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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Start by removing NerdPack plugin as that is incompatible with Unraid 6.11.5 and rebooting.
  2. Yes - I agree. But after the initial load into RAM the boot sequence later looks for a flash drive labelled UNRAID that it wants to mount at /boot and for some reason this search is failing.
  3. I do not see how changing the BIOS setting could produce your symptoms. Might just be worth trying a different USB port? Otherwise I am out of ideas I am afraid.
  4. I cannot see any sign in the diagnostics of a pool called ‘vmdrive’. The only pool I can see is one called ‘cache’ that has both devices assigned to it in a RAID1 type configuration. Interestingly your last screenshot does not show the pool vmdrive either! Were they part of the same pool in the past? You might have to wait for @JorgeB to get best advice on how to rectify this.
  5. You are correct that in theory you could get away with just rebuilding part of parity in such a case, but the problem is identifying in a fool proof way programmatically when these use cases occur and changing the parity build process to take this into account. I think the strategy is therefore to simply play safe. A 'hack' might be to use the New Config tool and check the parity is valid checkbox, and then after starting the array immediately start a correcting parity check which will start correcting parity errors in the first 1TB and then abandon the check once you get past that point and no more errors are being corrected. However if you try this it is at your own risk, and whether it is faster I am not sure.
  6. I suggest you post your system's diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread so we can check what is happening.
  7. That is the message you get if the Unraid flash drive cannot be found during the later stages of the boot sequence (or if it is not labelled "UNRAID"). You could plug this into another machine to check it can be read OK and is labelled correctly. Failing that if you can plug it into a USB2 port as they tend to be less prone to this sort of issue.
  8. @Masterwishx Those snippets are insufficient to be certain but it is the presence of the file /config/forcesync on the flash drive (that is created by Unraid when the array is started) that makes the plugin think there has been an unclean shutdown. A more complete log would be needed to look further. I could obviously simply not generate the notification but it would be better to work out why it might be generated spuriously. It is only meant to be an information message as the plugin is going to do nothing in such a case but better for it to be correct.
  9. @rsbuc The only way I can see that the temperatures for drives do not get checked is if the file /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini does not exist or has unexpected contents. The code currently assumes it always exists with a specific layout. Can you please check that you have that file and ideally if it does exist post a copy so I can check the contents as that is the place I get the temperatures from. I can add a check to the plugin to flag an error if this file does not exist, and also look to see if I can get the same information from elsewhere in such a case.
  10. I suspect that your problem is your very restrictive Split Level setting. In the event of contention between settings the Split Level one always wins which means it can over-ride Allocation method (and Minimum Free Space) forcing files to specific drives. This is a point made in the Split Level part of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  11. @rsbuc Thanks for that log - it shows that for some reason the loop that is meant to loop through the drives checking temperatures is not being executed. I just need to work out why. My guess that I did something while tidying code for the 6.12 release that was incorrectly changed.
  12. Not directly. It is a write to the drive that got disabled that failed (I.e. the parity drive). In theory the drives should be independent but maybe something happened that affected multiple drives.
  13. @rsbuc I did not think anything had changed in this area but it looks like it might have done. Can you please get me the testing mode log when the temperature should be detected as high so I can see what might be going wrong. It is always hard to debug on my own system where I have to artificially force temperature events so never sure if it reflects real mode scenarios.
  14. The version supplied with Unraid only works when booting in legacy mode. You can get a version that works when booting in UEFI mode (or using EEC memory) from memtest86.com.
  15. Unfortunately the release of Unraid you are running has a bug where the diagnostics do not include full information about shares, You need to be on at least 6.11.3 to get this information in the diagnostics (current release is 6.11.5). You might also want to look into config/shares folder on the flash drive and delete any files that do not correspond to shares you currently have to make them easier to analyse.
  16. I see you have the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed. This plugin replaces the built-in code for displaying history so it could be a problem there that is giving the blank dialog box. To allow me to check this out to see if I can reproduce your symptoms could you let me have: version number of Unraid you are using version number of the plugin you are using a copy of the config/parity-checks.log file from the flash drive
  17. Disk1 has a LOT of reallocated sectors and the number has tripled since your screenshot. I would think it is time to replace that drive.
  18. Yes, you cannot have a share named the same as a physical device or pool.
  19. Yes. You were looking at the cache but am guessing that the files had not yet been moved to the array so you were deleting the only copy.
  20. According to your diagnostics you have deleted all your data except a bit belonging to the share anonymised as v————-g that has data on disk1. The used space will never go to zero as there is an overhead of something like 1% or more used to hold the file system structures corresponding to an empty file system.
  21. In normal operation a file only exists at one place, and since any pool is also part of any share deleting them from there will delete them from the share view as well. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread, and mention the paths on the cache of some files that you think should move and are not being moved.
  22. @TimV have you checked under settings->Unassigned Devices->SMB Security that you do not have this set to No as that would stop it being accessible via the network? There seem to be a spate of people recently shk have fallen foul of this.
  23. I seem to remember Unraid 6.11.2 having issues formatting drives larger than 2TB. Try upgrading to 6.11.5 and trying again.
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