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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Look in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/images
  2. Try closing all open tabs to the server (alternatively, you can also try logging out) and rebooting. Also, you've got a ton of AER errors being logged. Try doing this to get rid of them
  3. From SSH, diagnostics Then upload the zip file stored in /logs on the flash drive
  4. Any templates that aren't within Apps are not there either because For one reason or another the template is deprecated / blacklisted The maintainer has never submitted them for inclusion in Apps. Nothing I can do about that. At the end of the day, the Template Repositories part of the UI was always intended to be a temporary "feature". It was CA that was always the desired goal. And, if you work with "Add Container" and the drop down to select a template. Apps does support extra repositories that aren't publicly published within it. Template Repositories was basically a redundant section that has long been superseded and it was long past time to remove it (If I had my way, it would have been removed in 2015 not 2022)
  5. Only container maintainers can create a new post. You can reply to existing threads.
  6. Parity handles drive failures / read errors. If you have another reason why filesystem corruption happen (eg: bad memory), there's nothing that Parity can do to help you on that. Unraid is really no different than any other OS in that regards. Your system share on both the cache and disk 1. It's impossible to determine where the docker.img file is actually stored, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to change the system share from Use Cache: only to instead be use cache: Prefer Stop the VM and docker services in settings, then run Mover from the main tab. After its done, re-enable the services
  7. Probably best to ask in the relevant support thread (or skim the Project page) Click the icon, then Support
  8. Something is basically continually writing to your flash drive and the backup feature of MyServers keeps backing up Apr 18 04:41:41 YoungStewtsGen flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 439 TIMES] ### (one of many many entries) You're going to want to post here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/112745-stop-useless-backups/#comment-1026238, and read the thread so that you can determine what's going on. @ljm42 will help out if necessary when you post there.
  9. Start by looking at where the vdisk is ultimately being stored -> on the array or on the cache pool You can always post your diagnostics
  10. Pretty much any solution is also going to wind up exposing your root password. Something like the ControlR app might work for you though.
  11. UD Preclear requires UD installed. Since it's not, no install button for it. That's why that little yellow + is there. All info regarding every app you get by hitting "Info" or clicking anywhere on the card.
  12. Just change the WebUI entry. You're using static IPs anyways.
  13. What's the free space situation on the shares / drives that its supposed to move it to?
  14. Not a bug, and by design The WebUI entry translates [IP] to the IP address of the container (which in Bridge networking mode means the host IP address), and [PORT:8080] to the host port that container port is mapped to. Just edit the WebUI entry and manually select the IP address. (Although I'm not quite sure why you need / want this (and mapping the port to another specific address) in the first place)
  15. The font is going to slightly change again on next release
  16. You've got some modification / script May 12 14:30:01 Loki docker: RAM-Disk synced First thing to do is get rid of this, reboot and then try again.
  17. From the terminal, diagnostics A zip file will get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) powerdown powerdown and then pull the stick and reply back on your next post with that entire zip file attached
  18. The problem that I've always had with backblaze is that they don't quantify what they consider to be a failure, and they use whatever drives they can find cheap in an enterprise environment. Tossing a ST4000DM into an enterprise environment isn't a fair comparison against enterprise drives which are designed for that workload. Somewhat akin to entering a car in the Indy 500 running an engine from a Chevy Cruise vs everything else. Sure, it'll work but it'll also fail pretty fast.
  19. Are you sure the system isn't rebooting on you for some reason? What's the uptime in the top right?
  20. You might want to try creating the flash drive via the manual method https://wiki.unraid.net/Articles/Getting_Started#Manual_Install_Method instead
  21. Very quick test without even thinking about it:
  22. You didn't read what I said. SMB copies where the source and destination are the same server do not traverse the network. Doesn't even need to be the same share so long as they're on the same server. I can easily hit that rate on a 1G network copying over SMB between WD Black nvme's
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