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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Can you post your diagnostics so we can see all the relevant config files.
  2. If you're using compose files, you'll need to have the docker compose plugin installed.
  3. Out of curiosity, what issues are you having?
  4. You would need to contact support to inquire about this. https://unraid.net/contact
  5. Is your server directly facing the internet (IE: did you place your server within the router's DMZ?) See here for some useful best practices etc
  6. Yes. If it's not there, either you're not searching or CA is nowhere near up to date
  7. Without diagnostics (ideally in a separate thread), not much we can do to help
  8. Settings - Scheduler, Mover Settings - Disable Mover Logging. The syslog is pretty much nothing but logs from that, so we have no idea what predicated the share loss. (I can tell that the shares aren't present though) After doing that, reboot and then if issues persist post a new set of diagnostics
  9. Try setting the access mode when editing the template on that path to be RW: SLAVE
  10. The automatic opening after 3 seconds only happens if you're hovering on either the Icon, the Info button, or the actual text that says read more. It doesn't open hovering anywhere else. The template authors dictate that. If you go to Statistics, then click Repositories you'll get a popup with every single GitHub URL I'm using and you can issue appropriate pull requests against each and every template present Probably not going to happen, but you do realize that after a search you can click the category on the left to narrow the search down to that specific category
  11. This is the official version, and was last updated August 12th
  12. In a nutshell, GitHub is a piece of shit. (If some one can come up with a better term that has all of the same connotations then please let me know) A change has been now implemented in the application feed to account for it being a P.O.S., and you won't be seeing this kind of stuff again
  13. I've been sick for the last week, so missed this. I'm not seeing the graphs populating on 6.11.0-rc4 when installing this, but IIRC my system was always having issues with this plugin for some reason. I'll leave it in CA and continue to monitor the situation with it.
  14. The ideal way is to physically passthrough a separate USB controller card so that it operates the same way as any other machine. Your other alternative would be or
  15. Monthly on the first Saturday (lowest hydro rates). Have it run for about 3 hours and then continues on the next day (via Parity Tuning Plugin)
  16. CPU usage in htop (and just about every command line system) isn't what you think it should be. Usage is based upon a single core, so if you have say a 10 core system, the maximum CPU possible is 1000% The dashboard, docker tab etc knows about how this works, so it normalizes the values so that the maximum value possible is 100% (ie: it divides the cpu usage reported by the number of cores)
  17. That's why I tagged @ljm42 to look at this. Fix is easy (delete all those particular lines in network.cfg and reboot), but why it got into that state is for him to determine and figure out if any coding changes are needed (that particular test is under his control)
  18. I've proactively removed the app (glutunvpn) in question pending further investigation. Thanks.
  19. Groundwork has been laid in the soon to come 6.11 Stable release for 2FA on the actual logins to the server. Not implemented as of yet, but the groundwork / infrastructure changes are now in place
  20. Where is NZBGet downloading to? It appears without any screenshots that it's downloading to /config/downloads. You should add another path mapping of /downloads -> /mnt/user/downloads Also, your Sonarr /downloads mapping doesn't make a whole lot of sense as it's actually looking in RAM for the downloads as /downloads/completed/tv isn't a valid path mapping to any drive / device in the system See
  21. ^^^ @ljm42 IFNAME[2]="eth2" DESCRIPTION[2]="10 Gb Aquantia (Asus XG-C100C)" PROTOCOL[2]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[2]="no" IPADDR[2]="" NETMASK[2]="" MTU[2]="9000"
  22. It would appear that you flash drive has major corruption on it. Does deleting everything from /config on the flash drive (except for the .key file and super.dat) fix things up? (Ideally, make a backup of it first)
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