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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Same site that's linked to in user scripts EDIT: Albeit user scripts goes to http://www.corntab.com which used to work. Now it doesn't. Only http://corntab.com works
  2. Its going to be caused by the hard drive controllers pausing while they're waiting for another disk to spin up (caused by the other computer requiring info on the other disk) You can play around with spinup groups (ie: so that all disks with movies on them are spun up when any of them are spun up), or put all the disks into the same spin up group so that any access causes all disks to spin up concurrently, or just deal with it. Purely a hardware thing, and not much unRaid can do about it beyond those workarounds.
  3. No reason that I can think of. I don't really support the scripts (even the default included). They're just samples
  4. Install community applications and then go to the apps tab and search Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  5. You would mount a SMB share from the Windows box using the Unassigned Devices plugin on unRaid and save it there.
  6. It'll actually go to any mount point. Which means you can send it to another flash mounted via UD or a seaparate computer or even the cloud with appropriate other plugins
  7. Maybe look at the libvirt usb hotplug plugin to manage this instead
  8. Even easier is to click on the little drive icon next to each drive on the main tab. Brings up the log relating specifically to that drive.
  9. Should work. Or simply #!/bin/bash powerdown And set the schedule to run when you want.
  10. If you mean your cache drive ran out of space, then you've got some shares set to use cache:prefer. That setting pulls files from the array and drops them onto the cache drive. Set them to either No or Yes. IMHO, the only shares that should be Prefer are the appdata share (or set to Only), and downloads share.
  11. The Tips and Tweaks plugin might (I can't remember) But, if you have no users defined as having access to FTP, it's actually not running, regardless if its enabled or not.
  12. Just watch it and make sure the interface is stable (ie: no disconnects, etc) once the drive is hooked up.
  13. You need an rss reader. Probably a couple versions within the Apps tab, or multitudes for windows, etc Point it at https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/new.rss
  14. The lsio guys are going to ask you for this https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  15. Its not so much that he missed the step, but most users have no problems using it like that (the way its supposed to work), and a few do. No one has ever come up with a good reason as to why. Like @jonathanm said, accessing via user allows you to do things like cache:prefer (and this is how I handle things), but if it doesn't work for you, then specify /mnt/cache and all should be good. The "remove image" removes the program itself from the docker image (meaning a redownload is required). Not selecting it means that on a reinstall no download is required. Automatically checked off simply because its easier. (When uninstalling via the apps tab, it doesn't even give you the option - it always removes the image)
  16. You never need to reset up the paths. Via the docker tab you can add a template (select the my user template) everything will be filled out for you. Under the apps tab go to previous apps and reinstall. Same thing all your paths are already filled out. Under 6.4 with the apps tab you can check off multiple apps at a time then install them all with one button press with no interaction needed at all from the previous apps section Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  17. Yeah, I think the original title didn't specify shrink, so yes I glanced, looked at the headache, and posted. But, even there its still probably easier to just delete the image, and redownload the apps. 30 seconds later with no template changes required you're back in business. But it is kinda cool to know how to do a shrink via the command line.
  18. Looks like the L2 cache has problems. Definitely CPU
  19. Oops Missed that you were shrinking not enlarging
  20. Ugh... Very, very simple to enlarge the image https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-565307
  21. The error *implies* that the application is already stopped and the webUI just didn't update for some reason. IIRC (and I could be wrong), the webUI in 6.3 and earlier didn't always refresh itself after a stop. It should actually always take less than 10 seconds. The standard command issued with unRaid to stop an application (you can do this yourself) is: docker stop NAMEOFCONTAINER It tries to perform a graceful shutdown of the application, and if it doesn't gracefully exit, then the docker system will forcibly shut off the application after 10 seconds Different philosophies on how to build an application. Generally unless there's a very good reason to pick something else, you're going to go with linuxserver.io (if you want the applications to update themselves to the latest version every Friday), or binhex versions (if you prefer for binhex to manually release an updated version when he does it). Post in the support thread for qBittorent. Link you can get via the apps tab Like everything else, without diagnostics, its very hard to tell. IMHO, unRaid is 100% rock solid. Especially on the docker side of things. TBH, I would recommend upgrading to 6.4 as that is the version of unRaid that most of the docker experts themselves are running (including myself) 100% trouble free. But, I also ran 6.3.5 (and every 6.x release) troublefree Once again diagnostics, but there is one issue common to most new users - the docker image filling up due to misconfiguration of the applications. And that "issue" causes all sorts of strange trouble. But it is not the fault of unRaid or Docker. Its a pure and simple misconfiguration. Yes Depends. If the problem was with the docker image, then yes deleting the image is basically a clean install of every application. If the problem is with the appdata / metadata for the apps themselves, then this will not solve anything, and you would also have to delete the appdata in addition to the image.
  22. In your case, IRQ 17 & 18 were both used for the PCI sata controllers. IRQ stands for Interrupt ReQuest Basically an OS (any OS) tells your controllers, "hey can you grab this data for me". When the IRQ is active, the controller responds with "Sure thing buddy, I'll let you know when I've got it". When the data is ready, the controller Interrupts whatever is going on and send the data. Without the Interrupt being active, the controller responds with "Ok. Check back later when you have some time" At some point in the future, the OS checks back, and the data may or may not be there waiting for it. If its there then everything is good, if its not, then the OS proceeds to continue to execute whatever other applicication happens to be running at the time and then eventually gets around to checking for it again. Net result is that if an IRQ gets disabled, the whole process is significantly slower (as you're seeing) Why it gets disabled, I'm not entirely sure. Side note: Many motherboard manuals (at least for the ones I've ever bought) show you on the expansion slots which slots share which interrupts with other slots. In a perfect world, you want to try and isolate cards from each other's interrupts (or at least think about what you don't care about on a collision. IE: My use case dictates that I pretty much never have USB3 ports actually in use, therefore I don't care about if the interrupts the motherboard shares with them collide with a particular slot). And the command that @johnnie.black listed is logged in the syslog when FCP finds that an IRQ has been disabled to assist him and others in figuring out if its actually a problem or not.