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LAST CALL on the Unraid Summer Sale! 😎 ⌛ ×


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Everything posted by MvL

  1. Hi Squid, I solved the problem! When searching I'll find out that some episodes did get imported. Episodes begin with A --> M was no problem, but episodes beginning with N --> Z did not get imported, and gave the message disk full. The problem was I only selected disk1, disk2, disk3 in the disk included checkbox. So I also selected disk4 and disk5 and problem solved!!!
  2. It's getting late, but I will do this tomorrow evening when I come home from work. If you have some to assist tomorrow then I will be grateful. Thank you for the fast reply's.
  3. Thank you for your help. I experimented a bit tonight. I installed sonarr on the same server as sabnzbd and I installed sonarr on the other server. When I installed sonarr on the same server as sabnzbd I mounted the tv series directory. When I installed sonarr on the other server I mounted the downloads directory. I used the unassigned drives plugin as suggested. Cool plugin btw. I did not set a remote path with Sonarr. With both options I receive the message below (see screenshot). Not sure how to solve this.
  4. Hi CHBMB, sorry for the late reply. The reason I've changed my setup. I have now 2 unRAID server so SABnzbd is running on a different server as Sonarr. Some screenshots below. So I think in this situation I must use the remote path in Sonarr, but I'm not sure how I have to set this...
  5. Hi CHBMB, Thank you for the reply. I already tried that, and I'm not sure why it isn't working. I changed it back to (see screenshot).
  6. Hi, I have some trouble with the mapping, and I'm not sure why.. I've made some screenshots to clarify.
  7. Is it possible in the future to make btrfs storage pool besides a unRAID storage pool?
  8. Oh I didn't know. Thank you for clarifying. I will checkout the dynamic autofan plugin!
  9. I was searching the forums to lower my fan speed of my case. It's a bit loud at the moment. I came across this plugin and it's look really interesting. I have a Supermicro X11SSM-F-O mobo. I installed the plugin only I can't enable fancontrol. root@Tower:/# ipmi-sensors ID | Name | Type | Reading | Units | Event 4 | CPU Temp | Temperature | 22.00 | C | 'OK' 71 | PCH Temp | Temperature | 25.00 | C | 'OK' 138 | System Temp | Temperature | 23.00 | C | 'OK' 205 | Peripheral Temp | Temperature | 27.00 | C | 'OK' 272 | VcpuVRM Temp | Temperature | 30.00 | C | 'OK' 339 | DIMMA1 Temp | Temperature | N/A | C | N/A 406 | DIMMA2 Temp | Temperature | 26.00 | C | 'OK' 473 | DIMMB1 Temp | Temperature | N/A | C | N/A 540 | DIMMB2 Temp | Temperature | 26.00 | C | 'OK' 607 | FAN1 | Fan | 1000.00 | RPM | 'OK' 674 | FAN2 | Fan | 2300.00 | RPM | 'OK' 741 | FAN3 | Fan | 2500.00 | RPM | 'OK' 808 | FAN4 | Fan | N/A | RPM | N/A 875 | FANA | Fan | 2600.00 | RPM | 'OK' 942 | 12V | Voltage | 12.32 | V | 'OK' 1009 | 5VCC | Voltage | 5.08 | V | 'OK' 1076 | 3.3VCC | Voltage | 3.40 | V | 'OK' 1143 | VBAT | Voltage | 3.08 | V | 'OK' 1210 | VCPU | Voltage | 0.74 | V | 'OK' 1277 | VDIMMAB | Voltage | 1.20 | V | 'OK' 1344 | 5VSB | Voltage | 5.00 | V | 'OK' 1411 | 3.3VSB | Voltage | 3.27 | V | 'OK' 1478 | VBMC 1.2V | Voltage | 1.22 | V | 'OK' 1545 | VPCH 1.0V | Voltage | 1.02 | V | 'OK' 1612 | Chassis Intru | Physical Security | N/A | N/A | 'General Chassis Intrusion' root@Tower:/# sensors acpitz-virtual-0 Adapter: Virtual device temp1: +27.8°C (crit = +119.0°C) temp2: +29.8°C (crit = +119.0°C) coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +23.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) Core 0: +22.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) Core 1: +22.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) Core 2: +23.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) Core 3: +22.