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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What you do with a platform is up to the user and has no bearing upon LT. Same argument can be said that Windows is obviously a platform to enable pirating due to the multitude of apps available for it that enable pirating of media / software. Then contact your government and suggest that they stop with the secret courts, FISA warrants etc And when your representative states that if you have nothing to hide and you shouldn't worry about it, then I'll supply you with my email address and you can have them send me their banking information, all passwords, email accounts etc. Not that I want to do anything with it, but I'm simply just curious and wouldn't mind snooping around for a bit. Because after all, there is nothing to hide so why shouldn't they let me in.
  2. Probably won't affect anyone, but as of Jan 1, the minimum unRaid OS required for CA is now 6.1.8
  3. Something on your network is modifying/deleting those file(s) In the actual attack history, there may be clues as to what IP address is triggering it. It is a "double attack" which means that many mods happened in a very quick succession so its probably benign and could very well be a misconfigured app on your server or something like that. Question though. Is mover running when that took place?
  4. By not assigning a core I meant not having that core excluded from other VM's or unRaid itself being able to use it. You still have to have at least a single core checked off in the VM properties. You have to play around with excluding cores available to unRaid (check out the core pinning threads / videos in the KVM threads) to find the best performance for your gaming VM
  5. No where does it say you must assign a CPU core dedicated to any VM. Core pinning is for those desiring to gain the absolute best performance from a VM under all circumstances. My systems I never pinned a core specifically for the VM and excluded unRaid from utilizing it. Kodi itself runs on an ARM if need be. The VM is an alternative to the kodi-headless container which has none of the PITA issues with it. Of course if your hardware supports it you could also throw a video card at it and use it as a real HTPC.
  6. @binhex and I were wondering how long it would take. Go to FCP, and there's a "Fix" button next to all of those warnings. He made changes to the templates to allow any future template changes to take effect with future updates.
  7. More than possible to put appdata on an unassigned device. You're attempting to assign a "share" to an unassigned device. But, since Unassigned Devices are NOT part of the array, you can't assign a "share" to them. What you want to do is change the appdata location (settings / docker), and the appdata for each app already installed to instead of /mnt/user/appdata to reference /mnt/disks/whateverUDcalledIt
  8. OTOH, most likely is the colons in the file name, and if you're accessing over SMB, then strange things will result since its an invalid filename
  9. This. Custom stop script is executed prior to stopping the containers. Similarily, the custom start script is executed after restarting the containers
  10. I just did a reinstall from scratch of CA, and 2017.12.20 installs no problems (I don't use advanced buttons, but rather have CA AutoUpdate set to just keep all plugins up to date) If you do this, without rebooting and then attempt to reinstall, you will see the behaviour above (ie: the apps tab will disappear). This is because the install package is still installed, and reinstalling over itself trashes everything. You're going to have to reboot to fix this now.
  11. Right click on "This PC", select Manage, and you have to expand the partition for Windows
  12. Generally, any commands / scripts spawned will run to completion. The plugin does try and do what it can to kill any processes spawned by the lead script (pkill -TERM -P pid), but depending upon what actually got spawned, it doesn't always work.
  13. Your error ^^ No you don't The link I posted explains why your mapping of /data on Lidarr won't work (it needs to be /downloads)
  14. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  15. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/10229-hpa-aka-why-are-two-identical-drives-different-sizes/
  16. Probably best to post here https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/53758-support-linuxserverio-radarr/
  17. Try powering it off of a molex cable attached to a molex->sata power. Reports of that drive doing the same thing if it has the 3.3v present
  18. Yeah, kinda a nagging weird little GUI issue. Way around it is to type a character after the path, then delete that character. Once you click off the field, apply will appear
  19. Hit the path when editing the container, and then keep hitting the ".." until you get to /mnt then select your appropriate path And adjust your default appdata path within Settings - Docker so that new apps added will get the new path automatically
  20. I've tagged the app as being incompatible with 6.4 since this issue has existed and been reported since July. I've issued a PR to @theone with the fix. But, in the meantime you can add this either to your go file or as a user script set to run at array start to fix the problem sed -i 's/\"DISK_DATA\" => \"\"/\"DISK_DATA\" => array()/' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/serverlayout/php/serverlayout_constants.php
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