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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You do not necessarily need to bind the nvme drive to pass it through, instead you can set the path to be the /dev/disk/by-Id/? value that corresponds to the nvme drive.
  2. Not quite : Make sure nothing refers directly to /mnt/cache, but only indirectly via the User Share. Change to either Cache:No or Cache:Prefer (to later automatically start using cache again when one is added). Details on getting files from cache to array are covered here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. After doing that you can remove the cache
  3. If you are going to pass through a drive to a VM you do NOT want to use a /mnt/disks/? typepath as that is where UD mounts drives and UD must not mount a drive to be passed through to a VM. Instead you must get the /dev/disk/by-id type path for the drive.
  4. You can edit the config/network,cfg file on the flash drive to set an explicit IP address or delete it to revert to DHCP.
  5. If you do net need parity protection, why not set up as an additional pool (which is a feature already available)?
  6. You could simply pass the entire drive through to the VM and it should boot into Windows as long as you set the connection type to SATA. If you add the virtio drivers to the windows system you can then use that connection type as well. The only obvious reason to reformat it to XFS would be because you want to use vdisk image files for the VM rather than use the raw drive directly. Not sure why this should be happening as the UD plugin should handle standard NTFS drives fine. Note however if passing the entire drive through to the VM you want to set the "PassThru" setting f/r the drive in UD so it does not try to mount it.
  7. You can do it from the GUI by clicking on the folder icon on the Main tab at the end of the entry for the pool/cache.
  8. Could not see anything obviously wrong with the disk. You could try running an extended SMART test on the drive as a check. External factors such a cabling are far more common reasons for a drive to be disabled than the drive actually failing.
  9. Have you checked that the router does not have a setting that stops WiFi devices connecting to LAN devices - many of them do with it being on by default.
  10. Have you tried connecting via the server address inside the tunnel? I think it will be something like but you can check this under Settings==>VPN Manager (may have toggle on Advanced view to see this). Also, what subnet is your local LAN using and what subnet is the client machine using?
  11. Not sure you can do this without manual editing of the Samba configuration file Is there a reason it is not set up as a pool (as pools can pools can participate in User Shares). With the 6.9.x releases supporting multiple pools you only need to continue to use UD mounted devices if they are removable ones.
  12. You can try but I would expect the drive is likely show up as unmountable when you try The normal way forward is to provide the -L option to the repair - despite the ominous sounding warning it rarely results it any data loss.
  13. It is going to be part of 6.10.0 rc2 so hopefully that is not far off.
  14. I don't think this could be run natively on Unraid as Unraid does not include a desktop. It might be possible to run it in a docker container or a VM - not sure if anyone has done this. Be interested to hear if anyone has managed this in any way.
  15. You can either do this manually or use the technique described here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  16. Are you trying to install the Desktop or Server editions of Ubuntu? If the Desktop version then 2 GB is the minimum RAM requirement. When you add in in overhead for running VMs in the first place this leaves little RAM for Unraid as the host to use. You might be able to get away with only giving 1GB RAM to the VM if you install Ubuntu Server. The alternative is to simply add more RAM to the Unraid server.
  17. The speed + time quoted for the parity build will be optimistic as Unraid will give the wrong answer when you are manually pausing and resuming the parity build. It will assume you did the whole drive during the last increment when calculating the speed and time. You may want to consider installing the Parity Check Tuning plugin so that parity checks only run outside prime time. As a side effect it will give the correct duration + speed of the check as it takes into account pauses and resumes.
  18. The parity swap process is documented in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  19. You should be able to since you have single parity which can handled one drive missing/failed. Unraid will tell you if this is not possible.
  20. Not quite - it is saying that it found a fatal error somewhere between 10% and 20% into the test and abandoned the test.
  21. We can not tell much from the diagnostics with the array stopped, so redoing them after starting the array is better. They are also just after a reboot so no indication what lead up to your problem - in the future if a similar problem happens then take diagnostics before shutting down your system. I suspect that the original problem was that the disk in question dropped offline for some reason. If so then when you restart the array you may find that the system is successfully emulating the missing drive and showing all the data it should contain.
  22. Parity in Unraid is real time so once you have a parity drive present it will start using it. You do not gain anything much by pausing a build of parity while copying. You should either let the parity build complete before doing any further copying (so your array is protected), or remove the parity drive from the array until copying is complete and add it afterwards (if you want to maximise copy speed).
  23. It appears that disk1 has dropped offline as there is no SMART information for it in the Diagnostics. This will be what is causing the parity errors. It will also explain why you cannot see all your data. you will probably need to power cycle the server to see if you can get disk1 back online. After doing so post new pDiagnostics.
  24. You could do that, although not sure it would help. Unraid would then automatically create a User Share for each top level folder on any drive, and this share would have default Settings (so you would need to check they were what you want).
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