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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. If you read the GUI built-in help you will see that setting only applies to drives that are 2TB or less in size and all drives larger than that are partitioned using GPT.
  2. That is where the repair process puts any files it finds for which it cannot find the directory information (and thus its folder/filename). If the data is critical to you then you then you have to manually examine each such file to try and determine what it is (the Linux ‘files’ command can help here by at least giving you the likely file type). in practice it is normally easier to restore the files from your backups. This is also a reason why you might want to have file checksums for all your files so you can quickly identify which files might be different to the backups.
  3. Probably could do either if all the files are on the cache drive, but using the /mnt/user variant will also backup any files belonging to that share that might for some reason be on an array drive.
  4. No reason that this should not be possible (although hot sure why you would want to do this). Note however that you would still need to live within the 'attached devices' limit for the Unraid license you have so all disks managed by the VM would count.
  5. Where you have MON it should be a value in the range 1 to 12 for month of the year or * for all months.
  6. They are two different views of the same data! /mnt/cache/appdata is the view looking at it at the drive level. /mnt/user/appdata is the view looking at it via the User Share system.. This would include any (if there was any) data that was in the appdata folder on the array drives as well as the cache.
  7. I suspect that this may be related to the time in is taking Unraid to flush all the data from RAM to the disks (but I could be wrong ).
  8. At the moment Unraid does not include iSCSI support so I do not think this will work. However, I have no experience of such a system so could be wrong.
  9. The array limits for each of the licence levels are detailed in the notes underneath the headline price part. Not quite sure of what you mean about the hardware raid groups? As far as Unraid is concerned hardwire raid is invisible to it and all drives in a hardware raid group is presented as a single drive to Unraid This mean all recovery of individual drives within such a group has to be handled by the hardware raid. It also means you have to have a parity drive/group that is at least as large as the largest hardware raid group. If you mean that you are going to break the groups down to individual drives then the limits for drives apply.
  10. 1). You can install the cache drive immediately. It is up to you whether individual shares are set to use the cache - probably best not to for initial load. 2). Unraid never moves files between array drives automatically. Any such process is always manual.
  11. It depends on whether you are talking about ‘attached’ devices or ‘array’ devices? The Pro licence has a limit of 30 for ‘array’ devices but no limit on ‘attached’ devices. This is all specified on the Unraid Pricing page.
  12. It appears that the docker image is empty! Did you delete it at any point? maybe you need to use Apps->Previous Apps to get them put back.
  13. The way to do this is to go into Edit mode on the docker and then switch to Advanced view (at top right) to see the options for pinning the container to running only on specific CPUs
  14. Why not simply limit the cores the docker is allowed to use?
  15. Many people simply make regular backups of the VM vdisk files to the array.
  16. When doing a rebuild one can always use a larger disk than the one being replaced (as long as the new disk is not larger than any parity drives). In fact this is the standard way to upsize drives in the array.
  17. I would say it is typically in the range of 2-3 hours per TB (depending on your exact hardware configuration) for a rebuild. You should expect the time to be similar to a parity check/sync for a disk of equivalent size as both of them involve reading or writing to every sector on the drive. any other array activity running at the same time will slow down the process noticeably.
  18. I am a bit confused I thought we were talking about an Unraid issue in which case Unraid is the installed OS.
  19. Are you referring to the GUI’s built-in help? If so this can be toggled on/off at the page level by clicking on the ‘?’ Symbol on the top right of the GUI menu bar. It is also typically accessible at the field level by clicking on the fields description.
  20. You are getting continual resets on the disk being rebuilt and also less frequently on disk7 which explains the slow speed. I would carefully check the cabling to these two drives as the most likely cause.
  21. you need to pass a path parameter to the ls command as otherwise it just lists those in the current directory (and there are non under /root.) If you are not used to the command line then you might be better of using the 'mc' command as that gives you a simple file browser.
  22. That is the expected output at that point as you are in the /root folder.
  23. The Unbalance plugin is probably what you want?
  24. If was a new licence then you should be able to replace it as the once a year automatic replacement limit kicks in after the first replacement. As was mentioned otherwise you need to contact Limetech.
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