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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What other(s) am I missing? VM WOL, Network Stats. Anything that needs Perl isn't an issue as it's included in the OS
  2. As of today, since 6.11.0 stable is imminent, and I don't believe that this plugin will get updated, I have marked this plugin as being incompatible with > 6.10.3 If you require any packages which you may have been installing via this, you will need to do your own package management. Note that Perl is now included in the base OS once 6.11.0 is released.
  3. As of today, since 6.11.0 stable is imminent, and I don't believe that this plugin will get updated, I have marked this plugin as being incompatible with > 6.10.3 If you require any packages which you may have been installing via this, you will need to do your own package management
  4. PSA: This plugin is currently being marked as deprecated for 6.11.0. This is because @dmacias does not appear to be active and/or maintaining the plugin anymore, and this plugin has a dependency upon Python 2 being installed from NerdPack (which will be marked as being incompatible). If you've come to rely upon this plugin, then you do not have to uninstall it, but you will be doing your own package management in installing (and maintaining) Python 2 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/42320-wake-on-lan-for-virtual-machines-for-61/?do=findComment&comment=1029485 Note that if some other author decides to fork this plugin (or create an auxiliary plugin to install Python 2) then this deprecation will be reversed if/when I am notified.
  5. This is what I'm guessing is happening on your system (at least this is what I can see on mine) Your system is not set to autostart the array (Settings - Disk Settings) After you reboot, you're noticing that the script isn't running on a schedule, so you toggle the settings and then it begins to run. If you don't bother doing that, and instead start the array does it then run? (or alternatively, without starting the array, from a command prompt enter in update_cron will it then start. TLDR: Not 100% sure if this is a bug in the OS or by design, but any custom cron schedules done by a plugin do not take effect until the array is started. EDIT: I see this when I was testing on 6.9.2 -> Under 6.11.0-rc3p6 I'm not seeing this same behaviour. Not sure about 6.10.3
  6. swal is probably a non-starter. swal2 may work for you, but it's not included in the base OS, but it also has problems co-existing with the built-in swal. You'd want to include the same javascript (modified) that Unassigned Devices does to have them co-exist properly
  7. I have now marked this plugin as being deprecated across all versions of the OS. If at some point in the future @dorgan includes the required packages needed to run this plugin and does his own package management without forcing the user to sort it all out, this deprecation will be reversed. If you already have this plugin installed, then be aware that you are doing your own package management, and there is always the possibility that whatever packages you are manually installing to run this plugin may (or may not) have adverse affects on the OS. It is entirely up to you whether or not to uninstall this plugin and revert whatever package management scripts you may have been using.
  8. What you have to do is figure out what keeps writing to the flash drive continuously and thereby triggering a backup to be made See this thread
  9. Its your docker log that's spamming /var/log with something. Unfortunately it appears that diagnostics doesn't include the rotated docker log files, some can't tell what's up with it. You'll have to reboot, wait an hour or two and then post a new set of diagnostics
  10. If the file(s) already exist then the OS will automatically overwrite them on the disk they exist on. Include / exclude / split levels are for how new files get written
  11. Are you using forward or reverse breakout cables? You need forward. If you bought reverse, they will not work at all
  12. What version of the OS? Try updating to 6.11 as there were some changes regarding how WebUI's are handled.
  13. Sorry - Serves me right for typing OTOH Click on the cache pool within Main
  14. Look at the share cache floor setting in Settings - Global Share Settings and adjust if necessary
  15. IDK. Glad its working, but I just did a brand new 6.9.2 install and CA works fine
  16. Aug 7 04:30:05 DLVTOWER root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Invalid folder cache contained within /mnt At some point you had a cache pool named "cache". You then changed it to instead be docker_nvme and download_nvme But at the time you removed that original pool and added the 2 new ones, you didn't change one (or more) of the docker templates that were referencing /mnt/cache/.... You need to change the templates (hit edit on all of the apps) to reference the new pool.
  17. There diagnostics should complete. Look on the flash drive in the /logs folder But, you probably anecdotally have a browser tab open on a mobile android device that you've completely forgotten about that is causing these issues. Close all tabs on all devices
  18. A number of months ago (years?), linuxserver switched from being hosted on dockerHub to ghcr to ultimately lscr for various reasons. They're all identical, but when searching for apps in CA (or browsing), they will not show as being already installed, because your original installations are of an app which is effectively not within CA anymore (the dockerHub version) They will however show up within installed apps properly. You really want to use the lscr one as that is the preferred. dockerHub (what you're referring to as linuxserver) still works and is identical to lscr, but may at some point in the distant future disappear
  19. Mainly because there's no real reason for it to be that size. 20G is more than sufficient for 99% of the users. The other 1% 40G would suffice. 400G means that if everything is configured correctly you wind up wasting ~380G of space on the cache drive. If you've had problems with the image constantly filling up and just can't make heads or tails of why, then instead of an image, use a folder (Settings - Docker with the service stopped). At least then it'll grow and shrink accordingly and only take up the space it actually needs.
  20. You'd ultimately have to try it to see what happens. But, you can run Unraid on a USB 1.0 / 1.1 with no speed degradation. The OS runs completely from RAM and the flash drive is only used to store the files needed to unpack and keep the various settings.
  21. SERVICE="disable" Diagnostics show that it's disabled
  22. Something somewhere is blocking both github and amazonaws.
  23. hmm. I'd have to look into this. Nothing super obviously corrupted, but FCP is finding something, so somewhere there is something....
  24. You do not have a cache pool named "appdata". This means that the meta-data which plex saves will be stored in RAM and lost when you reboot (ie: Invalid folder appdata within /mnt) Changing it to /mnt/cache results in the exact same thing since you do not have a cache pool named "cache" Rather than typing in the paths, you should be clicking and then using the file browser to select the appropriate path (either /mnt/cache_nvme or /mnt/cache_ssd) Should be noted that when installing Plex via apps, your path would have been correct (/mnt/user/appdata), and then via the share settings for Appdata you would dictate which cache drive that share uses
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