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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Looking at the release files you are correct The files on my own server do not have this error as I always run a php -l type syntax check there to pick up obvious errors. The strange thing is that according to my Dropbox history (where I have the source) I corrected that hours before making the release! Even more frustratingly it is in a function that is currently not even used in this release and is intended for future use. However I also see that Dropbox has a 'conflicted' copy of that file which suggests there was a problem syncing a change which might be the root cause.
  2. Yes. The 'config' folder on the flash drive contains all the settings that are specific to your unRaid installation.
  3. if you wiped the flash drive and put a fresh 6.9.1 release on it without copying across your old configuration information then it would have reverted to having no password set.
  4. Just pushed an update in time for the fact that many users run their scheduled parity check on 1st of the month. One new feature is the ability to set automatic parity checks (that run after an unclean shutdown) to be run in increments. I will be interested to get feedback on whether users will find this useful, or whether they think it is a bad idea. There was a lot of internal code re-organization relative to the last release so I may have inadvertently broken something (although I did not spot it in my tests). Please report any such issues, anomalies you spot, or suggestions for improvement. Please note that the translations file has not yet been updated for multi-language support with the new and revised text strings to match this release. I will be doing this in the coming week or so.
  5. Wireguard would would certainly do what you want if set up correctly. Maybe you should ask for help in setting it up the way you want on the WireGuard support thread? The Tunnel is 2-way but it sounds as if you have s/me sort of DNS or gateway related issue in the setup? Not sure why you want your unRaid server to initiate the connection to your home network? Normally it acts as the server end of a VPN link and you use VPN client software on the home network end. In your suggested setup what on the home network is intended to run the server end of the VPN link that you want the unRaid server to connect to?
  6. Sounds like you do not understand the Use Cache setting? A value of Prefer means you want the files to be moved to the cache. Turning on the GUI help will give more detail on how the value of that setting works in terms of initial placement of files and how they subsequently get handled by mover.
  7. Any files on the cache drive are not protected unless you have at least 2 drives in it. What are you expecting to happen to the files that are there.
  8. The UD plugin is what you will need to use for drives that are not always plugged in. In addition the UD plugin can handle hot-plugging drives while unRaid cannot for pool or array drives.
  9. Since you are on 6.9.1 you might want to put it into its own pool rather than using it via Unassigned Devices.
  10. Make sure the transcode working folder is set to something other than /tmp. Setting it to a sub-folder such as /tmp/transcode would probably do the trick.
  11. I have noticed that if there is any array operation running then if you are on the Main tab then on completion it is left in the state it was while running (Stop Button disabled, Pause Button enabled). Doing a manual page refresh returns the buttons to the correct state but I was wondering if there was a way for a plugin to force this? Ideally standard unRaid code would do this on detecting the array operation has finished. I would guess at the time the notification for the end of the operation is generated? Alternatively my Parity Check Tuning plugin running in the background will detect the operation has finished so if there is an appropriate mechanism it could force the refresh instead of the user having to do in manually.
  12. The default btrfs profile when you have 2 drives is raid1 (for redundancy). In a 2 drive pool this gives the space of the smallest drive as the available space. If you want additional space rather than redundancy then you need to switch to a different profile using the procedure described here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘manual’ link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI.
  13. Just remove the trailing ‘~’ character from the name of the ‘uefi’ folder on the flash drive.
  14. You have to replace 'X' with the correct letter for the drive as shown in the unPaid GUI.
  15. If you must use USB storage it is better (if possible) to use it as an Unassigned Device as the UD plugin is better at handling devices that can disconnect/reconnect unexpectedly.
  16. There are the detailed notes posted in the announcement thread for each release. In addition there is the information here from the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unraid GUI.
  17. Disk to disk is fine (as is user share to user share). What is not fines is mixing them in the same command.
  18. That restriction only applies when copying files within the main array or cache pools. It does not apply to drives (e.g. those handled by Unasdigned Devices) that do not participate in User Shares.
  19. I must admit I have not done this myself, but it is quite normal for disks that were attached to a RAID controller to not be recognised with their data intact Shen moved to a non-RAID controller because the different controllers present the disk geometry differently. It is possible I am wrong but unless someone chips in to the contrary I think you should assume this will not be a simple case of transferring the drives over and expecting them to ‘just work’ with their data intact.
  20. This is never required, although it can be a good confidence check. If a disk fails pre-clear it is likely to also fail in the array.
  21. All plugins are installed on the flash drive under a path of the form: /config/plugins/plugin-name That particular error can safely be ignored and is almost certainly a by-product of the fact that the server was rebooted unexpectedly. Without more information there is not much I can do to guarantee it will not occur again under similar circumstances
  22. Unfortunately yes. If you want remote access it can be done securely in the current unRaid releases as you can use the built in WireGuard VPN software. We have not had any feedback on whether UFS Explorer (or a similar tool) has successfully recovered an array disk that has been wiped in one of these apparent hack attacks
  23. The USB drive getting corrupt will never touch data on the main array of server - this only happens if active action is taken by something/someone. It sounds like there is a chance your system has been hacked as there seems to be a flurry of such incidents recently with data being deleted. What ports do you have forwarded to the server (if any)or is the server in the router's DMZ zone as there can leave the server open to attack. You may need to use some recovery software such as UFS Explorer to try and recover the data if this is the case. It is possible that posting ' your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post might give soke clue as to what happened. Do you have backups of any critical data? You should have as parity is never a substitute for a backup.
  24. That looks like an error trying to analyse the results of an earlier array operation that was presumably in progress at the time the server rebooted and could be ignored. Do you have an idea why the reboot might have happened? Having said that the particular set of conditions that triggered that message in theory should not occur. I would be grateful if you could post the .progress and/or .progress.save and the parity-checks.log files from the plugin's folder on the flash drive so I can see if I can work out how it happened and avoid it happening in the future even after an unexpected shutdown.
  25. reformatting a drive is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI.
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