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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Rebuild should work without issues as long as there is no file system corruption before starting the rebuild and parity is valid and no other drives have issues. if you want to play safe you should rebuild to a different physical drive keeping the original untouched so that it is available for recovery purposes if the rebuild is not as expected.
  2. Yes! When a drive is disabled then Unraid ‘emulates’ it using the combination of the other drives plus parity. You should see it being mounted when you start the array and be able to browse any contents. Unraid will act as if the drive was still there and any writes to the ‘emulated’ drive will update parity appropriately.
  3. Once you get a drive disabled (Red ‘x’) then the way to clear that status is to rebuild it. Before doing so I suggest you post your diagnostics with the array started in normal mode so we can see if it looks like the disabled disks are being emulated correctly.
  4. Any sort of overclocking (e.g. XMP) is always a bad idea on servers and can lead to crashes.
  5. Originally UD only handled locally attached devices so it’s name was just what one would expect. Over time it’s functionality has been extended to handling shares on remote machines and making them appear as if they were local devices so in that sense they can still be considered unassigned devices.
  6. You currently have part of the ‘system’ share on disk1 - is that the one that will not spin down if you want to get it all onto the cache then disable the docker and system services and run mover. You need to disable these services because they keep files open all the time they are running and mover will not move open files. When mover finishes you can then re-enable these services.
  7. It depends how you try to move them! If you use Dynamix File Manager it should give you the result you expect. If you use something that is not User Share aware then such as Krusader or the command line then you can get the behaviour described here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  8. If you click on the option for each drive on the Main tab to show the log (under the IDENTIFICATION column) I think it will be obvious which one is generating these messages.
  9. You are getting continual resets on the ata1 device (from the information you posted we cannot tell which disk this is). This sort of problem is nearly always related to the cabling to the drive (sata or power) so that needs checking carefully.
  10. The diagnostics you posted earlier showed a MUCH smaller syslog.1 file so I was thinking there might be another culprit. I can only suggest that looking at the contents of that file might give a clue as I would guess there is some error sequence continually repeating. It might be a case of zipping up a large version of that file (it should compress well) and posting that if you cannot work out for yourself what is happening.
  11. You should post your system's diagnostics zip file in your next post in this thread to get more informed feedback.
  12. It might be worth seeing what output you get with du -sh /var/log/* from the command line to see if the culprit can be identified.
  13. If WD will accept an RMA for that reason I would definitely do that.
  14. It is not an absolute limit, but it is normally recommended because of the requirement for the drive to be formatted as FAT32 which Windows cannot do natively on drives bigger than 32GB. A 8GB drive is more than big enough so no point in spending more than is needed
  15. Most likely culprit is a docker container with that as one of the configured paths
  16. Have you checked in Settings->Unassigned Devices what you have for the SMB security settings? If it is set to No then that means do not make them visible on the network. As part of tightening security on the systems shares are no longer automatically made visible on the network unless you explicitly set this to be the case.
  17. Have you checked under Shares, clicking on a share and going to the SMB Security part that the share is set to be exported to make it visible on the network? Fir security reasons the default is No.
  18. The symptoms sound to me like it could be a thermal issue with the CPU shutting the system down due to overheating? Have you checked for that?
  19. Have you checked in the BIOS that it is seeing the USB drive as a bootable device and that it is the first boot device selected?
  20. Set cache to "only", then run mover while docker / VM service is stopped That will not do anything as mover ignores shares which are set to ‘Only’. I suspect the current issue is that due to earlier activity some files exist on both the cache and the array. Mover will not overwrite an existing file. Such a situation needs to be cleaned up manually and it is up to the user to decide whether the copy on the cache or the copy on the array is the one to keep/
  21. You do not say how it is ‘failing’ to boot? What (if anything) is showing on locally attached monitor?
  22. The drive could not complete the extended SMART test so that rules out the SATA cable as the Mai culprit as that test is internal to the drive. A bad SATA cable is still a possibility but that could not have caused the reallocated sectors or pending sectors. Does not completely rule out the power cabling although that is less likely and I am not sure if power issues can ever cause reallocated or pending sectors. At least failing the SMART test is normally enough to get a no questions asked warranty replacement.
  23. Since you rebooted we cannot tell what lead up to the disk being disabled. If something similar happens again then please try and get diagnostics before rebooting. An alternative is to enable the syslog server to get a syslog that will survive a reboot.
  24. As a general rule of thumb it is reasonable to assume that any drive that cannot complete the extended SMART test is a candidate for replacement. Looking at that drive it has quite a few reallocated sectors and several pending sectors which are also warning signs. FYI: The diagnostics includes SMART reports for all drives so no need to include it separately, although it can be a good idea to mention which drive it is to assist anyone trying to help you.
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