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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The github ping is there because every plugin in the ecosystem is hosted on GitHub. If you can't get to github, you aren't able to update plugins which may introduce tons of problems into your server. It's not a test for internet connectivity per se. (BTW, FCP does allow you to ignore any given error) But, what I've done now is switch to checking if a file that it tries to download from GitHub anyways exists.
  2. Which is why you need to keep everything OS, browsers, software all up to date at all times It's more than that. Once I've completely lost interest in something, (and I no longer use it), when an unRaid change / enhancement winds up affecting functionality, I tend to deprecate the app or set it so that there's a maximum version that it will run on. As @pluginCop will attest to, I'm hardest on myself in policing the app eco-system for unRaid. unRaid's user base deserves the best applications / plugins. Anything less than that is unacceptable. In this case, I've deprecated it. It still operates. All the deprecation really does is make it a tad harder to install from scratch if you've never had it installed before, and let the user know that it'll be a miracle for any updates to happen to it.
  3. Wasn't me who fixed it. Application Feed while CA relies upon it is outside of my control (which is basically why Legacy Mode still exists), and is very gratefully supplied by the guys at LinuxServer
  4. Anti-virus is a plus. Training your family to not click on links in an email is another. Not executing a downloaded program without running it through a virus check. chattr -i is probably the best for when you can use it. Not mapping drives to a VM / barebones machine, and instead use IP addresses. Won't stop it, but it does at least make it harder
  5. Have one script that runs that then calls the other scripts in order (and also don't have rsync run as a daemon)
  6. If your server is actually crashing, installing Fix Common Problems and tossing it into troubleshooting mode (and following the directions) might help.
  7. But what is the error message from Sonarr / Radarr? It'll be there in its logs
  8. There was an issue with the credentials used by the application feed. Now fixed. I wish, however that I wasn't sleeping when these posts showed up. I would prefer CA to display an error in this circumstance.
  9. Finally there Thanks @aptalca @Kode, @et al
  10. The exact message is a generic "deprecated" message. Basically, I don't use the plugin anymore, and don't believe that this is the correct approach. A more pro-active system vs a reactive system like this is better IMHO. Added to that, but some of the features (namely switching to readonly instead of what it does not and simply stop all access period) no longer operate under 6.5, requiring a major rewrite.
  11. You still have to create your libraries within Plex, and point them to the container path you added for your movies (probably something like /movies)
  12. Yes. CA backup deliberately omits backing up the file that has the drive assignments in it, but adds a file called drive assignments for you to be able to read the file and then manually assign the drives. This is because of a situation where if you change drive assignments in between backups (in particular using the parity swap procedure) then data loss *could* occur Sent via Tapatalk because my laptop doesn't fit in my pocket
  13. @aptalca @CHBMB can either of you be a gentleman and a scholar and reboot the appfeed server. It's not updating. Damn Gremlins
  14. Try it again. Unfortunately, "Generic Error" is, well rather Generic and doesn't really say much. Worst comes to worst, delete /config/plugins/communtity.applications (and /config/plugins/community.applications.plg) from the flash drive, reboot, and reinstall from scratch.
  15. The config file editor (or nano / vim) should be able to edit any file within appdata, so long as its not read-only. Not being able to modify over the network isn't particularly surprising as most applications have their own unique permission requirements within appdata that may or may not be compatible with the permissions that unRaid uses with respect to network access.
  16. A couple of people have had this same problem. For what ever reason, when you're copying the link from the OP, your browser is injecting some weird unicode and/or control characters into the pasted link. Try this instead https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg worst comes to worst, click the link, then copy the URL from the browser's address bar. As an aside, the next release of unRaid will remove all control characters etc from the pasted link in the install plugins section to solve this intermittent problem for some users in trying to install CA
  17. I would think that rsync used for usb backup should be able to handle any valid linux filename, but to be honest, I've never checked with non-English filenames.
  18. New downloads or old ones already queued before you made the adjustments. Sent via Tapatalk because my laptop doesn't fit in my pocket
  19. There's more in /var/log than just the syslog, and your syslog is nowhere near large enough to account for the folder getting full What is the output of ls -ail /var/log
  20. They would all be in the destination you set for USB backup... config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts
  21. It's working for me. If it takes longer than 2 minutes (exactly) it will never complete and you might consider posting your diagnostics Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
  22. What would also be sweet would be in the .plg and the .xml for the repository if you can have the pluginURL's match between the two of them <PluginURL>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coppit/unraid-mosh/master/mosh.plg</PluginURL> <!ENTITY pluginURL "https://github.com/coppit/unraid-mosh/raw/master/mosh.plg"> The 2nd (from the .plg) will resolve (after redirection) to the same address as the first (not subject to redirection), but CA's problem with that is that it will compare the url in the plg and the xml do determine things like if the plugin has been previously installed or not. And using curl to follow out redirects is insanely slow. But this has nothing to do with the max version that was applied to mosh. Only "issue" this causes is that Mosh will never appear in the list of previously installed apps.
  23. Was based upon reports at the time. Already been reverted. (IIRC, the plugin wouldn't even install under 6.5.x)
  24. Should reappear in CA within an hour or so. "Docs" or what passes for them is
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