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Everything posted by Masterwishx

  1. @ich777 Sorry again , i founded what was a problem in afterburner remote server . updated to MSIAfterburner.NET.dll from (This library was updated to resolve an issue where a large number of monitors (40+) would result in an 'Access Denied' error.) So now i can enter to server by to see XML ... on my main comp and also tryed on firefox docker on unraid. also by netstat i see : TCP ESTABLISHED 4 but prometheus is down (server returned HTTP status 500 Internal Server Error)and give 67 errors like : collected metric "afterburner___percent" { gauge:<value:0.02 > } was collected before with the same name and label values Maybe you know somethink about it ?
  2. can we export data from speedtest tracker to prometheus ?
  3. Hi, Do you think the speed problem in speedtest.py ? is any chance the problem may be in OpenSSL ? maybe we should use new ver of pyOpenSSL-17.5.0-x86_64-1_slonly instead of pyOpenSSL-0.15.1-x86_64-1_slack ?
  4. @ich777 sorry for bothering , should i have any variables by default in Afterburner dashboard in Grafana ?
  5. OK, Thanks anyway , i dont know to , but i will try to find ...
  6. @ich777 i checked in windows the port is open ,also made rule for port 82 in norton security... but nothing .
  7. @ich777 i have next error in log of grafana : t=2021-07-19T18:49:01+0300 lvl=eror msg="Data proxy error" logger=data-proxy-log userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin path=/api/datasources/proxy/1/api/v1/query_exemplars remote_addr= referer="" error="http: proxy error: context canceled" also a lot of : lvl=warn msg="Request Origin is not authorized" logger=live origin= appUrl= allowedOrigins= t=2021-07-19T19:00:28+0300 lvl=info msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin method=GET path=/api/live/ws status=403 remote_addr= time_ms=1 size=10 referer=
  8. in Remote server i added my PC ip ,it was * ,also in security should i change to monitor only i no need ? maybe i will try to create again in grafana at new monitoring?!
  9. how to check it ? i checked the log ,cant see errors ..
  10. i disabled adguard but its not help ,i will check later , anyway i downloaded this version from *linkremoved*
  11. Server and Adguard work fine .. but here in somethink i have a problem of monitor ... is version 1.2 from (30.5.12) of MSI remote server is what i need ?
  12. Yes , all of that sorry for not writed ... i cant download msi server file
  13. @ich777 The link for msi afterburner server is not working ?!? i downloaded from other site v (30.5.12) is the lasted version ? Strange but i dont have any data in grafana 😞
  14. @ich777 All working fine , but in Adguard i have this:
  15. oh, i understand .... Anyway hoping for others cool stuff ... btw: this line from the site : License Hard Disk Sentinel Linux edition is FREE. You can freely distribute and use it to analyse hard disk status. However, if you like this tool and would like to keep it updated, please support further development by registering the Windows version of the software.
  16. yes smartctl maybe enouph , i just say maybe you intersted in this tool ,its have html,xml report and i think its more informative
  17. @ich777 Maybe you know Hard Disk Sentinel program for HDD Disks monitoring for Win https://www.hdsentinel.com/ ( Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software) im using it (Hard Disk Sentinel Linux Edition (FREE) in unraid to generate report.html of all disk and can monitor it like NAS in my main comp with Win System. maybe it will be interesting to you for disk monitoring , its more informative than smartctl i think ... https://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin/hdsentinel-019c-x64.gz
  18. Yes , you right 100% , for now im running unraid on i5 only 4 core ,24gb , so im also want monitor only what needed , also having some dockers runs, but really didnt checked yet what tool best for me and how much power will take to monitor all staff of unraid . So for now native dashboard is good for me , msi afterburner and adguard is very interested to monitor for me for now ... howere adguard also have own dashboard....
  19. @ich777 is the way of data monitoring with prometeus is more useful or have advanteges than other like in Ultimate Unraid Dashboard with telegraf?
  20. OK , Thanks , you have all time you need i only interested if you can maybe to do it ..... 🙂 https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/adguard/adguardhome
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