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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. If you put the wrong disk in as parity then rebuilding parity would have overwritten every sector on the drive not leaving anything to be recovered. The New Config tool always has the risk of a mistake in its use leading to data loss. You could have reduced the chance of making a mistake of the sort you seemed to have made if when using New Config you had started with the option to keep all current assignments and then made the minimal changes required to get to the end position you wanted as that avoids having to re-enter serial numbers unnecessarily (with potentially disastrous consequences).
  2. Those error messages show failures reading the flash drive. Maybe the flash drive is starting to fail.
  3. Booting in Safe Mode stops all plugins from being started. An alternative approach is to rename the .plg files in the config folder on the flash drive to have a different extension and reboot which will also stop those plugins from being started.
  4. The presence of the FSCK type files indicates you have had corruption and the contents must be treated with an element of suspicion. The fact it seems to drop offline on starting the array would lend some credence to that. If the /boot folder is ever empty then you can expect Unraid to start misbehaving as all configuration information is kept under /boot/config. As was mentioned the system diagnostics zip file would be required to give any meaningful feedback on the cause. I would suggest that you make a backup of the flash drive (in particular the config folder and all its contents) with the aim of recreating it as a fresh install and then copying the config folder back to get all current settings restored.
  5. That rounds like a problem with the flash drive (as that is what is mounted at /boot). It may have dropped offline, been corrupted, or something like that. We would need the system diagnostics zip file to be able to confirm that. I would suggest putting the flash drive into a PC/Mac and running a check on its contents.
  6. At the moment if you have a Minimum Free Setting on both a share and the on the cache drive, then the larger of the two values gets used to decide if the cache drive can be used for the file. I think what is being requested is that the value for Minimum Free Space on the User Share should be ignored when deciding if the cache drive can be allowed to hold the file and only the one set for the cache should be used.
  7. The License key IS matched to the flash drive GUID. If you transfer the config to a new one then you will need to follow the procedure for transferring the license to the new drive (which also blacklist the old one).
  8. Not sure why you think nobody ever talks about this! It is a actually recommended that you do this any time you make a significant configuration change. You can do this either by clicking on the flash drive on the Main tab or by using something like the CA backup plugin.
  9. I have no trouble using NVENC/NVDEC using a 1050 with Folding@Home
  10. I did trial using 2 x 4TB as an alternative to a 8TB parity drive. What I found was that the 2 x 4TB ended up having slightly less space than a genuine 8TB drive so it still did not let me use 8TB data drives.
  11. The parity will show as invalid until you have successfully built parity. It sounds as if you did not leave it long enough to complete.
  12. Is that check the one set under Settings >> Notifications?
  13. If you are talking about the scheduled Parity Check then it is set under Settings >> Scheduler.
  14. this implies that the relevant mapping has not been set up quite right. f you give more details on exactly what is set up we might be able to spot the problem.
  15. No idea then - it shows for me with the docker service disabled. It does not even require advanced view to be enabled. Perhaps you need to provide a screenshot of what you are seeing. The normal way to handle this would be to map the location for saving the recordings to a location external to the docker image - not store the recordings internally to the image.
  16. Have you disabled the Docker service? You will not be able to change the size of the docker.img file if it is running. I guess the other question is what makes you think you need to increase the size in the first place?
  17. I would suggest downloading the zip file for the release from the Unraid site and then extracting all the bz* type files over-writing the ones on the flash drive.
  18. If you click on the orange icon for the drive on the Dashboard then you will get a menu of which one option is to acknowledge the error. You then only get notified again if it changes.
  19. Parity is not aware of data! From a parity perspective a drive with no files still has information on it contributing to the parity calculations. It is only if a drive is all zeroes that this is not the case and a drive could be removed without affecting parity.
  20. The only time Parity Swap is recommended is when you have a failed drive and want to simultaneously upgrade the parity drive to a larger size and re-use the old parity drive as the replacement for the failed drive.
  21. CRC errors indicate connection issues and are only rarely caused by the drive. The commonest cause is the SATA/Power cabling to the drive. Also that count never resets so as long as it remains stable you do not have an issue
  22. Both those settings tell Mover to do nothing and leave files where they are. Mover only takes action for settings of Yes and Prefer. It is worth reading the GUI built-in help for more detail on how the Use-Cache setting actually operates.
  23. That is possible if you have a server class motherboard with IPMI support built in (in data centres which are frequently remotely manage this is a high value capability). It is not likely to be possible with a typical desktop/gaming type motherboard.
  24. You might want to check the User Cache setting for that share? If it is set to Prefer you will get the behaviour you describe.
  25. Edit the title of the first post in the thread.
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