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Everything posted by Squid

  1. One possibility: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=49511.msg475010#msg475010
  2. It's a kernel thing and outside of lt control. Aside from the annoyance it is completely harmless Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Updating a template won't trigger an update available for the container Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk Updated templates only appear to users right? Wasn't there talk about making a way to push out a updated template file to existing users also? Templates currently only affects CA or adding a container. There has been some talk about that, but AFAIK nothing has ever come of it (and any changes included in a template update can be easily implemented by a user anyways since its pretty much only environment variables, etc)
  4. Too much time on my hands, or the appropriate skills to not need much time? One of the problems with misconfigured docker apps is that they *may* write to your array media files with vastly different ownerships / permissions than what unRaid expects to operate normally (ie: the Windows error you need permission from root to perform this operation) The New Permissions tool included with unRaid is great for fixing these problems, but if it runs against your appdata folder(s) then it can wreck havoc with the docker apps themselves and cause them to be non-functional. With this update, a Docker Safe New Permissions tool will show up under Tools which will automatically scan your containers (and if you're on 6.2 your default appdata location) to determine which shares should not have their permissions set back to default, and skip those shares.
  5. You also have to passthrough the audio on the video card
  6. Nifty little utility But, The log for this app grows by about 100K / half hour. If you're on 6.2 then you're going to want to add this to the extra parameters: --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 On 6.1.x since those options will return an error, you're going to have to manually delete the log files every once in a while
  7. docker lost track somehow of the name of the app and picked one by itself Is there a fix? As it no longer detecting version either. Easiest solution is to delete the docker.img and then recreate it, and re-add your apps via CA's previous apps section. Since you've downgraded to 6.1.9 from 6.2.x you probably should do this anyways Sorry to be jumping from 2 threads. Will my plex data be safe if I delete image and container Yeah. All the meta data etc is stored within the appdata share (/config)
  8. docker lost track somehow of the name of the app and picked one by itself Is there a fix? As it no longer detecting version either. Easiest solution is to delete the docker.img and then recreate it, and re-add your apps via CA's previous apps section. Since you've downgraded to 6.1.9 from 6.2.x you probably should do this anyways
  9. docker lost track somehow of the name of the app and picked one by itself
  10. Updating a template won't trigger an update available for the container Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  11. I feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen - Check for CPU Throttling driver installed - Check for docker apps extra parameters set via repository (old style) instead of via extra parameters (Old style messes up updates of apps) - Ability to not log ignored faults
  12. Will be there within 2 hours. Minor issue with the template which I issued a PR, but that won't affect it adding correctly
  13. Alone or in pairs... Sounds like you have people in mind Happy happy joy joy joy! Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  14. Alone or in pairs... Sounds like you have people in mind Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. Because nobody has told me to add it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Some people are like slinkies. They really have no purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs Added in an option to significantly speed up backups when using dated backups in conjunction with automatic deletions The process of dated backups with automatic deletions was this: Backup appdata to the new folder If no errors resulted, then delete all the old backups eligible for deletion Now, if you enable the faster rsync option with dated backups and automatic deletions, the process will be: Rename one of the appdata backups (scheduled to be deleted) to be the same as what the backup is going to be (If no old backup is scheduled to be deleted, then the process will be identical to the above) Backup appdata to the new folder If no errors resulted, then delete all the other old backups eligible for deletion Huge speed ups because rsync no longer has to copy everything over, but only has to copy the changed files. Only downside is that *if* an rsync error occurs, then you will have lost that previous backup. (which ultimately means that your schedule for deleting old backups should be long enough that you always have one old one that doesn't meet the criteria along with the current.)
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://dl.lm-sensors.org/*
  18. Have you tried installing the latest available sensors-detect script?
  19. You'd need to post your diagnostics (and ideally install fix common problems plugin , run it then post diagnostics) I don't think plex is the issue Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  20. Will be added to CA and the templates thread around 5pm EST Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  21. I'm still waiting for the day my parents say, "It's all fake, we're millionaires. This was all to teach you how to be humble Added in automatic deletion of old backup sets. New option available in backup settings: Delete Backups After How Many Days Setting it to 0 or Never Delete will never automatically delete the old sets. Option only available when using the backup into separate dated folders setting.
  22. Saw it and was hoping someone more knowlegeable than myself was going to answer but obviously that didn't happen so I did just reply with my understanding of what happens. Hopefully it answered bubba's question Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. Community Applications is not up to date from when that got added to it (2016/04/17). You got caught in an almost catch-22 situation. You probably enabled plugin notifications to be set, but the dynamix checks for updates available hasn't run yet, so CA being out of date hasn't been logged yet.
  24. This would be great and VM's (I know VM's is not really a part of this but Flash backup would be great) In order to correctly backup the flash drive it is necessary to actually stop the array since the started/stopped status is part of the super.dat file and restoring a backup that shows the array was not stopped will result in an automatic correcting parity check due to unclean shutdown. Also, users need to be aware that restoring a flash backup that does not have the correct and current disk assignments can result in data loss. Which is why I don't really want to go there with this plugin, beyond the fact that: - Its nothing to actually back it up yourself as there are zero permission issues and it takes maybe 5 seconds - Has nothing to do with applications Don't want to go there either, as - I don't particularly run VMs - If the VM doesn't shut down correctly, then a force shutdown could possibly corrupt the VM That being said, VM's were what I actually originally had in mind when I put in the provisions for the Stop / Start scripts. Using those, you can create a script to stop any VM, copy its img file, and then restart it. The same can be done easily for the flash drive.
  25. I've made a feature req to have new perms not mess with appdata, and am considering creating a "docker safe" new perms tool in conjunction with fix common problems (but next on my plate is some changes to CA)
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