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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Best course of action would be to delete and recreate the docker.img file and go from there
  2. All development is done with Chrome. Does it work in incognito mode? Check to see if there's an extension that's causing the issue.
  3. Looks like a remnant of an old config that the system is enforcing, but no option to change it that I can find. Delete /config/share.cfg on the flash drive and reboot.
  4. Doubt it's file related. Try a clearing your browser history / cookies and also a different browser
  5. Primarily because anything historically that the docker tab / plugins tab can do, CA does better without the inherent design limitations. Right now you have two completely separate areas that function differently for additional apps to your server, rather than a unified area and interface for them. While there are significant design differences between a plugin and a container, IMO they are fundamentally the same (simply an app you're installing) and are just different delivery mechanisms. As I said, it's a long term goal.
  6. Here's my long term goals #1 - Removal of the plugins tab #2 - Removal of the docker tab So far as I'm concerned, each of them is more or less redundant due to Apps (especially the Plugins tab).
  7. The Unknown has nothing to do with CA itself, but is purely the docker subsystem itself. Anecdotally it comes and goes and when something winds up in unknown you have to force update to get rid of it
  8. It appears to be a semi-standard Ryzen mce that is completely benign and nothing to worry about
  9. Curious as to how... It appears if there is something that needs attention when you go to the Apps tab. It also disappears after 10 seconds
  10. That was a bug from years ago. Make a change to to plugin update settings and reapply.
  11. I would try expanding the 6-22 to instead be 6,7,8...
  12. Windows uses TiB as a measurement for sizes, but has always incorrectly labelled it as TB. 27.2TiB = 29.9 TB
  13. Plugin updates are happening at 1AM according to that snip. Docker updates are happening at 4am. There's a separate setting for them under Docker Auto Update Setting.
  14. Yes, known issue at the moment. Updating within CA via the check boxes will leave an orphan image. Harmless issue, but a major annoyance to my OCD,
  15. Why would it break it? The plugin stops the containers, does a backup, and restarts the containers...
  16. Those diagnostics are from 6.9.2 and they seem to have the same issue - Is the system running on 6.9.2???
  17. And they're not persistent - all logs are lost on a reboot
  18. Have you actually formatted the drives within Unraid yet?
  19. What does Docker - Container Size show?
  20. This is the official container from what appears to be a developer of the project itself. Best option to get the support via the Project link...
  21. Have you uninstalled the original and reinstalled the fork from Apps?
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