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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I guess we disagree on this. I think that users would at least read the initial stages of the release notes although they would probably not read the later sections on detailed fixes or package updates. I wonder if it worth running a poll on this to see what other people think would happen?
  2. Have you downloaded the plus key into the config folder on your flash drive and rebooted to get it recognised?
  3. Yes if you want a parity drive. Parity drives can be larger than the largest data drive (and if you have 2 they do not have to be the same size) or equal to the largest data drive, but they can not be smaller. If you read the this section of the online documentation it might become clearer why this is the case.
  4. OK - I guess I never really looked at this feature in enough detail. It would be nice of Unraid could somehow insert the text of the Release notes into the dialog following that preamble to avoid the user having to look elsewhere (or is this already planned).
  5. I would think confirms that there is some sort of USB issue with the hardware on server #2.
  6. Is the 4TB drive an Unassigned Device? You cannot have a parity drive that is smaller than any of the data drives. In terms of copying data the easiest way is to install and use the Dynamix File Manager plugin.
  7. I would suggest using the Dynamix File Manager plugin in preference to Krusader.
  8. I know about the alert system - I make use of this. I still think displaying the release notes before allowing the OS upgrade to proceed is a good idea? I think this is more than the Alert system can provide?
  9. The SMART errors are handled by the drives themselves and not by Unraid so I do not see how you can sensibly avoid disabling that feature. It really only makes sense when you have a keyboard + monitor attached and will be sitting in front of the machine when it boots.. Unraid simply monitors them and reports any that SMART values that change and are deemed significant. You can look at the SMART values for a particular drive by clicking on it on the Main tab and they are available via the resulting dialog. Alternatively you could post your system's diagnostics zip file (which amongst other things contain the SMART information for all attached drives) so we can have a look.
  10. This is not really a bug report per se but a questions as to whether the VFIO Id's can change with the new kernel? If so something prominent needs to be added to the Release Notes warning anyone who runs VMs with passed through devices to check them. This also raises one of my pet peeves I really think that any time anyone tries to upgrade the OS a dialog should be popped up displaying the Release Notes and the user has to press an Apply button (or equivalent) for the upgrade to go ahead. At the moment I am sure many users do not even attempt to read the Release Notes so putting them in front of them may help reduce the number of forums reports on issues that are addressed in the Release Notes. I also think it is general good practice. I would attempt to submit a PR to implement this if I knew where to find the code for the plugin that handles the OS upgrades.
  11. That would be wrong path. If it is going to be visible over SMB then you use the share name, not the Linux path internal to Unraid so it would be something like \\\Ext_Disk
  12. I guess that explains why many (most) people do not see it as temperatures are displaying in Centigrade.
  13. Do you mean you cannot see it over the network? Is so check that Settings->Unassigned Devices->SMB Security is not set to No (meaning not accessible via the network).
  14. Not sure why they are not displaying for you, but they display fine for me.
  15. Do you have the syslog server enabled? If not I suggest you do so with the mirror to flash option enabled so that we can get a syslog that covers both the closedown and subsequent startup sequence to see if that shows anything useful.
  16. I can see the mount failing in the syslog, but not why. It says that partition 1 does not have a valid file system on it so skips over that and then tries to mount partition 2 as NTFS but that fails. I wonder if it does not like some of the characters in the mount point name? It might be worth simplifying this name to be sure and sticking to alphanumerics to see if that helps. Otherwise it could simply be a problem with the NTFS file system that you are trying to mount so have you checked it in a PC? Nothing else to suggest I am afraid.
  17. That is NOT a repair - it is only a check that will leave the file system on the drive unchanged. You have to remove the -n (no modify) option for it to be a repair. However while running a repair is a good idea I do not think it is the answer to the slow mounting. is it still happening after the system has had a clean shutdown on subsequent boots?
  18. No unfortunately you would not be able to do that. it will be remembered that the old drive had a trial licence on it and in your scenario that would have expired so would no longer be able to run Unraid so it would end up blacklisted just as it does after a licence transfer. another possibility that might be worth considering is a USB adapter that fits internally on a motherboard header so your existing USB drive can be internal to the case?
  19. It would have done that if you had the correct Use Cache=Yes setting. Unfortunately you configured it do exactly the opposite. The help built into the GUI for the Use Cache setting might have helped explain how the setting option interacts with mover.
  20. Not sure this is something the Unraid developers can fix as they just include in Unraid the Linux KVM subsystem that they do not develop I think in practice this is really going to be up to the KVM developers to fix. If they can get it to work reliably on the Linux kernels that Unraid uses it should also start working reliably on Unraid.
  21. Do you do any transcoding? You do not have that mapped to an external location so any work files created by transcoding would be written internally to the docker iimage. In addition any temporary files written to /tmp inside the plex container would also be written within the docker image.
  22. You normally want to avoid using SATA power splitters if you can. It is much better to use a Molex->SATA splitter if your power supply has free Molex connectors as they can take a higher current load with out voltage sag.
  23. If you think it is plex then you should post the settings you are using for the Plex container.
  24. The core Unraid files are unpacked into RAM from the archives on the flash drive every time that Unraid boots so in that sense they should not be corrupt. It is possible that something in the config folder which holds all your settings/customisations is corrupt but if you do not keep that you have to redo your settings. You can simply stop plugins being loaded by booting in Safe Mode, but any other change would require you to do something to your settings.
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