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Everything posted by Squid

  1. And can you also give me what line 1846 is on your system. at Object.success (Apps:1846) ( I don't have the same stuff installed on my system as you do, so I can't tell what the line 1846 is that's actually triggering the error)
  2. Can you now right click, and say View Page Source. Then give me lines ~301-319 The line numbers may change though depending upon what you've got installed on your machine It should be this <style> .searchSubmit{font-family:'FontAwesome';width:29px;height:26px;border:1px solid #dadada;border-radius:0px 4px 4px 0px;font-size:11px;position:relative;padding:0px 2px;background:#DADADA;border:none;cursor:pointer;} table#templates_list tbody td.topRow{border-top:1px solid #E8E8E8;} .back-to-top {background: none;margin: 0;position: fixed;bottom: 40px;right: 0;width: 50px;height: 50px;z-index: 100;display: none;text-decoration: none;color: #ffffff;} input.appButtons {margin:0px;} input.viewButton {margin:1px;} input.sortButton {margin:1px;} input.dirButton {margin:1px;} input.resourceSort {margin:1px;} input.resourceDir {margin:1px;} input.allButtons {margin:-1px;} </style> <p> <script> var URL = "/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php"; var monitorInterval; var last = $('input[name$="tabs"]').length; var VIEWSBACKUP = " "; But what I'm really curious is if there's anything extra between the </style> and the <script>
  3. Along with disabling notifications, you're also going to have to either reset or rm /tmp/ca.backup/tempFiles/backupInProgress
  4. Can't replicate. Can you do this for me. Use Chrome. Reload the tab, let it sit for a couple of minutes, then right click somewhere in the window and say "Inspect Element". A window is going to pop up on the right. Select Console at the top, and with some luck there's some errors present in red. Give me that screenshot.
  5. Disable Notifications in the settings while I sort out why its failing.
  6. It's not "crashed" or hung up, but the pop up never closed for some reason. What browser? And try clearing your browser cache.
  7. What version of unRaid, and is docker enabled / disabled? Also while its in that state, can you post the results of this: ps -aux | grep comm
  8. Use Unassigned Devices to mount the downloads share from SAB onto the Sonarr server. Then pass that path over to Sonarr. Then use drone factory with a local path to monitor it.
  9. Looks like its the same thing its the same thing as your dashboard bunching together issue, as it only happens on my system when the display is less than ~1100 px. I'll wait to see what changes in the CSS happen on other versions. (The blank space is reserved for the custom cron schedule)
  10. Don't run it, so can't help. Just got you to the point of being able to actually grab it.
  11. Depending upon how the file(s) are being written, this may only be a temporary fix. If a docker container is creating the files / folders, then you're probably going to run into the same issue again. You need to adjust the folder / file permissions that the docker container sets within its settings to fix this. For other things like running robocopy from your windows box to a share, the permissions will get trashed everytime (this doesn't affect normal copies to a share - only seems to affect robocopy)
  12. Settings - Community Applications General Settings. Enable Additional results from dockerHub Then search for hexparrot and click get more results from dockerhub
  13. All of dmacias' plugins have a fatal template error in them, so they wound up being automatically being dropped from CA. The errors have been fixed by dmacias and they should reappear within the next hour at which point the error will disappear. I saw them during my daily check of the feed, and were introduced sometime yesterday.
  14. Not all file systems will work though. IIRC HFS has problems with links. XFS will work no problems. Not sure about NTFS
  15. Exactly what I said. Install the fix common problems plugin from the apps tab then go to tools and run the docker safe new permissions tool. If you don't have an apps tab install community applications first
  16. Personally, I backup to the array. Nothing within my appdata is so critical that I need offsite / outside of the array backups.
  17. The rough directions on restoring appdata are on the restore tab
  18. By design. When set to same destination its first copied to to appdata. That way it can be part of backup sets, etc. Far simpler coding.
  19. Problem is easy to fix, but the cause is more important. How were the file(s)/folder(s) you're having trouble with created in the first place? Are they created by some docker applications? Are you copying them from a Windows box? Fix is to install the fix common problems plugin and then run Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions
  20. Have you tried mapping the exact same host folder for the /downloads path that you have set on the Sab template? Generally (not sure about this app though), any apps that talk to Sab, NZBGet and the like require the exact same path mappings on the template as the DL client because Sab et al tell the other app (eg: LL) where the download actually is stored, and if the mappings don't match 100% then it fails. But like I said, I don't use this.
  21. Fixed. (You can enter in a value, but you just can't see it) Going to hold off though on the fix until Saturday as I have another addition to the plugin and need to wait for lsio's next round of updates.
  22. Within sonarr set the permissions to be 0777 Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. 80%+ of the time its due to a misconfiguration of a download client where its winding up saving stuff into the docker.img. 15%+ of the time its due to a misconfiguration of a download client where its winding up saving stuff into the docker.img due to a capitalization error on a folder (ie: /downloads is mapped, but container references /Downloads) 5% of the time its due to excessive logging by a container. Virtual Sizes AFAIK are only the sizes of the actual container, and nothing else that the container might create within the image. Net result is that its a pretty useless metric, but since the docker system has it available, I make it visible. You can peruse the Temporary Docker FAQ for some suggestions, or the investigation regarding out of control apps logging "Hi! I'm still running. How are you doing?" every second here:http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45249.0
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