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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I ‘think’ that the messages you are mentioning are from UnRaid, and not the plugin. The plugin is not able to change many of the standard unRaid messages - merely try and supplement them. The standard unRaid messages are not ‘increment’ aware which can sometimes be confusing. nothing is written to the History file until the parity check completes (or is cancelled). Also when the check finally completes the parity history entry is initially written by the standard unRaid code with just the details of the last increment. The plugin will later alter this entry to be correct for the whole run, but there could be a delay of minutes before this happens. You can tell if the information is written by unRaid or the plugin by whether there are values in the last 3 columns of the history as standard unRaid does not capture this information. Having said all that it is always possible that there is still some small anomalies on messaging that could be tidied up. It is something I am continually looking at refining for each release. If you ever want me to check something out the progress.save file from the plugins and the history.log files from the plugins folder on the flash can give me something to work with.
  2. NO! /mnt/user is for User Shares that include the cache drive and if you try this will end up losing your files as they will be truncated to 0 bites as they try and copy on top of themselves. You need to either use a named drive such as /mnt/diskX for the target or if you want it to be a User Share use /mnt/user0 as the target as that is the user share files that are only on the main array omitting the cache drive
  3. You can enable the syslog server (under Settings -> syslog server to gather logs that can survive a reboot.
  4. You need Use Cache set to "Yes" if you want mover to transfer files from cache to array. If set to "No" and files already exist on the cache then mover will not touch them so they will be left there. You should check that you do not have top level folders on the drives with the same spelling but different capitalization since Linux is care sensitive but Samba is not. In such a case you will see the contents of only one of the different capitalization.
  5. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post. Ideally you want this with the array started and after encountering your problem
  6. A format should only take a few minutes so it sounds as if you have some underlying problem.
  7. Looks like the contents of the flash drive have been deleted - np idea why
  8. I know exactly what you mean - I know it is there but I have to think twice before clicking on it. That is why I think some thought needs to be put into how to make it more prominent in the GUI as many people miss it.
  9. Had you noticed the 'Manual' link at the bottom the unRaid GUI? I have suggested in the past it should be moved to the icons at the top right to make it more likely to get noticed.
  10. Are you sure you have not opened up any inbound ports on your router or put unRaid into the DMZ? Normally a router will block all inbound connections by default.
  11. You must NOT format the drive after running preclear before adding it to the array. Running the format destroys the clear status which is why unRaid is running a ‘clear’ (not a pre-clear) on the drive when you add it to the array. You need to let that complete if you want the drive to be successfully added. You need to format the drive AFTER adding it to the array.
  12. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post as that gives much more information about your system.
  13. Why do you think it is erased? I would expect it to be reported as unmountable as the syslog shows there is file system corruption on that drive. Handling of unmountable drives is covered here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unraid GUI.
  14. Not quite sure what you are asking? If you say you want to run the standard unRaid release from an iso this is not possible - the unRaid licensing mechanism means I t has to be a USB stick that has a unique GUID
  15. Chances are that you have a permissions issue. Run tools->New Permissions against the share in question to see if that fixes the proble?
  16. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post.
  17. Did you intend to discard the data on the disks when you formatted them (as that is the effect of a format). If the disks were being ‘emulated’ by using parity then as the disks were disabled the format operation would have done it to the ‘emulated’ drive, not the physical one. the correct way to handle unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI. Chances are that would have recovered any data on them. once a disk is marked as disabled then the only way to clear that state is to rebuild the drive. If you want to do it on top of the current of themselves then that is documented here. It is quite possible, though, that the physical disks have their data intact if you want to try and recover it so you may not want to rush into the rebuild.
  18. You have a USB device ‘spamming’ your syslog which makes it difficult to look for errors - if possible remove it. as far as I can there is only the one SATA controller showing up at the hardware level. You probably need to check in your BIOS settings that the controller for the additional 2 SATA ports is actually enabled.
  19. unfortunately not I believe some people setup a script to periodically create this sort of information but it is not a standard feature of unRaid.
  20. You have the ‘appdata and ‘system’ shares set to Use Cache=No despite the fact that files for these shares exist on the cache. Mover takes no action on shares that have that value for the setting. You also have the Domains share set to Use Cache=Prefer and it has files on both the array and the cache. Where do you want the content of these shares to end up? you might want to turn on the Help in the GUI to see how the Use Cache setting interacts with mover. Also mover will not touch open files so you need to disable the Docker and/or VM services if you want files used by those services to be moved.
  21. Are they seen by the servers BIOS? you should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) attached to your next post to get more informed feedback.
  22. That will check that the RAM sticks themselves are not faulty. However, sometimes ram needs to be tested "in situ" in case there is any sort of bus loading issue affecting RAM. Also different motherboard/CPU combinations may have different maximum RAM clock rates they successfully support regardless of what the RAM itself has specified as its maximum clock rate.
  23. Parity is real time, and there is no history of the changes available so no ability to role back.
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