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Everything posted by Masterwishx

  1. @ich777 in english also internal edit (krview) is not working to me... in krusader docker doc there is (--env 'UMASK=000' \ --env 'UID=99' \ --env 'GID=100' \) but in docker itself -- env 'RUNASROOT' only , so when false its = (--env 'UMASK=000' \ --env 'UID=99' \ --env 'GID=100' \). also in docker doc --volume /mnt/user:/mnt/user \ but in docker itself wrote change the Host Path to '/mnt' like --volume /mnt/user:/mnt/ you sayed that krusader internal edit (krview or kate) is working on your docker ? if i change in krusader config editor from internal to gedit, i can start gedit by F4, but wanted internal edit (krview) to be editor . maybe i can fix it by some apt-get install commands ?
  2. i will check it in english , Thanks for super quick respose like always
  3. i have internal editor in krusader ,so its use kate editor like in binhex-krusader , i also founded that befor deleted container i had some old files from old krusader container that used a year ago i think ,so after removed , i runned for first time in root mode , in krusader dir (/mnt/disk1/appdata/krusader )was no files saved . after resarted in non root mode files is here. i will try in english maybe..
  4. i removed container ,deleted folder and reinstalled but having same isure , i will check it again .. yes gedit is working with some errors in terminal
  5. @ich777 Thanks for Krusader in Russian , founded that editor not working somehow ...... Running in Root mode ON , the viewver is working. but when launch editor haveing message " install Kate"
  6. if someone migrated DB to maria DB from legacy HyperSQL1.8 ? how i can do it ? when changing setting to Maria DB its starts from start without old settings ....
  7. mounted /etc/grafana/grafana.ini changed data in grafana.ini ,its also changed inside the container /etc/grafana/grafana.ini but its not show up in grafana program ..... any help please ?
  8. Installed GPU Stat and Intel GPU TOP on intel iGPU i5 4440 (Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)) intel_gpu_top - seems to be OK but here a lot of MB/s on receive is it OK ?
  9. OK i will check , but dont know if msi afterburner start after this time if it will help ... Yes, i saw it exec.sh function start(){ echo -n "$(echo "/usr/bin/prometheus_afterburner_exporter -host=$1 -port=$2 -username=$3 -password=$4 -listen-address=$5 -metrics-endpoint=$6" | at now)" } Thanks a lot for your help ,super quick respondes,and what you making for unraid communitity BTW : maybe there is a way to add restart option to msi afterburner exporter on start up, to solve this problem ? if you think it need to be and you will have time for this ...
  10. To not do it manually, for script will check if machine with afterburner is online and restart exporter. i will check it again if i need to restart it at all and you right after i restarted once next time it picked up. so can i just restart Afterburner exporter after first boot by script or command or only manualy?
  11. @falconexe How much power of cpu and mem needed for this cool and very big dashboard ? i mean how much % of cpu and mem its taking for all dockers that it uses . if i have only 4 core cpu 24GB mem in unraid ... im already using prometheus its take very small amount of % CPU and Mem. Thanks
  12. @ich777 how MSI Afterburner exporter can be restarted from shell or script ? by what command ? becose when it running already when unraid is booted and then im starting msi afterburner on main comp, its need to be restarted to work right with prometheus export ...
  13. i just checked again in graphana, it was no data at all tables becose most of data was in deutch , so i changed to english metrics and all seems to be Fine . i was worried that not values of msi afterburner was exported ,was in go format... ( # HELP go_memstats_next_gc_bytes Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place. # TYPE go_memstats_next_gc_bytes gauge go_memstats_next_gc_bytes 6.080416e+06 ) but anyway all important metric is OK i think , i will stay in english MSI Afterburner for now . Thank you for all your help again.
  14. @ich777 after restarting MSI Afterburner in English i having some value of Afterburner and some of go... how to fix it, any ideas maybe ? Sorry again for asking...
  15. Finally founded what the problem was in msi afterburner : the langue is russian when changed to english was no error in prometheus ,but im getting next go staff..., any ideas maybe ? prometheus is not supporting multilangues?
  16. Thanks (dev) working on Download,Upload,Ping Graphs but Failure graph is still show only 7 days
  17. i can see from you nick that you the Author of container ? please check the last version having bug in "Show results for the X last days" https://github.com/henrywhitaker3/Speedtest-Tracker/issues/680 and pull to merge https://github.com/henrywhitaker3/Speedtest-Tracker/pull/683 Thanks for greate container Like author said it run speedtest from container using ooklas cli , and many more, you can just check it... im having same speed in container like in firefox in same server of speedtest.net and having same speed. also i can set to check it like every 10 minutes or what you need and see graphs and more , and more will come hoping...
  18. im using this docker for some time for childerns to play in home Lan and all fine. but tryed to make server for WAN and can make it visible in internet. i forwarded in two routers port 19132(both) to my server but nothing... server not avalible (ports 80,443 work fine) using cloudflare made minecraft.myserver.com point to my ip (proxied) also tryed unproxied, i connected smartphone with minecraft to wifi using from mobile point access wifi from my smartphone where mobile data on to make like its not from same lan the device . using docker in bridge mode, also using cloudflare full strict mode for ssl/tls maybe its some how affect ? any advices ? 10x
  19. Moved to this docker some time ago (2 month) and i can confirm work fine and shows right speed like in speedtest.net . (speedtest tracker - Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository)
  20. Finaly all working after changed port back to 9091 and prometheus msi exporter 9092 ... The question - we can add users only by adding them to users_database.yml file manualy like in video we added first user ?
  21. Yes its running without errors but cant get to WebUI ... Wow 😱 i only now founded that i Prometheus MSI Afterburner Exporter on 9091 running (forgot it) i will change it to another port Thanks
  22. i Solved the problem by changing port to 9092 (9092:9091) some how i having error on 9091 (9091:9091) but i have no other docker on port 9091 ...
  23. The problem i dont have Authelia log becose of Server error ( Execution error)
  24. This what i followed ... also guide from ibracorp website (they made cool job) but having server error on start up authelia docker! but no auto config file when created authelia docker. Also deleted and recreated container some times but having same error . 1. maked database in mariadb 2. installed redis + bitnami folder 3. when making authelia container no auto making config ?!? then i dowloaded original config and from ibracorp github also edited config with my data and copied to Authelia empty folder made other stuff like auth.myserver.com but same error ...
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