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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Why not use the scripting available within Unassigned Devices that when the drive gets plugged in that it automatically copies the files to it.
  2. The investigation showed that portables (android) caused it. But it would be possible for I suppose for anything that sleeps to cause it.
  3. As I re-corrected myself above, not worth your time and aggravation. Mover will take literally hours to move the files, and you have to do it twice. Simply recreate the docker folder and reinstall via Previous Apps. 5 Minutes and you're back and running vs an all day adventure. Only if you've created custom networking via the command line will you have to recreate that network, which will add another couple seconds to your time.
  4. Does Chrome tell you that "popup blocked"?
  5. This problem after investigation by other users seems to be related primarily to portable devices when they sleep and have a browser session open to the OS (main / dashboard) when this happens. It's not a bug / problem per se with the OS, but rather a bug with the mobile browsers and them not releasing the websocket when they go to sleep. The solution is to close all browser tabs.
  6. Missing the use of a folder for the image. (thx @trurl) Regardless of whether you're using a docker image or a folder, you're going to be better off always in simply recreating it via Previous Apps. Even using an image, it tends to not move very well between drives
  7. The way that I would move appdata from one drive to another would be to use appdata backup and restore. It'll take probably probably 1/20th the time of mover. Stop Docker and VM's in settings Backup, swap drives, restore Anything is system just do a normal copy. There's only a couple of files Don't delete anything off of the original cache drive until you have the system operational again.
  8. By design. If you hover over the icon or the info button for 3 seconds it opens the sidebar. Somewhat similar to hovering over somebody's avatar here
  9. While it's a possibility if the devs choose to implement, I'd use instead NetData -> far better at seeing what's going on than the docker tab
  10. 99% of the issues with any random container aren't actually a problem with the container or the template, but rather with the app itself. Those types of questions are all more suitable for whatever means the Project has for support / issues - Whether that's a completely separate forum or a GitHub issue. It is however basically somewhat unreasonable for any given template maintainer to have to continually scan all unread topics to try and find something that is relevant to their template (or for another user to do the same if they are knowledgeable on a particular container and able to assist). Depends upon how you think of it. Is the template author the one reasonable for the support on the app itself? Should only maintainers who also create the container be allowed? Or, should only the app authors themselves be allowed to create templates? You'd be shocked to learn just how much time and effort goes into policing the app eco-system on Unraid. Personally however while I think that there should be the dedicated threads to each app, it's a little pet-peeve of mine seeing all those "Please Use The Correct Forum" as a stock response for what may be a simple question / answer. (And yes I am also guilty of it)
  11. Likely an informative message and good to ignore Jun 29 09:26:13 Server mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data But a BIOS update might help
  12. The ugly truth of the matter is that Safari is a bitch. The OS is tested constantly against all the major browsers (including Safari), but Safari always seems to have issues here and there with certain things that come and go depending upon their updates.
  13. Are you sure the (presumably) cache drive isn't itself in read-only mode because of this? (BTRFS isn't the most fault tolerant FS unfortunately) diagnostics would give the answer to the above
  14. Adding that (and fixing SYS_SYS_ADMIN to be SYS_ADMIN) resulted in me losing Netdata having any stats on the containers at all Yeah, that's what you want except you then have to correlate the veth0xxxxxxxx adapters to what container they are. cAdvisor is another alternative to NetData, but not quite as good IMO
  15. There was another nextcloud installed that prevented deleting the image (advanced view might have shown it). System worked as design, as when you went to delete it, it did delete the instance, but left the "image" still intact because another instance was using it.
  16. Try clearing out the history, cookies etc. If that's Safari and still have problems, then try Firefox / Chrome and see if there's any change (not a solution, but would be a data point for the devs)
  17. There is a reason. A write to the drive failed so it was disabled. It's the only time a drive gets disabled, and is exactly the type of response you want the system to do. Cause of that happening could be because of bad drive, cabling etc. Since SMART is ok, rebuild the drive contents onto itself.
  18. How does it operate if you upgrade to 6.10.3?
  19. It's a link designed to go to a page in the UI. eg /Settings or /Main trying to leverage it for running a script etc isn't really what it was designed for
  20. Try limiting the amount of memory that Plex and Jacket are able to use. Short of the VM, those were your biggest consumers at the time of the OOM
  21. You can't. Although installing it and logging in will bring forth a number of useful features - automated flash backup, far easier license key management, optional remote access and presumably more to come.
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