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  1. Just here to say a big "Thank you" ! This plugin is really really good. Clean UI, working well once you understand the "Appdata source(s)" setting, nice logging/debugging available to troubleshoot the backup process (had some issue with internal/external folder at the beginning, the log help me to understand the logic and fix my mistake), native app folder detection, native app update, good thinking to add VM & flash backup on top of the classic app backup. With this app, i can now retire at least 2 others plugins and some user-scripts who save the flash and VM settings ! Really good job ! Minor remark regarding the ab.debug.log: You could put a little warning to the user asking him to review & clean sensitive data before uploading it here. Especially the docker app "cmd" parameters as it can contain username/password or other personal data (in my case: the ssl certificate domain, who is my real name)
  2. Had the same issue discovered today, plug-in was up-to-date. unraid-api restart solve it This command should be integrated as 'action button' in the UI no?
  3. I had exactly the same problem after migrating my VMs from one cache pool to a new config & pools. Only home-assistant VM did not like that and couldn't start. Recreating the VM with the same parameters and vdisk worked for me too. Thanks @Mat W !
  4. Well it's mainly because i saw some strange behavior with the parity start date ("09AM" instead of the expected "02AM") this morning. But with a global progress % much more advanced for something who have allegedly started 10min ago... The log also had new lines never seen before like "tower kernel: md: recovery thread: check P ..." Then i remember installing this plugin week ago, wanted to look at its configuration and tadaaam Anyway, thank for the quick answer and the plugin!
  5. Hello, I have a parity check running for the first time since I've installed this plugin and i got this error message when I'm going to the plugin Tools 'Parity Problems Assistant' page <unraid_server>/Tools/Parity.check.problems Can't get more information for now, nothing visible in the classic unraid log. The parity seems to run properly. My plugin version is 2022.02.18 and Unraid is 6.9.2