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  1. Mainfrezzer's post in Lokale Subdomains für Docker Container was marked as the answer   
    Gehen die Anfragen vorher durch die Fritzbox oder wird das PiHole via DHCP an die Teilnehmer verteilt? Die Fritzbox funkt da nämlich zwischen
  2. Mainfrezzer's post in Incorrectly modified WebUI http port to 79 was marked as the answer   
    most likely not the reason for the problem. The problem is that port 79 is by default "banned" on firefox, chrome etc. You could remove the restriction of the browser by diging in their configs but youre probably way faster with modifying the ident.cfg. as mentioned above
  3. Mainfrezzer's post in Unraid stürzt bei parity sync ab was marked as the answer   
  4. Mainfrezzer's post in kernel panic bsod was marked as the answer   
  5. Mainfrezzer's post in Which color did I set wrong? was marked as the answer   
    "Header custom text color" should be the one

    "Header custom background color" does affect it aswell
  6. Mainfrezzer's post in Unraid server cannot connect to Docker containers with static IP's was marked as the answer   
    Docker container on a (macvlan/ipvlan)-bridge can reach each other.

    The security aspect is network isolation between any of the virtualized enviroments to the host system.

    Besides that, theres a checkbox to remove it.
  7. Mainfrezzer's post in Docker Compose Docker in ein bestehendes costom netzwerk bringen was marked as the answer   
    networks: default: name: eth0 external: true Wäre das mindeste, das in der yaml irgendwo stehen sollte, um, in diesem Fall, ins Heimnetzwerk zu kommen.

    eth0 wird halt einfach umbenannt zu dem Netzwerk welches gewollt ist.

  8. Mainfrezzer's post in Docker Keeps Dying was marked as the answer   
    First off all, update to 6.12.4 and apply changes according to the release notes https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/release-notes/6.12.4/#fix-for-macvlan-call-traces

    or dont use macvlan

    secondly, your pcie ssd is the culprit. The cause for it could be multiple things, but the outcome is the same, it drops offline.
  9. Mainfrezzer's post in (6.12.4) Issue with Fail2Ban (Swag) and Nextcloud was marked as the answer   
    Via the GUI you just simply edit the container and add a new path with container path as where its available inside the container and host path where it is on the host machine.

    indepth information about docker and bind mounts can be found here https://docs.docker.com/storage/bind-mounts/
  10. Mainfrezzer's post in Unraid got stuck creating new VM was marked as the answer   
    It amazes me how one can break stuff and be surprised all of the sudden. 

    Turn off the server, plug the unraid usb into a pc and edit the config files so that the vm service(domain.cfg) doesnt start anymore and any other files you edited before. who know what those are.

    maybe the syslinux config, any modprobes, etc etc.
  11. Mainfrezzer's post in File integrity report file corruption was marked as the answer   
    those are all nfo files, exclude them. its pointless to checksum them

    Those are my settings. 

  12. Mainfrezzer's post in Need help with my first Docker-Container created with a template was marked as the answer   
    In the file. the file content has to be flipped by hand. The client_login has to be ID-KEY

    The stupid file only gets created once but never edited. So its absolutely pointless to even set the enviroment variables in the first place


    I just noticed. Your text and image is confusing.

    But the screenshots shows the other way around

    12345-abCdeF123gHiJk456789 if thats what you currently have and the key is 12345, it would need to be flipped. Thats what confused me.

    Since i dont have an account, this is as far as i can get 

    with this file 

    i would say, thats enough on my part. no more errors. For any account related inquiries on a varity of website im no help^^

    Heres the template ive set up, in case somebody at some point is looking for that particular container aswell
  13. Mainfrezzer's post in [Request] Plex-MIA was marked as the answer   
    Once placed on the usb, you can install it via the "Apps" tab under "previous Apps" or on the docker page via "add container" and then via the drop-down of the templates 
  14. Mainfrezzer's post in Totally hosed, right? Flash failed, no backup was marked as the answer   
    if you have the backup on the array, its relatively simple.

    First, install the unassigned devices plugin.

    Then, on the main page, you should see all currently not assigned drives listed under "Unassigned Devices"

    The red square above will tell you which of the drives has a filesystem, so you can already pick out the drives that are actually data containing drives.

    Now you click the upper cogwheels of one drive, that has a filesystem

    once on the new page, you enable following setting

    then you press save in the bottom left and done afterwards.

    Back on the main page, you can mount the drive you just have set to read only. Once mounted, you can explore the disks content
    by clicking on the blue links here

    and look for the backup.

    If the backup is not on that particular disk, take the next disk and continue the steps for each drive until you found the backup. Download it and then you can restore it to your flashdrive.

