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Everything posted by Squid

  1. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481150#msg481150
  2. ^^^ This Or alternatively, add the appropriate crontab commands to the "go" file (/boot/config/go)
  3. Have you read the Docker FAQ? Links to Community Applications are all over the place. In the getting started of the Docker FAQ, Limetech's Official 6.2 Manual, my signature, the All Applications Repositories and Support Threads, along with the thread being stickied itself in the Plugins section. As to the link to the repository, I well understand lsio's reasoning behind not publishing it (and they are not alone) -> it simply makes support easier as then its not their problem getting unRaid to populate the dropdown lists. They would rather (rightfully so IMO) pass everything off to CA and let me deal with the back-end stuff. An analogy would be an app for your Android device telling you to manually install the .apk instead of going to Google Play But, either way, manually adding in repositories is still supported on the current version of unRaid, and I also maintain a stickied thread that has all of the containers within the particular repositories with the repo's link, support threads, etc. All Application Repositories and Support Threads
  4. I just search plg files for package name and version with this command cd /boot/config/plugins ; find *.plg | xargs grep '${pkg_name}-${pkg_version}' -sl Ah... I don't include the package in the .plg file to purposely avoid dependency hell so your plugin is forced to install it. But then you don't notice that I require it.
  5. It's there. I toast NerdPack, ensure nothing is left in packages (and I don't use Dynamix FIP, and any of my plugins outright require NerdPack to install it and won't install it by themselves) While I realize the versions do match at the moment, having a package included in the baseOS, and also being installed via a plugin will eventually lead to the same situation with plugins that happened on v5
  6. Thanks for the heads up. I can really only remove it from the repo. I added a test for it in FCP to avoid any possible dependency hell situations FCP is warning me about inotifytools in 6.3.0-rc6, but Nerd Pack won't let me uninstall it because it is needed by the dynamix.file.integrity plugin. Interesting... I could never figure out how to get my plugins that needed inotifytools to have the NerdPack register that mine was using it. Manual workaround would be to edit /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/NerdPack.cfg and change the line inotifytools-....="yes" to be "no" and then reboot. (and confirm that file integrity still works -> all mine do)
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I can really only remove it from the repo. I added a test for it in FCP to avoid any possible dependency hell situations
  8. Added in a check for NerdPack installing inotify-tools on unRaid 6.3.0-rc6+ (its now included in the base OS - having NerdPack install it could potentially introduce dependency problems)
  9. Means you need to read the Docker FAQ Found it thanks If i reinstall it - Will i lose all of my settings/plex library? Nope. Just delete the docker.img, recreate it, then add the app back either via the my-plex user template or via the Apps Tab and Previous Apps
  10. So there is... But, it actually doesn't go far enough with what I believe is the intent of RobJ's posting. You'd really need to add correlation to passed through devices, and basic specs of VMs. (Under the assumption that it actually works properly) Then LT has to actually do something with the raw data and keep a web page continually updated with the basic stats gathered from all users to assist other users make purchasing decisions, etc.
  11. lol And get back into the whole "calling home" debate. But regardless, as a purely opt-in feature, it would be extremely helpful in determining what works and what doesn't.
  12. And remove inotifytools from the plugin if running unRaid 6.3rc6+ as its now included
  13. I don't know the feasibility of a yaml to dockerfile conversion Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  14. Check for updates. Was actually an error in there for a month or two.
  15. To save some time, can you post an actual screenshot showing that error, and diagnostics after the error appears. I *think* somethings isn't quite right on your server, hence why I thought the array wasn't started. (But I could be wrong )
  16. Quick look at the code and I think your array is stopped.
  17. Do you have docker enabled but no apps? I never saw that but will look at it tonight Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. You basically just need to create a dockerfile https://docs.docker.com/engine/getstarted/step_four/ There is really nothing specific per se on unRaid's implementation of docker vs other platforms The unRaid templates are just a xml document that has all of the options for the docker run command http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg486569#msg486569 But, yeah docker compose support would be a big bonus...
  19. You could try the tftp-server docker from Sparklyballs. No idea if it works as his repo is more or less abandoned in favour of the linux server's containers
  20. Ok, done. PS. is it normal that on my cache ssd, the docker.img file is 21.5GB? (please remember it's brand new array). Nothing looks amiss. Only thing I can suggest is to set the DNS addresses to and and the default gateway to your routers IP What is the output of ping -c3 tools.linuxserver.io
  21. Stop the docker service. Set the TV Shows settings to use cache=yes Run Mover TV Shows should disappear from the cache drive Set TV Shows to use cache=no Then try a dl again and see what happens
  22. Already fixed on the ransomware plugin. But you will have to delete the bait files and recreate them Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  23. Thats different. I would expect that they wouldn't be identical. mc would be one way to fix. Figure out which one is the "correct one", delete the other and figure out which program is creating the other one. Note that if you only use AFP/NFS to access the server, this problem isn't an issue
  24. Set your bios back how it was so that unraid boots. Go to the apps tab. Wait for it to complete the download then go to tools, diagnostics and post the resulting zip file Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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