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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I've been going through withdrawal waiting for 6.6 to be released - When was the last time between CA releases ~6 weeks? 2018.09.01 Adjust CSS if unRaid is 6.6+ Many code optimizations Remove ability to switch number of results displayed (Computers / Tablets will now display 25 results. Cellphones will display 10 results) Fixed: Under certain circumstances, a blank category could appear in the popup display Autocomplete searches now include Categories in the list Remove any CPU pinning from a template present in the application feed unRaid 6.6+: Automatically blacklist applications if they violate the new security precautions present in docker on unRaid 6.6+ Remove Wide theme - Will ultimately be replaced with a color reversed theme Under much pressure from @bonienl, finally switch to 6.6's "spinner" Much, much more (You can always look at the commit history here: https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/commits/master)
  2. Just a few comments before posts begin with questions The ability to pin cpu-cores to docker containers via the extra parameters section is now deprecated on 6.6 When using --cpuset-cpus AND the buttons in the GUI to pin cores, unexpected results will happen. If you have previously pinned cores via extra parameters, then you should remove that setting, and switch to the GUI method (Additionally, if you have CPU pinning set via extra parameters, the new CPU Pinning page in settings will not *appear* to save the changes - This is one of those "unexpected results") Fix Common Problems will flag as an error if your container has both --cpuset-cpus and the pinning via the GUI present. If you have --cpuset-cpus present by itself, then a warning will be issued suggesting that you switch to the GUI method. Also, since its not completely obvious, not selecting any cores for docker apps will mean that the container can execute on all cores The new ability Means that on the Plugins page, a Support Link now appears for every plugin installed. The support links have been injected into the .plg file by CA for about 2 months. If you have not installed any plugin via CA recently (ie: no support links are present on your plugins), then you should head over the to the Plugins page, Install plugin, and enter in the following: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/misc-stuff/master/pluginSupport.plg This is not a Plugin that you are installing, but rather an easy way to quickly run a one-off script. Either way, the next time you install a plugin via CA, all plugins will automatically have the support link injected into them. @dmacias will ultimately have to update his plugins to REMOVE the link he's already including in the README.md file, but every other author does not need to do anything. (Plugin Authors: CA / the script above are slightly modifying your .plg file by adding a support attribute. There is no other change, but any spacing/formatting you may have in the .plg's header may be different if you happen to look at /boot/config/plugins/*.plg) Oh and @bonienl, the white/black themes are awesome. I never could quite get into azure/gray
  3. The VM at least didn't shutdown. Probably there's a prompt on there asking to save a file or something. I would also personally install the Guest Tools (its on the virtio vdisk available in Windows), and then set unRaid to hibernate the VMs instead of trying to shut them down.
  4. The occasional user has problems using /mnt/user. Vast majority have zero problems. I *believe* that half the user's problems comes if they bounce the path back and forth between /mnt/user and /mnt/cache. My suggestion is to use /mnt/user. If you happen to have problems with it, then see if /mnt/cache fixes it.
  5. Unsure. It started shutting down, then half way through it decided that files were stuck open on the cache drive and disk 4, so it itemized the processes, then the system carried on, unmounted the remaining drives and shut down like nothing happened. I have seen this on occasion on my own system where it believes that the shutdown was unclean even though it was clean (I suspect a race condition somewhere). When this happens, I hit Fix Common Problems and see what it says. If it doesn't think that an unclean shutdown happened (the GUI and FCP check for unclean shutdowns differently), then I just cancel the parity check. (Assuming of course that you haven't hit ignore on that particular warning)
  6. You need to shutdown or restart.
  7. Can you put Fix Common Problems into troubleshooting mode and then shutdown, and upload the files which it suggests.
  8. Don't complain. You gained 2 GB. I've lost 2 GB
  9. Usually, it's only bar's I've gotten banned from. I guess though that I could take it as a compliment.
  10. https://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json?last_updated=1 https://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json (I think they're actually hosted on digitalocean) and various files from https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators (but since legacy mode works, these won't be the issue) No idea. It uses whatever internet access the server as a whole has.
  11. It's one thing for an app to simply accept incoming connections and forward them to the printer. It's another thing for it to accept a scan, and then via some GUI to prompt you for which email address etc to forward a scan to. I would think that the majority of all-in-ones (and printers for that matter) now have either an ethernet port or at least wifi built-in on them which ultimately means that there is not much use for CUPS
  12. Not if docker stopped and /var/lib/docker was successfully umounted. (This would all happen prior to the attempts to umount the individual drives)
  13. A stupid easy way to have this happen is to have a local terminal (or ssh) logged in with the current working directory set to /mnt/disk1 or /mnt/cache But you can try and figure out what's holding it up via lsof /mnt/disk1 lsof /mnt/cache
  14. Doesn't hurt, but the Backup settings has the option to not update the containers after a backup is done
  15. Disks get disabled only if a write to it failed. I would guess that the odds are decent that in the process of fixing the power to the cache drive, you slightly knocked out of place the sata / power connector to your other drive (why I'm a huge fan of hot-swap cases - even the cheap ones are worth their weight in gold).
  16. Your cache drive dropped offline. Most likely a poor connection on the sata/power connectors. Reseat. Additionally, disable mover logging (settings, scheduler, mover settings) - serves no real point, but just takes up log space.
  17. Not still running 6.5.3, but it does look like the aberrations are gone.
  18. For temporary downloads, its largely moot because only Sab needs access to the temp files. But, like @trurl says, you need a "global" downloads for all the containers for the completed downloads. See https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  19. Yes. Any interpreter should work Sent via Tapatalk because my laptop doesn't fit in my pocket
  20. Shouldn't "Host" be the IP address of the container? (ie: the IP of your server)
  21. I hope so. CA isn't also downloading the moderation files, as you should not be seeing what you are seeing
  22. Then it's having problems for whatever reason downloading them (probably a timeout). You can manually download the icons (right click on the appropriate icon in CA and save image as to that folder / filename, and reboot again. CA since it requires internet access doesn't cache images but lets your browser do it for you. unRaid because internet access is not a requirement, has no choice but to cache the images.
  23. dockerMan always locally caches the icons Try deleting the appropriate files from the flash drive /config/plugins/dockerMan/images However, because of dockerMan's caching, if there's a problem accessing GitHub / whatnot to grab the image (or it takes too long), the image may not be complete, and you'll see the generic question mark instead.
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