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Everything posted by danioj

  1. What do you think everyone, is this an issue worthy of reporting formally?
  2. Hi. Sounds like you're almost there. Firstly Yes I am talking about the Web GUI and not some other interface. The only interface other than that I know of anyway is the iPhone app (which is nice by the way) but you can't do this level of config via the app. Anyway .... In the far top right hand corner will be the name of the admin user id you logged in as with an arrow next to it. You need to click this arrow to show the menu as show in the attached. Then Click "Admin" on this menu (highlighted in the image attached). You will then be taken to a settings screen where one of the options on the left hand menu (or indeed if you just scroll down the page) is External Storage. See 2nd attached image (I have on this one also tried to highlight the areas I am talking about with red lines). And you can follow my guide as I posted.
  3. Thats looking quite ok to me. Whats the actual error you're getting? I need more.
  4. Files have to be added to ownCloud through the gui. ownCloud keeps a database of the files added and deleted. You can't just point to a folder and expect ownCloud to incorporate those in the database. If I understand the issue correctly you CAN access exisiting folders ..... I access my entire Array full of exisiting files through ownCloud by just adding the relevant folder as "External Storage" under the admin user section. This assumes your unRAID share you want to appear and be available in ownCloud has SMB protocol enabled and you have an ownCloud user already setup to allocate access to this to: 1. Login as Admin. 2. On the user menu (top left hand corner) drop down the menu and click "Admin" 3. On the 3rd section down "external storage" give the folder a name (e.g. nas) and under the drop down menu select "SMB / CIFS". 4. After the new line appears fill in the appropriate details as requested (e.g. Host = just the dns name of your box, Userid and Password = self explanatory if you have security enabled, Share = share name in unRAID, Remote Subfolder = blank, Available For = name of the user (yourself I guess) that you setup who you want to have access to this unRAID share). Boom Done. You'll get a green dot next to the Folder Name when it is setup correctly. This is the little test ownCloud does to ensure it can access the "External Storage". It is also worth noting that while it is technically external given that you are accessing it over a "share" given everything is on the same box the speed is lightening as it is local really. Now log out of admin. Log into the user you have just given access to and now you can see your share as if it was another folder and you can interact with your files at will. Please note - be careful when doing this - especially if you share the root of your array. You are technically opening up your entire array to outside access (if enabled) and if someone gets access to your user id and or password and or a vulnerability becomes exploited in ownCloud which allows someone else to maliciously log on then someone can access all your data and do with it as they see fit.
  5. To add something to this old (sort of - ~4 weeks ) thread but I have this msg now too. kernel:unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 1 This happened shortly after I clicked "Update Applications" under the Community Applications Tab. While the web page was locked while the update happened the console started receiving the above msg. I decided to end the browser session (as it was taking too long anyway) that was running the update and the msg stopped. I have had no other instance of this msg. I am running 6.1.6.
  6. I absolutely agree. However I thought that in some way In-App updates were supported for this docker given the instructions to update on the first post. In any case, I do not rely on this app that much and can wait until the container is updated before I use again. I don't like how perhaps now there may be some files cross versions running.
  7. Was this confirmed as an issue? I upgraded to 8.2.1 and don't have this problem. Are you local instance (to the docker) of SQL or networked? Right, after some debugging I am having what appears to be the issue described by smdion above. I upgraded the docker to 8.2.1 fine. No drama. Then I restarted the docker. Bang, I am back to 8.1 (Or the manual in Help says I am). In addition I am getting prompted to "upgrade to 8.2.1" within the OwnCloud GUI. Is it really what smdion suggests above with respect to the persist on version.php? For reference (given smdion's question to dlandon above) I use a docker of MariaDB for ownCloud but I access it as if it is a networked instance (e.g. by using IP address and Port). I have removed the app from remote access for now as not sure what this does to securities etc etc Has anyone else come across this and fixed it?
  8. Since you did a mock-up, I figured that I would do the same for how I would envision CA being integrated. No more plugins / Docker tabs at all. A single tab called Apps. Within that only the Docker Containers and Installed Plugins. No need to have Docker Repositories anymore at all, and the Install Plugin section is now also redundant (although cmd-line would still be available) I think its a cleaner display, and since CA is working towards a more unified UI between the two delivery methods, it only makes sense. That looks VERY nice!
