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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It does IF you have a monitor > 1920 px across and the plugin installed and the window is > 1920 when loading the page. It's a pet peeve that the OS is artificially limited to 1920px maximum.
  2. No But if you have a very wide monitor, then installing the Unlimited Width plugin will help as the tables won't be sized to fit a 1920px display if your browser width is larger.
  3. I hope it does since Linus stated they'd be good for Unraid
  4. Yes you can do this. For best results (ie: Trim Support) you would create cache-pools with the SSD's and only have a single flash drive (any size) as being part of the main array (Currently, the main array does not support Trim, and a disk has to be assigned to it -> hence the flash drive assigned)
  5. Unraid does not include any drivers for audio, for the simple reason that they're not needed (which means that your containers will not use it). You would need to pass through the audio card / usb to the VM. And generally an audio card would only have a single "card" in it, so it cannot be used simultaneously with multiple VMs
  6. You need to upgrade to 6.10-rc5+ If the problem continues, then post a bug report. In the meantime, RC3 is dead.
  7. Flash drives have a bad rep, but in practice they're one of the most reliable components in any given server. SSDs / nvme are not supported as boot media. Sandisk though is also not currently recommended as they are being counterfeited and sold by major retailers https://forums.unraid.net/topic/119052-psa-on-sandisk-usbs/ Your mileage may vary though. Avoid small form factor sticks as they run extremely hot, and heat is the enemy of any electronics The old adage of USB2 drive in USB2 port is becoming less recommended now as the later kernel versions are handling things much better. My 2 main servers run off of 10 year old sticks (USB2) My test server runs off of a 3 year old USB3 stick. No issues have ever happened to any of them. Actual downtime though in a flash failure is minimal (minutes) -> set up a new flash drive and transfer the registration using the automated method of doing this. Only if the automated method fails do you need to enlist the services of support, in which case I believe their average response time now is about 20 minutes through working hours 7 days a week.
  8. Attached is a file which fixes the logs not working on RC4+ (Tested RC5, RC5a) Copy this to /config/plugins/docker.folder (replace the existing .txz there) and reboot I do not use this plugin, so if there's any other issues with RC4+ I will attempt to fix if (and only if) you are extremely specific on how to set things up to get it to fail on RC4 where it worked on 6.9.2 I do see some issues on the dashboard when opening up the folder, and I'm probably not going to touch that as dashboard extensions are a hack upon the system docker.folder-2021.08.20-x86_64-1.txz
  9. You deleted a file named "go" from config. You need to recreate it #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
  10. Those error would be from a plugin. Presumably VM Backup (or something else VM related)
  11. So much for my trying to stop the debate lol
  12. 6.8.3 is not supported by CA. The lowest version of the OS it will use is 6.9.0 You should upgrade to 6.9.2
  13. I'm going to try and stop this back and forth debate At the end of the day, templates being updated has been troublesome. We're trying an experiment to see how things go without updating them. IMO, Templates very, very rarely change and I don't see that changing all that much in the future, and the number of templates that needed to be set to not update was very steadily increasing. But, if this change in 6.10 proves to be troublesome again then we'll revisit the whole thing again and try a different solution. In the meantime, we're not putting in updates to the templates...
  14. You'd have to post an applicable xml file where it's set in the template, but you're not able to save it through CPU pinning in Settings.
  15. It's not a bug. If you're attempting to manage a container you've installed via the command prompt and not CA (or docker - Add Container and filling out the entries), then you're bypassing the system altogether and you'll have to manage them yourself via the command line.
  16. Installing that container doesn't seem to have any ill effects on my system... Maybe try reinstalling it again? Perhaps there was updates issued to it...
  17. My initial thoughts are to simply delete everything on the flash drive (except for the .key file) and remake the flash drive and cut your losses and go from there (your data is NOT at risk) It's hard to run through in my head exactly what kind of state you managed to put the flash drive into. If you have access to the command prompt / terminal, can you try grabbing the diagnostics from the command line
  18. Is it in a slot that is winding up being disabled in the BIOS. There's no mention of it in the diagnostics, so as far as the OS is concerned, it doesn't exist at all.
  19. It won't cause any issues, but while a trim operation is in progress, ALL I/O on the drive is effectively paused. Set it to run after (guess at a reasonable time)
  20. No. If problems continue, create a new support thread with your diagnostics
  21. You've got a ton of weird little kernel errors. I think your only recourse here is to reboot powerdown -r
  22. And would also help if you explain exactly what you mean by "Added to the array". On a running array, what you're saying is impossible.
  23. The docker run command will show exactly what is wrong
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