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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yes -> Updates being available, any incompatible app installed, anything deprecated / blacklisted etc. Eventually some more things also
  2. It's always enabled, and the option is given on every search to get more results from dockerHub (top right)
  3. Are you assigning the container a specific IP address? Port mapping (by definition) only works when the network is set to Bridge mode. Giving it a specific IP means that it will always utilize the container port. The WebUI entry always (always) refers to the container port. It does not refer to the host port. The docker system will automatically adjust the port when selecting WebUI if you've mapped the container port to a host port. IE: This entry pretty much never needs to be adjusted by an end-user -> hence why it only shows up in advanced view.
  4. They look to be from a container continually restarting itself. Start by looking at the uptime of each and go from there.
  5. Regardless of whether it's fixed or not, you should update regardless. If the issue still persists, then a bug report can be posted.
  6. At any given time, the speed being given is meaningless. The important thing is the time it takes vs the size of the file. IE: The average speed. If you're moving / transferring many small files, then every OS (including locally on Windows) has massive amounts of overhead in handling all the metadata changes, directory updating etc. When you're transferring to the server from another system, the system is going to use memory as a "cache", hence why you're seeing the theoretical line speed of 112-113MB/s, and then once the memory gets filled, it has to start dumping the memory to the much slower hard drives, so you will see the transfer rate drop very significant, and then pick back up, drop again etc. It's the average speed that's the important metric here. One of Unraid's tradeoffs is that for the default settings (Settings, Disk Settings - md_write_method) is that it's read/modify/write. This default means that only the hard drives involved in the write are active (whichever data and the parity(s) (others can stay spun down), but write speeds by definition are ~4x slower than the theoretical maximum of the hard drive. By changing that setting to reconstruct write, you will tend to hit the maximums of the slowest hard drive present at the expense of every drive has to be involved (spinning up if necessary) Copying files from the same drive to the same drive, is the worst of all worlds on any OS for speed, as it has to read the contents, wait for the drive(s) to spin back to the appropriate sectors and then write the contents, wait the drive(s) to spin back around for the next read ad nauseum. Windows (ie: SMB3) is identical in speeds for transfers / moves within the same server as the entire system is smart enough to realize that if the source and destination are both on the same server then don't bother moving the data back and forth on the network. EG: On my 2.5G network I can quite easily hit 7G/s via Windows copying files between a pair of WD Black NVMe's
  7. That's actually how cable management SHOULD look. Bundled cables induce EMI interference. Cabling should be basically sitting random, so that the EMI is random.
  8. Strange errors. Was there a zip file created in the logs folder? Upload them here on your next post
  9. From the command prompt / terminal, diagnostics then power down, and reply back with the resulting zip file that is stored in /logs on the flash drive.
  10. You have another tab / browser open to the GUI, but have rebooted the server since it was opened. I would try explicitly setting static DNS addresses in Settings - Network of and instead of having your router do this.
  11. Even though there is cache-busting logic in place, many users find that they still have to clear the browser history (cookies etc) when upgrading to a new version and using VNC
  12. There should be no fundamental change. Presumably, it's the permissions you've got set on /tmp/xxx, or you have smb-extra.cfg set up incorrectly.
  13. Download the zip file from the website, then overwrite all of the bz* files on the flash drive with those in the zip.
  14. You should be able to enter the two lines at a command prompt and it'll work.
  15. You also need to configure add the appropriate lines to /config/go on the flash drive: http_proxy=http://xxx:xxx https_proxy=http://xxx:xxx /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & (change accordingly) Those two lines allow Unraid itself access to the internet via a proxy. The proxy.cfg file is only used by Community Applications, as it does things differently.
  16. If the Action Centre shows up, then yes the Icon always flashes. If there's nothing to handle, the Action Centre shouldn't ever appear. If it does then it's my issue.
  17. Best venue for support on SWAG would be lsio's discord server.
  18. lol. Wasn't a big deal, but the pic struck me as being off a bit, so looked at my own system. Not the first 5 minutes of my life that I won't get back (nor will it be the last)
  19. @JorgeB Why is your icon for Update not correct?
  20. Do the containers work? Does the WebUI in the dropdown work? Port mappings not appearing is more or less correct as a container on a static IP has no port mappings that you can change.
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