    Edit: I forgot to mention. it probably needs the dynamix file manager aswell. So that would be needed to be installed aswell.
  15. Mainfrezzer's post in Jellyfin 8700k transcoding was marked as the answer   
    turn low-power mode off
  16. Mainfrezzer's post in Win11 VM, ohne Netzwerkbrückung keine SMB Freigaben vom Server was marked as the answer   
    Damit das funktioniert muss bei Docker Host Access enabled sein.

  17. Mainfrezzer's post in Unraid Server becomes unresponsive was marked as the answer   
  18. Mainfrezzer's post in Datei landet in falschem cache pool was marked as the answer   
    FUSE ist nen bisschen funky.

    Wenn man /user/ benutzen möchte dann müsste man statt "mv" "cp" nehmen und dann anschließen die original Dateien löschen.

    #!/bin/bash # Define the path to your BackupScript.sh on the host host_script_path="/mnt/user/misc/scripts/BackupMSSQLdatabases.sql" container_script_path="/home" # define backup locations host_backup_path="/mnt/user/appdata/mssql-production/backup" backup_share="/mnt/user/backup/backup-wawi" # Specify the name or ID of your MSSQL container container_name="MS-SQL-Server-Production" docker cp "$host_script_path" "$container_name":"$container_script_path" docker exec "$container_name" /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P xxxxx -i /home/BackupMSSQLdatabases.sql # move files to central backup share cp "$host_backup_path"/*.bak "$backup_share/" rm "$host_backup_path"/*.bak  
  19. Mainfrezzer's post in Problems with Windows Network discovery was marked as the answer   
    whats the output if you open the command prompt in windows and type in "nslookup homeserver"? (only the internal ips, if anything shows up)
  20. Mainfrezzer's post in Sucessful weblogon from a docker container was marked as the answer   
    That seems to be the normal modus operandi for the unraid-api docker, if its the same were talking about. It seems to scrape the webui and you do have to enter your credentials.
  21. Mainfrezzer's post in Unraid does not reach DNS server anymore was marked as the answer   
    Try adding or as dns in unraids networksettings and see if that fixes it.

    The Server under 5.X.XXX.112 doesnt seem to have a dns server running
  22. Mainfrezzer's post in VPN Speedtest through Docker (6.12.3) was marked as the answer   
    So, ive set it up on my end for visual guidance.




    What you need to enter into the binhex console
    iptables -A OUTPUT -s -d -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT && iptables -A INPUT -s -d -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
    Change the to whatever your network is. for example.

    Now you can access your Binhex Interface on UNRAID-IP:8181 and your chrome docker is UNRAID-IP:8080

    From the chrome docker you can just access the rest from the 172.17.0.X:PORT

    As mentioned before, if you go the privoxy route, which i highly recommend, it looks like this:

    You change in binhex the Key 8: (ENABLE_PRIVOXY) to "yes"

    you open your firefox, chrome, edge, whatever. Go to setting and search for "Proxy"

    You set the http proxy to your unraidip:8118

    now your browser gets routed through the vpn container and can access 172.17.0.X natively and you dont need to use the iptables command on every binhex-container start.
  23. Mainfrezzer's post in Kurioses Problem mit Unraid und Wireguard was marked as the answer   
    Die ganze Konfiguration war schon richtig. Das Problem ist der Speedport bzw Unraids implementierung von Wireguard. Das ausbleiben von "Ping" antworten, ich hab nicht genau geguckt welche spezifische icmp Abfrage da gestartet wird, macht Unraids Wireguardclient unnutzbar. Wundert mich dass das nicht schon vorher bemerkt wurde. Die ollen Telekomrouter sind ja doch sehr verbreitet. Aber ich denke mal dass die Leute die sowas hier aufsetzen ne Fritzbox haben und die hat, solange man nicht die Box manipuliert, keine möglichkeit ipv4 icmp anfragen zu blocken.

    Ich habs jetzt einfach so gelassen dass sich Server 2 zu Server 1 verbindet. Ist ja im Endeffekt egal und wahrscheinlich auch besser weil so Server 1 nicht warten muss dass die öffentliche IP von Server 2 geupdated wird.
  24. Mainfrezzer's post in Control container start order? was marked as the answer   
    The auto-start order is determined by the order the containers are listed on the docker page, from top to bottom. Pre 6.12 you can just drag and drop to change the order, Post 6.12 you need to hit the little lock icon on the right hand side of the menu bar before youre able to do so.
  25. Mainfrezzer's post in Create new bridge network, same as br0 for a new network was marked as the answer   
    your nic, which i assume is in this case eth1 should show up there and then youll have this option there

    that turns eth1 into br1

    this is how its looking for me right now
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