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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Looking at those diagnostics you have a pool anonymised as 't--t' - I guess this is the 'test' one? However looking at your share configuration they are all configured to not use any pool. If you want any to use this pool you will need to set relevant share(s) to point at this pool and to have a Use Cache value of something other than No (the built in help shows how the settings for this option work).
  2. You can use any size drive as long as it is formatted to FAT32. You used to need 3rd party utilities to format drives larger than 32GB to FAT32 under Windows - not sure if that is still true,
  3. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your current systems diagnostics zip file so we can see the current state
  4. A fresh copy of Unraid is loaded into RAM from the archives on the flash drives during the boot process and then user settings are applied to that. The file you mention is part of these archives and thus not accessible which is why you would need a script run at boot time to apply any changes
  5. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your systems diagnostics zip file
  6. The licence is tied to the number of attached devices - the functionality is the same for all levels. The trial simply does not impose any attached devices limit. When trial expires it stops working The idea is that you can check if Unraid works for you and you decide after the trial whether you are going to buy a licence or use a different product.
  7. Trying to work out if you are agreeing with me or disagreeing You should not normally be storing any persistent data under the docker folder (share) which holds the container binaries - all data to be persisted should be mapped externally to the container (typically to the 'appdata' share')
  8. If a drive has previously been used by Unraid then the New Config tool leaves its contents intact.
  9. No, that means the UD plugin is not recognising a file system it can mount. If it HAD mounted then you would have an unmount option
  10. That folder is irrelevant as to whether shares show. I would expect file system level corruption on one or more drives as she most likely thing to give the symptoms you describe. Having said that can you check you even have User Shares enabled under Settings->Global Share Settings as I cannot see from the diagnostics?
  11. There is not much point normally in backing up the Docker folder as its contents can easily be recreated via Apps->Previous apps
  12. The two actions are independent of each other, although a parity check running will degrade array performance which may make the backup take longer than normal.
  13. Running a parity check does not normally make the server inaccessible. Sounds as if something caused the server to crash. One possible culprit could be inadequate power as a parity check is likely to put maximum load on that so that is definitely worth checking out. you could try enabling the syslog server to see if you can get more information.
  14. In principle all drives count that are attached any time you start the array regardless of whether they are used by Unraid or not. I have all my licenses under the same name/email so that should be fine
  15. I would not have thought there was a problem, but you would need to contact Limetech by email giving those details and the GUID of the flash drive you intend to use with the licence to get a .key file issued corresponding to that flash drive,
  16. Unraid will treat any top level folder on any array or pool drive as though it was a User Share. At some point you must have done something to create top level folders with those names (I suspect because of how you have a Docker container doing downloads configuredI). You can delete any of those .cfg files that do not correspond to Shares you currently have.
  17. Why do you want to use the Parity Swap procedure? If you simply want to upgrade both parity drives then stop the array: Unassigned the current parity drives; start the array to make Unraid ‘forget them’ stop the array; assign the new parity drives; start th3 array to start building the contents of the new parity drives. the array remains available while building the new parity although performance is likely to be degraded. you probably want to keep the old parity drives intact just in case a data drive fails while building the new parity as that gives you a recovery option.
  18. You need to go to the Pools section and add a new pool. The name of a pool can be anything you like - you set at the User Share Level what pool is associated (if any) for that share and whether a pool should be used for caching purposes on that share.
  19. According to that screenshot you have you have not used the New Config tool Did you remember to tick the confirmation checkbox and then hit Apply. Simply pressing Done does nothing as that is the Unraid GUI standard for exiting the current dialog.
  20. As mentioned, use Tools->New Config which will put the array back into a state where you can reassign drives as you want them. When you subsequently start the array the assignments get committed, if a disk has previously been used by Unraid then it’s contents are left intact after using the New Config tool.
  21. Although in theory reallocated sectors are not always a problem I would be concerned if: there were more than a small number. On a new drive I would expect 0 the number was not stable and kept increasing since you say this is a new drive I would be looking to RMA it.
  22. Are you saying you cannot set up port forwarding on your router?
  23. How did you copy it? Depending on the method used then the permissions may be wrong for viewing over the network, and that type of problem can be rectified by running the Tools->New Permissions tool against the share. Not relevant, here but I think that tool should be renamed to something like "Reset Permissions". The "New Permissions" name only really made sense when upgrading to Unraid v5 from earlier releases when the security model changed.
  24. Since all user/ specific settings are kept in the config folder on the flash drive then you could keep a copy for each site on the flash drive and then when you switch sites copy the one for the new site overwriting the live 'config' folder. Since each site will have different drive configurations (I assume) there is not much chance of an error as with the wrong configuration you will not be able to start the array. The one thing you will need to remember is that if you make any configuration changes at either site to then redo the copy of the config folder for that site.
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