  9. For those that are reading - I would like you to know that is NOT my experience. I tested finless as has been suggested (both with a skirt and without) and the temps without fans under high I/O load were out of control. Without fans there is just no airflow in the case at all least of all over the drives. With the stock fans (as mine are now - I used the aftermarket fans I bought for another rig) are what my tests are based on (with skirt). No issue at all. I say this also as I am sat here on my couch on a 41'C ambient temp day in Melbourne AUS at my desk in shorts and no aircon (the aircon is blasting the living room right now so I can cool down later) and I am writing to the array a big multi hour job (50% through) and the drives (with fans running) are sitting at 36'C to 37'C. I do not in any way mean to suggest the previous poster has not experienced high temperatures but to suggest temperatures are higher in this case without fans over the fans that come with the case has not been my experience nor the experience of others I have spoken to on this forum with this case.
  10. Nice build. Looks awfully familiar though!
  11. I like your approach too. From what I'm reading of linuxserver.io they are indeed a great group of people. Thanks for your continued contributions though. Hope you don't disappear!!
  12. No problemo. As an update I've had no issues whatsoever with the drives. I have been away working most of this year (came back but then got sent away again) but am back for holidays and foreseeable future now. But the point is they have been operating 24x7 in my study humming away perfectly. I am at 98% capacity on my Main Server again so will be adding more this week. Will buy without hesitation.
  13. I have to say (and it deserves the format of the line below) .... I F*****g LOVE this Plugin!!! Thank you! Excellent work!!!
  14. I've been watching (and using) his work on Unassigned Devices (UD) Plugin so know he has been busy. He recently informed the Community that he was working on "Simplifying Docker" ATM too which meant slowing down his development of the UD plugin. In short, I don't think he will get to this for a while. However if history is any indication, it will happen.
  15. +1 for no issues with Terracopy either. I use it ALL the time with Verify Copy enabled. Have thrown TB's of data around, never an issue. EDIT: I tell a lie. The v3.0 Alpha is a buggy thing. Crashes all the time. All my positive comments relate to the Stable versions.
  16. Another Project - anything interesting? Simplify Docker . Woah, you like to tackle the "little things" don't you! I'll watch with interest, you do some great work man!
  17. I'd be interested in this too. The GUI "not responding" plagues users in various situations and has done across multiple versions of unRAID. I got around this in the past by installing the unMENU. When the GUI went down - which unfortunately is often - I was still able to pull a syslog and see what was going on! I was trying to stay away from the command line and use unRAID the way it was intended but I have resigned myself to the fact that using the command line with unRAID is pretty much compulsory *shrugs*. Not sure if unMENU works with v6 - as like I said, I just use the command line now. Anyway - to help you - I find that finding the process that is "hanging" the GUI is the best method to solving these issues. Find it and decide. Kill it or wait for it to complete. Usually (if you're patient) the process will finish and the GUI will become responsive again. But if you're not patient. telnet into your system ps -ef This will bring back a list of processes running. Usually you can observe the last running processes and one of these is usually the one that is hanging the GUI. I find it is often easy to figure out which one it is. For example the last few times for me has been "Unassigned Devices" doing a mount or unmount which has hung things. Kill that process and boom, GUI is back and responsive again. I have also killed docker or kvm in the past too if I felt it was one of those the culprit. If you're brave, decide which process you think is hanging the gui and use kill <process_id> to kill it. I do find however that just waiting and going to grab a cuppa and coming back later is often the best method. I only use the above as a last resort or if I am in a hurry. Usually things work out and the GUI comes back if you just let things play out.
  18. I got ask what the is the third one that wifey uses? I'd like the code if that's cool!
  19. The way I did it was to add it as a cache drive. Format as XFS. Remove it to unassigned and then mount via Unassigned Devices.
  20. I have noticed that this plugin doesn't do "great" with samba shares where the network is flaky or connection is poor. I mount cross shares between my two servers. In that, I mount flash, app and share of Main Server on Backup Server and VISA VERSA. When trying to shutdown one server there is some ... lag ... while it tries to unmount. Be patient and the plugin does its job. Yes the GUI does hang, but as long as your patient then things work out. If you're not patient then you can turn off your switch which your servers are connected to (assuming of course you have a dedicated switch) then things move quicker!
  21. I used CHBMB's help as documented above and it works great! While I am on it - @CHBMB - have you noticed that OwnCloud has stopped "Recommending" their mail application? When I updated I noticed that it had been removed (which of course is probably because it was "saved" to the docker file system itself and was not persisted BUT when I went to add it again I noticed it had stopped being recommended. Certainly doesn't seem like they have developed it for some time.
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