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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Unraid licenses are currently lifetime licenses and remain valid regardless of the release you are running. A few questions: does the system work Ok if you boot in Safe Mode? If it does this suggests that you are running a plugin that is not compatible with the latest release. are you booting in GUI mode and trying to use the built-in browser? If accessing over the network what browser are you using to access the Unraid GUI? are you running an ad-blocker in your browser? If so you need to make sure the Unraid server is white-listed as many ad-blockers seem to interfere with the Unraid GUI. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics).
  2. Parity is real time so the parity drive will be accessed any time there is a write to any array drive. It will also be accessed for reading during parity checks or similar array operations. If you have a failed drive then all read accesses will also result in reads from the parity drive.
  3. The first thing you should do is attach your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) so we can see what is happening on your system.
  4. If you want I can create a post in the Programming sub-forum (or a wiki entry if that is deemed better) listing all the current events and their descriptions? This can then be updated if any new ones are introduced, or with any additional information that comes to light, or to clarify things as a result of user feedback. You could then add a link pointing to that in the built-in help for the plugin.
  5. No way to do quite what you ask for. What might help you is to install the Parity Check Tuning plugin so that the parity checks can be run in increments outside prime time. The elapsed time for the check then is longer, but the impact on end users is likely to be lower.
  6. The syslog shows continual resets, but as you say nothing obvious in the SMART data. I would suggest first thing is to check the cabling is OK.
  7. Adding a new drive to the array should never cause a parity check/sync (unless you are adding a new parity disk!). If the system recognises that the disk is pre-cleared when you add it as a new data disk Unraid will skip the phase of clearing that disk and add it immediately, and otherwise it will clear the drive. If the system wants to do a parity check/sync then it is due to something other than adding the new drive
  8. What was the state of the emulated disk after running the repair? Whatever was on the emulated disk at that point is what you will end up w9th after doing a rebuild onto the physical drive.
  9. That is saying you need to run the repair without the -n (no modify) flag and with the -L flag added. That is quite normal despite the ominous sounding warning.
  10. I was wongering if there is any chance of getting some more standard scheduling options added to correspond to Unraid events such as 'starting' , 'stopping' and 'stopped'. I was was thinking that this would allow me do via User Scripts commands that I currently do via the 'go' and 'stop' files. Some of the other event types might also be worth considering if you think this is feasible but the ones I mentioned are of interest to me at the moment.
  11. Yes, this is exactly what the NerdPack does. It is normally better to store such files on the USB stick. Storing them on the array means they will not be available until after the array is started. In terms of copying the file into its runtime position you can either add appropriate commands to the config/go file on the USB stick, or do it via the User Scripts plugin.
  12. I thought that was a tool that you installed on AWS servers so would not make any sense on Unraid?
  13. I have not checked but from your comments I assume you had dual parity which means 2 disabled drives can be rebuilt. As one of the failed disk is a parity disk, then the parity on it will need to be rebuilt when you re-enable the drive, but this can happen in parallel to rebuilding the disabled data drive.
  14. The vast majority of the time when a drive gets disabled it is caused by an external factor (e.g. cabling) but we would need the diagnostics zip File to. determine if this is likely to be the case here.
  15. If this is a new array, then this would be expected as at this point the drives have not been formatted by Unraid. There should be an option to format all unmountable drives. Note that the format operation will erase any existing content on the drives. if the drives have already been formatted by Unraid then you have some other problem and you should attache your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your next post.
  16. A small amount of space is used when you format a drive to create the structures for an empty file system. The values you highlighted look typical for that.
  17. When you click on those options it just sends the appropriate signal to the OS running in the VM. It is up to that OS to act on the signal. As was mentioned in this case maybe Windows is stuck? Having said that I have often thought that there should also be a ‘Reset’ option as well that is effectively a Force Stop followed by a ‘Start’ so it works regardless of the OS state in the VM and is like pushing the physical Reset button on a real PC.
  18. There is nothing set up wrong. When you enable disk drives you are setting up shares that correspond to physical drives, while the User Share System is a different view of your data that spans physical drives with the share name corresponding to a top level folder on the physical drives. For a share that has Use Cache=Yes, the file will first be written to cache (and thus visible under the ‘cache’ share in a folder corresponding to a User `share name) and will later be moved from cache to array and thus disappear from the ‘cache’ share. At that point it will be visible on one of the ‘diskX’ type physical drives. Throughout it will also be visible under the Media’ share which spans all the physical drives. the reason the post will have mentioned the procedure it does will be to allow you to bypass the User Share system and write directly to a physical drive. That way you by-pass the overheads of the User Share System and are going as fast as the cache drive (which is not part of the parity protected array) will allow.
  19. Not sure why you are having the problem you describe, but you can always use the older Manual method for creating the USB dtive instead of using the USB Crestor tool.
  20. No. If you want the data for such shares to also be on the array you need to set up appropriate backup jobs (e.g. the CA Backup plugin).
  21. The preclear normally starts at the outer (fastest) tracks and gradually slows down as it moves towards the inner (slower) tracks assuming the connection to the server is fast enough. Are you sure the enclosures are USB3?
  22. Well 20MBps is 200mbps so you are getting nearly 50% of the maximum theoretical throughput of USB2. When you add in the overheads of the USB stack I doubt you are going to get much more than you are getting unless you can get a USB3 connection working.
  23. Yes, WireGuard is the new built-in VPN service available on the 6.8.x releases that does not require the array to be started for it to be active.
  24. You might want to try using the server’s IP address instead of it’s name in case your issue is related to name resolution.
  25. You can pick up PC Power supply testers quite cheaply on Amazon. Not sure if they test what happens under load but they do check that all the voltages on the different connectors (e.g. motherboard, molex. SATA etc) are correct.
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