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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Thanks @JorgeB New version available.
  2. Try downloading the file from the link directly and then store it within /config on the flash drive (delete any other .key files which may be present)
  3. You'd use Unassigned Devices to mount the remote share and pass that in the template (when you hit Edit, and then add another path / port / variable)
  4. See if it works and starts Also, installing every package in NerdPack is going to give you nothing but headaches. Many packages can and will cause you issues... Ideally you shouldn't install anything in NP except what you actually need, and it is deprecated going forward as it's incompatible with 6.11
  5. You never need to use remote mapping on any of the 'arrs. You just add in the appropriate path mapping to the template See also
  6. Why are you running Plex as Bridge network type? It's designed to be run as Host, and there are no ports in the default template because of this fact despite that Plex uses ~10 ports. Similarly, the dockerfile doesn't export any ports so as far as any system is concerned there's nothing to be shown because there are no ports exposed anywhere without explicitly specifying them in the template.
  7. The limit is based upon the number of data drives you have. Since it's only giving you the option for 1, you probably only have 1 data drive and the rest are all pool devices.
  8. If you're doing it over the network, then your user doesn't have permission to write files to the flash drive (Main, Boot Device, click Boot, SMB settings) If you're doing it directly on a Windows system, then your flash drive is kaput
  9. WebUI entry is never [HOST] should always be [IP] Running the container through another is a complication though and I'm unable to assist with that as I've never seen the real point in doing so for how I use my system
  10. You should upgrade to 6.11 An issue with 6.10 (and possibly earlier) was found and fixed where that would happen if (as an example) the docker service or VM service was either stopped or started. It never however impacted being able to actually navigate to the server if you already had a shortcut present
  11. You have to issue an appropriate tar command at the command prompt
  12. What about the dependency problem @dorgan
  13. Dynamix File Manager is the replacement, but the plugin still works. If you've had it installed previously it will show up within Apps, Previous Apps. Otherwise in Apps, Settings you need to tell the system to display deprecated apps
  14. Are you running those containers? You will need to recreate the templates as they are corrupted and not properly readable. If you're not running those containers, then just delete them. If issues keep happening you may need to replace your flash drive
  15. @dlandon has created a Python 2 plugin, so WOL is now no longer being deprecated
  16. WOL *may* become compatible again. There's talk of an auxiliary Python 2 plugin happening now
  17. Fix Common Problems - Tools, Update Assistant
  18. Usual cause would be a reference in one or more of your docker apps to a non-existent disk path which results in it storing the data / downloads in RAM. (eg: referencing /mnt/usr/downloads instead of /mnt/user/downloads) You're currently using ~60G
  19. PSA Since it *appears* that @dmacias is absent and development has stopped on all of his plugins, if in the future this plugin winds up having compatibility issues with the OS then it will be marked as deprecated / obsolete. There is nothing however at this time that I can tell that would dictate any user to stop using this plugin or for me to take that action (short of a very minor display aberration)
  20. I tested with * * * * * on 6.9.2 and 6.11 and no issues with it (subject to 6.9 not adding the cron until it was started)
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