?
  3. Try installing the mover tuning plugin. I just added an option to it today to set the Priority of the mover process. See if setting it to low/very low helps things out. If it doesn't, then there's another option I can add to it to further tune it.
  4. One complication with that though. You cannot use the plugin if the array is stopped
  5. Try deleting /config/network.cfg on the flash drive. Reboot and see if that fixes you up (your server will wind up getting its IP via DHCP though). The odd user had this problem upgrading to 6.7.x
  6. To assist @limetech in solving this, is it fair to say that your previous quote about /mnt/disk/ not working is no longer valid?
  7. Marking this plugin as being incompatible with 6.7.1 until such time as this is worked out. I sincerely hope that @olehj can rework this or get together with @limetech to resolve
  8. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  9. Probably your best bet is to get it working first via the command line, and then back ported it to the GUI template
  10. Just an FYI, but there are zero differences. A container is a container is a container. Thats the whole point of them. Self-contained applications that can be run on any platform without modifications
  11. Because its first in the list. Drag the rows to rearrange the order
  12. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566086
  13. Good to see you back PhAZe But, you are better off adding the settings into extra params or nuking the image and setting up log rotation The commands listed is a temporary solution Sent from my NSA monitored device
  14. Usually means that you have a port conflict with another app. The docker run command will tell you the exact error / problem
  15. Custom schedule, enter in a cron expression http://corntab.com/
  16. disk 1-x display that if they are spun down. When spun up, and the background process which periodically checks scans them (Settings - Disk Settings - Poll Attributes), then they are populated with the full smart results. diskx.ssa contains (looks like) a PASSED / FAILED value presumably based on the smart results I do not have any sdX files in my folder, so it's probably unassigned devices polling and writing to those files
  17. And surprisingly, you didn't delete it in the process 😜
  18. Lol yeah, the older I get the more I realize that time is sometimes too precious to spend an hour to find out why something is not working right, and prefer to just fix it and move onto something more interesting Sent via tapatalk because my boss won't let me sit in front of the computer all day long and it's beyond his comprehension that the only thing stopping me from putting a bullet in my head to get out of the lame ass job is the unraid forums
  19. Usually, that means that while the app was stopped, you've added another and it is using the same port(s) as dupeGuru. Easy way to see what the error actually is is to edit the template, make a change, revert the change, then hit apply. The error will be in the docker run command.
  20. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80204-write-cache-disabled-on-disk-1/?tab=comments#comment-745016 replace /dev/sdk with the appropriate identifier as listed on the Main tab
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  22. With all the No such file or directory errors, you should post your docker run command
  23. Honestly, I don't see how you'd figure that. Someone posted that LT seems to be ignoring the issue, so a bunch of us replied stating that they are. The big problem as far as I can see (I do not speak for limetech), is that the issue affects a minority of users for some reason. And that makes it very difficult to determine what the underlying cause is if you cannot replicate the problem.
  24. Oops. I had a positive on a txt file, so never thought to re-run after fixing it up. I've updated the script above
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