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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Existed since day 1 on the plugin and is harmless (but shouldn't show up)
  2. Did you also remember to isolate the GPU from the OS via Tools - System Devices?
  3. Boot with the USB. Array won't start because of all the missing drives etc. Update the OS and update the plugins Nothing you can do with containers unless the array starts.
  4. Yes. But it depends upon how you've referenced the share in the apps. If you've referenced /mnt/cache/appdata/blah then you've got to change them all to reference the new path. If you've referenced /mnt/user/appdata as the system is designed to do then moving the appdata share to the new pool and then changing the share settings is all you need to do.
  5. I'm assuming that everything is up to date. Even if you're not updating the OS you should be keeping everything else up to date, especially plugins. Any random container though will not require an update in order to function on any version of the OS
  6. Welcome to the real world. Every second of every day, script kiddies are constantly attempting to gain access to every IP address and open ports in the world. It's hard to get around forwarding ports (like for Plex), and it's something you've just got to deal with. At the end of the day, you're trusting Plex Inc to properly secure their system. For other things like your Unifi controller etc that you've opened up to the world make sure you've got a damn secure password on it, and if you have the ability to only allow certain IPs (or ranges) then apply that. Ideally, you should use a reverse proxy or even better a VPN (eg wireguard) for accessing the services, as then there will be yet another layer of security between you and the bad actors The world is a dangerous place, and nowadays we've got a million apps on our phones to remotely access our various devices (Ring, Deco, Nest etc) and while none of them require ports opened, on each and every one of them you're trusting the company to properly secure those devices (and their own servers / apps) to prevent intrusions into your network) Each and every IoT device should be on your Guest wifi network and not on your actual wifi network unless its 100% necessary.
  7. There is no particular Phone Home. If you set up MyServers and sign in, then yes it's going to update the status on the MyServers dashboard, but that's completely up to you. Without MyServers being setup, there is 100% zero communication between your server and anything with LT
  8. The ports and paths do not exist - Did you delete them? Post the applicable xml file that is stored in /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive
  9. It's supposed to copy the IP address to the clipboard (and bring up a message say LAN IP COPIED). Not quite sure why this feature is there though. But it works on my system running 6.10.2 and Chrome
  10. You don't have any paths or ports defined (or they are hidden by default). Hitting the Show More Settings will bring them up if they are hidden, and if there is nothing there then you need to Add another Path / Port / Variable ... and fill it all out accordingly
  11. Jun 3 16:58:29 BigNAS kernel: BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p1): unable to find logical 14057987492005150720 length 4096 Jun 3 16:58:29 BigNAS kernel: BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p1): unable to find logical 14057987492005150720 length 16384 Wait for @JorgeB to advise
  12. Are you accessing via a reverse proxy? Websockets aren't being allowed by the proxy if so. Otherwise close all tabs on all devices open to the server and try again
  13. You can always try manually updating - maybe its a legit issue. Download the zip file from https://unraid.net/download, overwrite all of the bz* files (and the changes.txt file) on the flash drive with those in the zip. Reboot and try again.
  14. Seems to work for me: Give me explicit directions on how to set things up.
  15. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Many required folders may need to be created depending upon the container - most notably, the appdata folder.
  16. CPU shares only makes a difference if there are multiple docker container all running full tilt. Only then does it make a difference When does it become choppy? Most hard drive controllers will actually pause all I/O if a drive winds up spinning up. See if it makes a difference with drive spindown disabled.
  17. Did you reboot after deleting the 3 files?
  18. Docker Run command will tell you exactly why
  19. Yeah, it's nothing and can be ignored. But, a BIOS update if available might get rid of it May 28 13:52:41 Tower mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data May 28 13:52:41 Tower mcelog: Kernel does not support page offline interface
  20. MCA: Internal parity error You might want to disable any and all over clocks if present. Also wouldn't hurt to look for a BIOS update, and ask in the nvidia driver thread about the constant sanity checks happening and what can be done about it.
  21. OTOH, it should always have created with root as being the owner unless rsync allows you to specify other.
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