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Posts posted by Elmojo

  1. 3 minutes ago, JLKunka said:

    I downgraded my server to UNRAID 6.11.5 to see if it would fix the issue. It did.


    Thanks so much for this confirmation!
    I was on the fence about upgrading to 6.12, but this made up my mind to wait a bit longer. 

    I just can't risk breaking compatibility with certain key containers I rely on, such as this one!

  2. 11 minutes ago, ramair02 said:

    Can anyone help edit @petchav's script to work with VM names that include spaces?

    I don't know what that script is you are referring to, but all my VMs have spaces in the name, and just using this plugin, they back up just fine if I run them manually.  I've been having trouble with them failing to run on the schedule for a while now, but I think that's a separate issue. 


    EDIT:  Oh, the restoration script!  I had forgotten all about that!  Hmm, that never got fixed?

  3. On 6/17/2023 at 6:50 AM, SimonF said:

    It has been available for most of the 6.12rc series

    I guess that's cool, but I don't install RCs or Betas, only full stable versions, so I didn't know anything about that. 

    Thanks for the update.
    I hope they release a full version of unraid before too long, so that this feature will finally be part of our lives!  I look forward to my home dashboard not being a hot mess. lol

  4. That's good to know, thanks!

    However, this thread isn't really about the number of columns showing, but rather the wish to have the ability to move individual "modules" from one column to the other.

    Someone said maybe it was coming in a future release, but I'm not sure quite what they meant, and so far I haven't seen it in my version.

    Thanks for sharing your tips, though.  I'm sure it'll help someone who was stuck at 2 columns! :)

  5. On 3/26/2023 at 10:18 PM, Elmojo said:

    Doesn't seem to be. 

    ZT had been stable the past couple weeks.  Maybe it was just a glitch?  I'll keep an eye on it. 

    So here we go again. 

    I was unable to access ZT this morning, so I went to check the dockers, and sure enough, ZT has turned itself off again.

    I pulled up the logs, and the only thing I see that's suspect is several lines similar to this: 
    "WARNING: unable to write to file: /var/lib/zerotier-one/peers.d/7f7e78d63e.peer (unable to open)"

    followed by about 10-15 lines of "200 join ok"

    Any of this help anyone?


  6. @ghost82 Oh man, thanks so much for that super detailed response!  I'll be honest, my eyes crossed about halfway through, but I'm gonna go back and try to follow it all step by step as soon as I get a little time to focus.  I have a crazy week ahead, but as soon as I get a some free time I'll see if any of those steps you outlined make any difference.  As you noted, quite a bit of it looks like things I've already tried, but some of it was new, so maybe that will be the ticket.   I think the vBIOS might be the sticking point.  As I noted in the OP, I was unable to dump mine by any of the methods available to me, so that might be roadblocking me right there, who knows?

    Thanks again for taking the time to put all that together.  I'll do my best to make good use of it, and will report back as soon as I have a chance to try it out!

    • Like 1
  7. Ok, awesome!  I'm trying that now.... Bummer, no-go. :(


    I created a brand new VM with the following specs:

    4 logical CPUs

    4GB RAM

    Machine: Q35-7.1


    Hyper-V: Yes

    USB: 2.0 (EHCI)

    Graphics: Virtual (VNC)

    Graphics2: GT710 GPU (no BIOS file)

    Sound: GK208 HDMI (on GPU)


    All of this was selected in the GUI.

    I fired up the VM, installed Windows, and once I got to the desktop, opened Device Manager.

    It shows only the "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter".  There's no mention of the nVidia GPU at all, just like before.

    The dummy plug and the physical monitor are still connected to the GPU.

    I'm stumped.


  8. 5 hours ago, SimonF said:

    Do you have both a VNC and physical GPU configured? You need both to boot so you can load drivers

    Okaay...  I'm not sure how I'd do that.  I've never seen that mentioned in any of the tutorials or videos about passthrough, and I only have the option to select VNC or physical GPU when creating a VM.  Do you have any info about how to proceed?  This may be the whole issue...

  9. Any further thoughts on this?

    I'd really like to get this working if possible.  I've tried all as noted above, but I'm kinda stuck...

    Any assistance appreciated.  If I've failed to try something that's been suggested, please point it out and I'll get right on it! :)

  10. So my next option I guess is to start a new VM from scratch (I was reusing the disk images on that last one), but I'm still not sure how I'll connect to it after creation, if I'm passing through the video from the GPU, assuming it even works.  Do I need to use virtual hardware at first, then switch it over to the physical GPU after things are set up?  That strikes me as being the same boat I'm in now, and not really testing any new conditions.  I'm sure I'm missing something....

  11. I feel stupid.  I've created a new VM, using SeaBIOS.  I attached the GPU and started it, but now I have no way to connect to the VM to view it, as I don't know the IP or credentials for RDP, and there is no option for VNC obviously.  How do I connect to this machine? 🤨


    EDIT: So I edited the VM to remove the GPU temporarily and switched back to the virtual VNC driver, so I could get the IP and such.  When I start it, I get "Booting from Hard Disk....    No bootable device."

    It seems that it doesn't like that BIOS switch. :/

  12. So I tried something....

    I attached the GPU to a different VM entirely, a Win11 machine.  I used your suggested method above, of only selecting it via the GUI.

    It's still not recognized at all via Device manager in the Win11 machine.

    This is making me wonder if perhaps the card itself might be faulty?  It was sitting in my box of PCIe cards, so it's possible that it's just no good.  I'll try a different card in the next day or so and report back.  It would be silly if this whole thing was faulty hardware! 🙄

    The other thing is that I can't dump the vBOIS using the user script from SIO.  I get an error, even after stubbing.  This kinda leads me to believe that hardware failure might be the culprit indeed....

  13. 44 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    I would remove the XML lines for the gpu and just trying adding GPU back in + sound card via the GUI and dont add the Multifunction and see if that works.

    I believe I did that once before, but it can't hurt to try again, thanks.  Standby... :)

  14. 53 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    ust looking at the XML, you have set multifunction on the first part, but you have not changed the second part to be the same bus you have 05 not 04. so that needs to be updated or remove multifunction-='on'

    Thanks!  Not sure how I missed that. 🤦‍♂️

    Unfortunately, that made no difference.  It's still not showing either the GPU or sound in Device Manager. :/


    EDIT: I also plugged in an HDMI dummy plug that just came in the mail to see if that helped, but no change.  I had previously had it connected to a physical monitor.  Neither made any difference.

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