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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Your system / ISP / whatever is blocking github downloads along with amazonaws (CA's backup server) Uninstalling NerdPack via plugins *might* help. Otherwise, uninstall Statistics Sender from plugins and then from Plugins, Install Plugin paste this URL in for preclear. However, I'd be surprised if it works https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.preclear.plg
  2. I can't replicate the Fav repo coming up as no apps found with SimonF being set as Favourite. Similarly for Action Centre coming up No Apps found when its enabled. Getting me the CA logs (CA Settings - Enable Debugging), then back in CA and replicating the 2 issues followed by uploading the file generating by the "Debugging" link on the left might help.
  3. The docker system either failed to start or you didn't acknowledge the CYA that appears when you go into Apps, so all installations are disabled until you accept the CYA
  4. On my system they are readable by group and world. (6.10) Either way, backup sets on the update now have explicit permissions of 0777 set
  5. Set up ntp settings And also the battery on the motherboard may be dead.
  6. What switch?!? Screenshots?
  7. While I don't still do this, Might also be helpful in conjunction with this.
  8. Switch your network driver (Settings Docker - Probably need to stop the service from running in order to do this) from macvlan to instead be ipvlan The other file with the dump shows that the docker.img is possibly trashed and would also contribute. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  9. Something's blocking everything from downloading While it's unlikely to be your problem, uninstall Preclear, as it is incompatible with 6.10 (replaced with Unassigned Devices Preclear). And consider uninstall SNMP as it's the one I'm least familiar with. Not related to your problem, but you will get far better performance by assigning any random flash drive etc to the array and using the SSD you've got instead as a cache pool (the flash is there just to satisfy the requirements of a data drive must be present) and set all your shares to use that pool and Use Cache: ONLY Trim is not supported on any disk in the array.
  10. Your name resolution isn't working properly for some reason. I can almost guarantee you can't ping github.com While google's DNS servers are great, I'd try using OpenDNS instead /
  11. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor Have you looked at this yet: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/#comment-819173 Specifically Typical Idle Power Supply Settings in the BIOS? Also, for stability you should never ever run memory at an overclock. You're running your memory with the XMP profile at 3200MT/s It *appears* that you bought "generic" memory, since the Manufacturer and product number is "Unknown", but since 3200MT/s memory is exceedingly rare, you're more than likely running 2133, and should disable XMP in the BIOS.
  12. Since there's nothing particularly obvious about what's going on, within Apps go to Settings, enable save debugging information. Apply and Done then back in apps when the message appears again, hit "Debugging" a zip file gets downloaded. Reply back with it here
  13. You've got this line you added into the go file # Fix Docker - Case Insensitive sed -i 's#@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@#\@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@i#g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php Remove it, reboot and try again
  14. First thing I would do is NOT have NerdPack install everything. You should only be installing what you actually need and nothing more. Many packages which are included in it can and will cause issues if you don't know what you're doing. Notably, atop is pretty much guaranteed to cause you issues. Uninstall NerdPack, reboot and try again. If it continues, post a new set of diagnostics
  15. Have you run Memtest from the boot menu at least a pass or two? (If you're booting via UEFI, you will need to temporarily switch to legacy for Memtest to work)
  16. That's an icon for It's not a risk, but since everything from that domain AVG blocks, have it silently fail if you like
  17. Can you try deleting network.cfg from the /config folder on the flash drive. And reboot and see if there's any difference (this will also wind up resetting everything back to DHCP etc) Right now, your network is referring to a pair of non-existent eth adapters
  18. Click Get more results from dockerHub, and then fill out the template accordingly.
  19. First thing you'd want to do is update to 6.10.3 and see if that changes anything. If not, within Settings - Docker (with the service stopped), change the network driver from macvlan to instead be ipvland
  20. We need to see your diagnostics
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