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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. The easiest thing would be to plug the drives into Unraid as Unassigned Devices and use the UD plugin to partition and format them correctly for Unraid (as XFS or BTRFS) drives. You can then use them on other systems to add files and when you add them to Unraid (as long is there is no current parity drive) then Unraid will accept them and leave their data intact.
  2. No. You want to carry out the test on the machine where the RAM is going to be installed as you are testing not just the dimms but also the ability of the CPU and motherboard memory controller to handle the RAM at the clock speed set for the RAM.
  3. No. Memtest runs at the bare metal level and takes over the whole machine while running.
  4. That report indicates major corruption was found. It is likely that not all files have been recovered, and even for those that have the filename information was not found and the files have been placed into a lost-found folder so you can (if you want to) inspect them manually to determine their original names (using the Linux 'file' command to help by determining their type).
  5. Run with the -L option - that is a common warning and does not normally indicate any increased likelihood of data loss.
  6. If you are running the script via the User Scripts plugin then including the line #noParity=true in the script will achieve this
  7. It might be worth trying to connect via IP address in case there is any sort of name resolution issue. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file rather than just the syslog.
  8. Yes if you are talking about the bz* type files.
  9. YouYou are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file (which includes the syslog) so we can see how you have things configured.
  10. Any disk can be flagged as unmountable regardless of whether it is emulated or not if there is file system corruption or problems recognising the partition.
  11. Which controller is the onboard one? I can see eth0 is using the Broadom one.
  12. You could try starting the array with the disk not connected to see if Unraid successfully emulates it (including its contents) since the rebuild process is all about making a physical drive match an emulated one.
  13. The email should come through within seconds. I would suggest you check your Spam in case it ended up there. If not you will need to email Limetech with the details.
  14. I notice you have 2 ethernet controllers. Have you tried both of them? Unraid always uses the one it thinks is eth0 for its GUI.
  15. Just made release for this available, so let me know how it goes. I am not sure if the value of Settings->Disk Settings->Tunable (poll_attributes) affects now often temperatures are updated? I was testing with this set to 120.
  16. If you are running a correcting check then it should be fixing the errors reported. The next check should be non-correcting and if everything is good will come back with 0 errors.
  17. I always think that displaying the average temperature of the drives on the Main tab is meaningless and this should be removed? A minor cosmetic issue perhaps but it bugs me when I see it.
  18. Not for shares that have the ‘prefer’ or ‘only’ Use Cache setting so their contents is kept on a pool (unless the pool in question is itself redundant). Their are plugins to automate backing up docker containers and VM vdisks from a pool to the array. Shares set to ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in their Use Cache setting will end with their content up on the array.
  19. None of the plugins that worked with v5 will work with v6 (although there may be more up-to-date versions that will) as v6 is 64-bit while v5 was 32-bit. you should therefore not copy the plugins folder from your v5 system. Also if there is an ‘extras’ folder on the flash drive you should remove it as its contents will not be compatible with v6. Your disk assignments and shares should transfer painlessly, so basic NAS functionality should be fine. The v6 GUI is significantly different to the v5 one (and much more functional) so there may be a learning curve there.
  20. There is a Contact Us option at the bottom of every forum page.
  21. I would suggest you email Limetech with these questions - they do not always see all questions asked in the forum.
  22. If I remember correctly that is a known bug in the 6.9.2 release that is fixed in the 6.10.0-rc4 release.
  23. Definitely something I am not very good at
  24. still sounds like hardware triggered shutdown as Unraid contains no code that would do an automatic shutdown like you are experiencing.
  25. System shutting itself down by itself suggests something hardware related. My first suspicion would be something like the CPU overheating (perhaps a problem with a CPU fan).
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