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) root@Tower:/# /usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors --output-sensor-thresholds --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --ignore-not-available-sensors --non-abbreviated-units ID,Name,Type,State,Reading,Units,Lower NR,Lower C,Lower NC,Upper NC,Upper C,Upper NR,Event 4,CPU Temp,Temperature,Nominal,22.00,degrees C,0.00,0.00,0.00,95.00,100.00,100.00,'OK' 71,PCH Temp,Temperature,Nominal,25.00,degrees C,-11.00,-8.00,-5.00,90.00,95.00,100.00,'OK' 138,System Temp,Temperature,Nominal,23.00,degrees C,-9.00,-7.00,-5.00,80.00,85.00,90.00,'OK' 205,Peripheral Temp,Temperature,Nominal,27.00,degrees C,-13.00,-11.00,-9.00,76.00,81.00,86.00,'OK' 272,VcpuVRM Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,degrees C,-9.00,-7.00,-5.00,95.00,100.00,105.00,'OK' 406,DIMMA2 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,26.00,degrees C,1.00,2.00,4.00,80.00,85.00,90.00,'OK' 540,DIMMB2 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,26.00,degrees C,1.00,2.00,4.00,80.00,85.00,90.00,'OK' 607,FAN1,Fan,Nominal,1000.00,RPM,300.00,500.00,700.00,25300.00,25400.00,25500.00,'OK' 674,FAN2,Fan,Nominal,2300.00,RPM,300.00,500.00,700.00,25300.00,25400.00,25500.00,'OK' 741,FAN3,Fan,Nominal,2500.00,RPM,300.00,500.00,700.00,25300.00,25400.00,25500.00,'OK' 875,FANA,Fan,Nominal,2500.00,RPM,300.00,500.00,700.00,25300.00,25400.00,25500.00,'OK' 942,12V,Voltage,Nominal,12.32,Volts,10.14,10.27,10.78,12.96,13.28,13.41,'OK' 1009,5VCC,Voltage,Nominal,5.08,Volts,4.25,4.30,4.48,5.39,5.55,5.60,'OK' 1076,3.3VCC,Voltage,Nominal,3.40,Volts,2.79,2.82,2.96,3.55,3.66,3.69,'OK' 1143,VBAT,Voltage,Nominal,3.08,Volts,2.38,2.50,2.58,3.48,3.59,3.67,'OK' 1210,VCPU,Voltage,Nominal,0.74,Volts,0.08,0.08,0.08,1.52,1.52,1.52,'OK' 1277,VDIMMAB,Voltage,Nominal,1.21,Volts,0.95,0.97,1.05,1.34,1.43,1.44,'OK' 1344,5VSB,Voltage,Nominal,5.00,Volts,4.25,4.38,4.48,5.39,5.55,5.60,'OK' 1411,3.3VSB,Voltage,Nominal,3.27,Volts,2.79,2.89,2.96,3.55,3.66,3.69,'OK' 1478,VBMC 1.2V,Voltage,Nominal,1.22,Volts,1.02,1.05,1.09,1.34,1.37,1.40,'OK' 1545,VPCH 1.0V,Voltage,Nominal,1.02,Volts,0.87,0.89,0.92,1.04,1.05,1.07,'OK' 1612,Chassis Intru,Physical Security,Critical,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,'General Chassis Intrusion' Please some help.
  10. I request for a Autosub Docker container. It searches for subtiltles and is actively developed by BenV. https://github.com/BenjV/autosub-bootstrapbill
  11. This are my mappings now and Sonarr is importing the tv shows.
  12. Thanks for the heads up Bjonness406!!! Never thought about to checkout the main Docker page. It's solved now.
  13. Hi, I always have a lot of trouble to get those mappings right. I tried for hour now and it's not working... Some screenshots: Please some help...
  14. Hmmm, saw your link in your footer. Very interesting container! Going to test it
  15. I had the wrong tv series directory linked to Sonarr. I had linked via the unRAID --> share directory. That was of course wrong it had to be the tv directory. Thank you for your time!
  16. Hi, thanks for the explanation! Here my mapping:
  17. Thanks for the heads up. I checked before posting and double checked a minute ago. It's set to "no".
  18. I have issue with Sonarr. When the file is downloaded Sonarr imports the file. I download with SABnzbd on the cache drive. For some reason the downloaded file stays on the cache drive in the correct folder (/TV Series/Lost/Season1/s01e01). The cache drive is disabled for the TV Series directory. Any idea? P.S. I run 6.2 beta18
  19. Many, many thank you's for the fantastic plugin!
  20. I installed the system temp plugin but when I tick the detect button nothing happens. Any idea?
  21. Many, many thanks for your work bonienl!
  22. That was a bit confusing. That's why i asked about the cycles. Thanks Joe L. The four drives are now precleared. It took 25 - 30 hours to complete like you said.
  23. Did i understand correctly that the post-reads step does 20 cycles? Nice information in the wiki didn't know there was information about preclear. Some reading to do. Thank you!
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