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Everything posted by nanohits

  1. I have the same issue. I have my parity check set to last day of the month. Today I upgraded to 6.12.3 and rebooted after the update and woke up this morning to find out that parity check had started.
  2. nanohits

    Mastodon Setup

    Thanks. Great stuff. I will give it a try and let you know if I get stuck somewhere.
  3. So single parity of 1 X 14TB drive. Current setup is I have 8 drives, 6 of them are 14TB and 2 of them are 4 TB. One of the drives which is 14TB is a parity drive. The rest are part of the array as data. Now I started seeing some errors in one of the 4TB drive and I decided to replace these 2 4TB drives with 14TB. So what I want to do is replace those 2 drives and add them to the array.
  4. Fair enough. So what should I do in this case. Just remive the 2 X old 4TB drives and stick in the new 2 X 14TB drives and add them to array?
  5. I have always done this. This is what I did when I first installed all the drives in Unraid. Pre clear then format and then add to the array and had no issues. I am not talking about formatting the drives I already have in Unraid.
  6. I have corrected it in light mode. This must be a bug in their forum software as I just added the post and hit the post button without making any changes to color.
  7. I have never colored or or used any different fonts. THis is how it looks for me: https://d.pr/i/TgdqYy I have edited it in non dark mode. Should be ok now?
  8. I am getting 2 new 14TB drives and will need to decommision 2 older 4TB that are starting to get errors from the parity and then install these new drives. What is the process to decommision them? do I just remove the old 4TB drives, install the new drives, pre clear and format them and start the array? My parity drive is already a 14TB drive.
  9. Hi guys, I am trying to run the Nextcloud AIO container and I am running on CGNAT and I have it successfully running on the CF Argo tunnel. However when i go to setup the app at the start where it asks for domain, it has an issue, how do I disable the domain check in the Unraid Nextcloud AIO container? Any ideas? Tks
  10. nanohits

    Mastodon Setup

    Same here ad havent found anything so far as a tutorial or a video.
  11. Will it show there is a new version on the dashboard. It isnt showing up yet. I guess it will take some time to show up there.
  12. I just. installed Filebrowser but there is an issue with folders. So if I am an admin and have a folder, and if I add a user they can see everything in my own folder. How do we prevent this from happening?
  13. I notice there is a new update for the Emby server. Will there be a new container update for this? Thanks
  14. So where is this file and how can I find this config file?
  15. Yeah I found out about that a bit too late. Oh well.
  16. Thank you, Running pre clear on some SATA's now so will reboot in about 2 days as Pre clear will take that much time. Will let you know.
  17. I got a new system and it has the Samsung 980 1TB NVMe installed. In UnRaid, I did a pre clear and then formatted the system to XFS and then it says success but then it goes back to NTFS. Here is a screenshot: https://d.pr/i/h9hm4O Any ideas? Tks cyclone-diagnostics-20221021-1632.zip
  18. That's great to know. I think for 1 user for Plex transcoding even in 4K, 14 cores is more than enough.
  19. Hi guys, Thinking of getting this server for my home which will run Plex mainly but other things like home automation, cameras etc. Intel E5-2660 V4 (14 cores) 128GB Memory DDR4 32TB SATA drives (8 X 4) 10Gb port 1TB USB SSD drive Thoughts?
  20. One more question. So at a later stage can I stick the Flash drive in another computer and as long as the drives are parity etc on the network, will this be ok or it has to be on the same computer that Unraid is run on?
  21. Thanks so much, Start button now appears, so later when I add more hard disks, I can parity them right? for now I can start experimenting with just disk1 then,. Cheers
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