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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Yes - in fact many people prefer to run their VMs this way.
  2. Have you enabled pause/resume for manually initiated checks in the plugin settIngs? That log suggests the plugin thinks you have not! If you have can you PM the paritytuning.cfg file from the plugins folder on the flash drive. i have a version I am about ready to release that has improved notification support as well as fixing a number of other minor issues. I would like to know if there is a bug I need to fix if you DO have the setting for pause/resume of manual checks set.
  3. In principle if you plug in your existing USB drive plus the disks in the new server it should all ‘just work’. At that point you can make changes (e.g. use the new drive for parity). the one ‘gotcha’ to look out for is if you run VMs with hardware pass-through. The device id’s will almost certainly change.
  4. What was the output from the xfs_repair commands?
  5. A ‘Clear’ is the action Unraid takes when adding a disk to a parity protected array as that is the action needed to ensure parity remains valid. i am a bit confused as your screenshot shows only 1 data drive - were you trying to add disk2? Has disk1 ever been formatted in Unraid?
  6. You have a problem if the flash drive is appearing under Unassigned Devices - this should not happen if things are working as expected (regardless of Unassigned Devices settings). Still suggests that the flash drive is dropping offline and then reconnecting. This will also explain why you cannot shutdown cleanly.
  7. Use the CA Backup plugin for any docker/container related files.
  8. Nginx is the web server built into UnRAID to handle it’s GUI. Have you put Unraid directly connected to the internet? UnRAID is not hardened enough to do that and if you do you will almost certainly be attacked.
  9. OK. @JorgeB should be able to guide you through the steps using the combination of the New Config tool and the invalidslot command to get you into a state where the array is using the old disk #4 and emulating the missing disk #8. Do you have the disk available for rebuilding the missing disk #8 (perhaps the one you were trying to use for replacing disk #4)?
  10. Looking at your diagnostics it seems disk8 has completely disappeared - is this correct? Have you tired power cycling the server to see if it comes back? Since you still have the original disk #4 intact you should be able to get back to a working state with your data intact even if disk #8 is completely dead. However I would recommend waiting for @JorgeB as the best person to provide instructions on the necessary steps.
  11. I am not sure what happened to drive #8 from your description You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post.
  12. Unraid supports SMB versions up to SMB3 so in that sense you do not have to do anything. If you do not want Unraid to support SMB1 then under Settings -> SMB make sure "Enable NetBIOS" (SMB1) is set to No and that "Enable WSD" (the replacement name service) is set to Yes.
  13. Mover will be clearing the cache MUCH slower than you can fill it. That is the rationale behind recommending by-passing the cache during initial data load when you will be moving more data in day than you can fit onto the cache.
  14. This is expected as the licence is tied to the GUID built into the hardware of the USB stick that was used to get the licence. This is what you need to do if using a different USB stick to get the licence transferred to that one (and black-listing the old one). You can do this once a year using the automated process - any need to do it sooner requires you to contact Limetech.
  15. According the the syslog snippet you ported no .key file is being found Are you sure you posted the .key file corresponding to your basic licence into the config folder on the flash drive?
  16. The config files are stored in templates on the flash drive. You can re-install containers with their settings intact by using the Previous Apps section of the Apps tab
  17. Do you have the Unraid licence key file for the old server? If so putting it into the ‘config’ folder on a new USB stick will take you through the automated licence transfer process. If not then you are going to have to get Limetech involved to locate your original licence.
  18. I would not think so. The Unraid files are provided as zip of the individual files to be put onto the USB whereas I think etcher requires an image. Not sure why you want to use etcher anyway?
  19. You can use the Previous Apps section of the Apps tab to re-install containers with their settings intact.
  20. The wiki is saying that is inbound connections to the server that you want to use a VPN for security. Unsecured inbound connections allow remote bad actors to get at your server in your case plex and the VM should only be making outbound connections so not the same security concerns.
  21. What will not have been checked is that the disk being rebuilt can be read back without error. All you will know is that no write errors were encountered. You therefore might still want to carry out a (non-correcting) parity check as a confidence test.
  22. Assuming you are using the automated replacement procedure it should only take seconds. You might want to check your email spam folder. it IS a manual process if you have exceeded the 1 automated transfer per year and have had to revert to contacting Limetech support via email. However even then they are normally quite prompt about replying.
  23. I think the problem assuming you got the larger disk into the Array using a rebuild will be that the rebuilt disk will have the same GUID as the old one. This normally show up in the log for the drive. You can change the GUID of the old disk using Settings,-> Unassigned Devices.
  24. Yes. If you accidentally delete one for a share you still have it just means that a new .cfg file will later automatically be created for the share and it will have reverted to the default settings.
  25. This sounds like a motherboard issue rather than an Unraid one Have you tried checking for a more recent BIOS or on the MSI forums? Could it be the CMOS battery?
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