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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Dynamix Schedules as a new section to Settings - Scheduler that allow you to adjust the time of the fixed schedules
  2. Also, if you think you were using the Template Repositories section on previous versions of the OS, please see here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/112170-allow-template-repositories-to-be-hosted-from-other-sources/page/2/#comment-1126265 Extremely unlikely you were actually using them, even if you thought you were, but the conversation belongs in that thread, not here.
  3. Probably going to be best to create a new thread in General Support to avoid cluttering this up. If you have access to a command prompt (locally or SSH), include your diagnostics diagnostics That'll get saved onto the flash drive.
  4. A 404 error where? After the reboot? Locally on the GUI or via another browser?
  5. It's not portainer, but rather are the images themselves available for the PI? Not every container is available as both x86-64 / amd64 and ARM (rpi) That investigation is your first step
  6. Not a super fair test. It's not the OS that's bogged down, it's your browser trying to churn through the (probably) thousands of lines and render them. (And you can confirm because on super long logs where it's continually adding lines, it will slow down the scrolling in the log window, and if you watch an actual console (SSH) and tail the syslog you'll see a very noticeable response time difference)
  7. Everything you've had installed previously (or tried to install) will appear in Previous Apps, unless you remove it from the list.
  8. Apps - Previous Apps, Actions on the card then Reinstall
  9. Let it sit for a couple more minutes. Failing that, after CTRL-C to exist the command, cp /var/log/syslog /boot and then upload the syslog file that is now stored on the flash drive
  10. Edit the template (click on the icon and hit edit) You would only do this from the terminal if you created the container from the command line and are bypassing the GUI in the first place.
  11. I'm sure a synthetic test would show a difference. In terms of something you would notice, probably not any.
  12. This means that you've got a path referenced in the template that doesn't start with a "/" The docker run command will show the exact path you've got that's wrong
  13. It doesn't get stuck. It just takes absolutely forever on some systems. But, rm /tmp/fix.common.problems/extendedPID
  14. If the drives are in the "array" (parity, data) then it does not support trim. If it's in a cache pool then yes BTRFS automatically supports trim. XFS you need to install Dynamix SSD Trim. (If you're running a single device pool, then XFS is the better choice to use than BTRFS)
  15. It was a weekend. I'm sure that @ljm42 will be along at some point to comment. But, what do you mean by "no Media Server" present?
  16. IO Wait is that the system is waiting for IO. This could be because of no Trim support since writes take forever after empty blocks get used over time, and until it's trimmed it will never recover the performance.
  17. Probable cause for the reboots. Upgrade and switch the network driver.
  18. Do you have apps which are assigned a static IP address? Some users have issues with this on 6.9 and the solution is to upgrade to 6.10-rc8 and switch the network driver (Settings, Docker, advanced view with the service disabled) from macvlan to instead be ipvlan 6.10.0 stable is due very (very) soon(tm)
  19. First one is a puzzler. Second makes sense since it's missing the leading slash. Best guess is that the array isn't started or in maintenance mode. Can you post a new set of diagnostics which reflect the situation after running those commands, but before a reboot. The diagnostics (shares folder) doesn't reflect what's actually there as a share. It's simply a dump of all the .cfg files. IE: You at some point HAD those extra 4 shares, but now you do not. While I haven't gone though each of the .cfg files, there will be 4 of them that say the share does not exist on any drive. EG: "T------------o.cfg"
  20. Both the system share and appdata share exist on disk 1, which is going to result in what you're seeing. Parity (regardless of whether it's an SSD or not) incurs a big write penalty. It's automatically 4x slower on writes by default. Since you're using all SSDs, enable "Reconstruct Write" in Settings - Disk Settings to speed things up. Ideally though, the system share and appdata should really be on a separate pool outside of the array for the absolute best performance (backing up to the array if needed on a schedule) Keeping this stuff outside of the traditional array also has another huge benefit: Trim support. The array does not support trim, but cache pools do. (Install Dynamix SSD Trim if using a cache pool formatted as XFS). Lack of trim support is also going to degrade performance over time.
  21. Since this just came up again on a different thread and we are now on the cusp of 6.10.0 stable being released soon(tm), let me just re-iterate the following: The Template Repositories section of the OS is now removed in 6.10.0+ It is not coming back. It is not a "feature" being removed, but rather a reflection of reality of how the system was originally designed (to support an App Store type interface) and where we have been since 2015 (an App Store type interface released). Template Repositories was always intended to be a short term solution. Since 2015 and the introduction of Community Applications, a reasonable assumption is that 99.999% of users have never used the Template Repositories section. If you are one of the 0.001% of users that is still currently using it, there are 2 completely viable alternatives listed in this thread (put the xml's into either /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user or /config/plugins/community.applications/private/myNameHere) NOTE: another reasonable assumption is that of the 0.001% of the users who think that they are using it, 90% of them actually aren't. The reason why it's being removed in 2022 instead of being removed in 2015 is because prior to 6.10.0 Community Applications was basically an optional plugin. In 6.10.0, while CA is still technically optional, the Apps Tab will always appear in the GUI and if CA is not installed then there is a link to automatically install it. Community Applications does not force you to only use templates which are present within it, nor does it hinder you creating your own templates via "Add Container".
  22. You should really look at why the image utilization is that large. Container size will show the rough utilization per. Most times it's a result of misconfiguration of a container resulting in say downloads from a download client being stored within the image instead of properly outside within /config etc But, to increase the size, simply go to settings, docker, disable the service and increase the size and then re-enable.
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